Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday March 19, 2020, and Pretty Spring flowers

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds
 are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3  NIV

Happy Spring Sweet Friends,

Wow, it has been quite an interesting
week, hasn't it??  I totally forgot today
was the first day of Spring until late
 this afternoon, just too much else
 going on.  lol

Hope you and your family are soldiering
 through it safely. Was happy to see in
the News today that President Trump
said they are in the process of testing a
 medication that has been on the market
for 70 years, that they use for Malaria,
but seems to be effective on the Corona
virus as well.....and if so, hopefully they
will be able to dispense it soon.  I feel
that is an answer to all the prayers that
went up on Sunday (and everyday in
many households).
It has been a very uncertain time for
everyone and that is when it is a good
time to trust God with our future, 
cause HE knows the beginning from
the end.  God's word says our days
are numbered, and when our number
is up it will be our time to depart
this world.....and I truly believe we
are not going anywhere one minute
before the Lord means for us to.....
the only thing is we don't have any
idea when or how that will be, so
makes sense for us to make sure
we know Jesus, since our eternal
destination depends on our faith in
Him and what HE did on the cross
 for all of us over 2,000 years ago,
As John 3:16 says.....
For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall 
not perish but have eternal life.

Was gonna post some other pics today,
 but decided some Spring flowers might 
be more beautiful and uplifting, cause
 who doesn't like pretty flowers.
So Flowers for You.....hope YOU
enjoy them.........

#1 and 2
Thankful we got most of our bushes
pulled up, and it was easier than
we thought it would be.  
Thankful that we got the outside
windows washed as well.....did
both last Friday.

Thankful that our Contractor 
actually finished our shed on 
Did you hear us singing the 
Halleleujah chorus???  lol

Thankful that I think we have
figured out the new bushes to
put in,  if we can find them now.
They are called  "Green Island
Ficus", or if we can get out to
get them at some point.

Thankful that our church now
has live streaming so we could
still participate in worship ser-
vices at our church, since they
called off all services until 
further notice.  Felt so wierd
not to be able to go to church,
but we watched a number of
Pastors and it was a good day
just different.  We kept for-
getting it was Sunday cause
it seemed like Saturday or

Thankful that we got to have
Brooklyn with us all day on
Monday, since she is out of
school due to the Coronavirus.
We had a good time with her
as always.

#7 and 8
Thankful that we were able
to get out on Monday afternoon
and get stuff from the grocery
store we needed.  We went about
 2:30, so there were not many
 people in the store at that time, 
and we were able to get every-
thing we needed.
Also, Thankful for what a good
 helper lil darling was as we were
 shopping.  She would get things
 we pointed out and put them in the
 cart for us and twist the bags with
 the veggies,  so cute!!
This was our first time doing
shopping with her.  It was quite
a fun time actually.

Thankful hubby was able to 
help a guy friend with his Math.
He seems to be coming a Math
tutor these days.  lol

Thankful that God is in control
of our world as it seems to get
a bit crazier by the day.

Thankful to hear this morning
(Thursday), that there is a medicine
they use for Malaria that might be
able to be used for this Corona virus.
Most likely an answer to all those 
prayers that went up on Sunday.
Also it is a generic drug which
makes it cheap!

Thankful for the realization and
amazement that God has allowed
us to be so prepared for such a
time as this.  Imagine for a moment
what if this had shown up 15 yrs.
ago.....there would not be people
able to have groceries or food
delivered, or talk to a Dr. online,
or order things online, or work
from home.  My daughter was
gonna cancell her Vet appt. for her
 Dog,  and they said not to worry 
they were even doing that curb-
side too, you drive up and they take
 your dog in, and you wait in the car 
for 15 mins., then the Dr. calls you
 and tells you what they did, and 
gives you to the receptionist so that 
you can pay your bill, then they bring
 you your pet and away you go.
Who could ever imagined any of
We are an incredibly resourceful
nation, and it seems this common
enemy might just be pulling us
 together again. I think the Corona
 virus just might turn out to be God's 
Gift, in a strangely wrapped package!!
Nothing bad ever seems to look good
in the beginning, but God has a way
 of making it good in the end, if we
 are looking for it.

So don't forget to enjoy this extra
time you have with your family and
 time to rest from all the chaos 
for while.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Have a safe time of contemplation,
 rest, family time and hopefully
some fun............

Thanks for coming by....

Love, Hugs and
Spring Blessings,


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The Dedicated House


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Love seeing all your pretty flowers. It does help to see bits of Spring during these tough times. We are living in scary times and we have to hold onto our faith that God will see us through these tough days ahead. Keep safe sweet friend.

  2. Beautiful flowers to inspire us today! That's wonderful that the vet is offering curbside service. Visiting from Friday Features.

  3. #1 & #2. Spring cleaning outside and in, ha!
    #3. Yes I "heard" you singing, ha! I was singing too for answers to prayer for it ALL to be finished!
    #4. It will be beautiful when you can get them planted!
    #5. The service was wonderful and I'm now waiting to watch it again in about 30 minutes!
    #6. I pray she is all healed now from her "bumps."
    #7 & #8. Yes! I also got some done to last me 2-3 weeks! There were not many when I went either. The week before you'd think a hurricane was coming with the people and their stockpiled carts!
    #9. That's great others can be helped with his "genius" Ha!
    #10. Yes, I praise our Almighty GOD for His Salvation, Love, grace, and mercy!
    #11. The LORD's blessings come to those who wait upon Him.
    #12. I praise our GOD for the love and assistance in guiding the businesses during this time of great need for protection against close contact. I pray He leads all Americans to pull together. I'm praying also that this "plague" will lead millions around the world to come to His salvation. Amen.
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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