Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mother's Day is Coming

Happy Tuesday 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well,
and in anticipation of getting off
lock down or maybe you might be 
off already. We are hearing that 
we might be off on April 30th,
course, even so, not sure what
that will mean exactly.  lol

My Daughter suggested I should
do a post since Mother's Days
is only 12 Days away now, to let
 you know that if you can't or are
 not ready to go out into a store to
 buy cards yet, that you can easily
 print one for free

Just Click image:

or go to...
 our print your own card shop,
where there are other choices,
that you can print for FREE.
Which is the main reason we 
opened our shop early, so we
could be a help during this

All you need is directions as to
how to print them, which is 
under printing a card on our
 website, at

 cardstock, which some of you
 crafty folks might already be in
 possession of, or you still have
 time to purchase some that comes
 with scored cardstock and

You can purchase it from
Office Supply Store,  just

Amazon, just click here


Walmart,  just click here.

Disclaimer:  We have no affiliation
with either of these stores, or get
any compensation from them. They
are just where we purchase ours
 for the best price, and thought we
 would pass the info along to you
to be helpful.

and if need be,  you can even
print one on computer paper,
which would be better than
no card at all......after all it's
free so what do you have to

Also, if you came by and tried us
before and had some difficulty 
please try us again,  
as we had some glitches that we
 have now worked out.

Hoping this might be helpful
to some of you.

Love, Hugs and


Friday, April 24, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

The Lord is good,
    a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who 
trust in him

Nahum 1:7 NIV

If you haven't before.....
Seek Him as Refuge.....
You won't be disappointed.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 23, 2020, Playing with photoshop on pics from Easter

Let the name of the LORD be praised, 
both now and forevermore. 
 From the rising of the sun to the place
 where it sets, the name of the LORD
 is to be praised. 
Psalm 113:2-3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How in the world are you??
Doing well,  I hope.

We are doing well.....been a busy week,
but not complaining cause we are not
definitely not bored!  Finally had some 
time to get out and do some things in
 our new shed today, and that made
hubby happy for sure.  I took down
all the Easter things onTuesday but 
was really still enjoying them, but 
figured it was time.....still haven't filled 
in with Spring things yet,  probably
 tomorrow. Just realized I never took
 any pics of it either.  Oh well........
there is always next year.........lol

I did have some fun playing with
photoshop since I did have to edit
pics for Tuesdays post,  took too 
many as usual,  so put some fun
affects on them, which you will
 see today!

Posterized Affect

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that the new cases
of Corona virus have slowed
down in our daughters area.
They were at 6% and our #'s
went up a lil but seems to
be starting to drop again
the last few days.  So happy
to see that.


Thankful for 2 sets of friends 
who have spent a lot of time
 helping us find some glitches 
we are having with our website,
 most are  taken care of but
 now they are having a hard time 
getting their printers to print
borderless which gives you a
nicer card.
Now they are trying to figure
  that out, but every time they
 think they have it fixed, it isn't, 
 but I know my hubby and he
 will figure it out sooner or later.
If you decide to visit and have
any problems please, please
please let us know,  as we
can't fix what we don't know
about...........Thank you Bill and Vicki
and Bob and Janet, your 
been such a blessing!!

Photocopy Affect

Thankful for all the lovely
comments we got on Wed.
when hubby just put a new
picture of us on my facebook 
page. We were so touched by
all the sweet and unexpected 

Thankful for our sweet friends
 that showed up at our door wearing 
masks and gloves singing to us, and 
bearing gifts. Lunch from Chick-fil-a
 and a Corona Virus Isolation kit,
It was so cute and so funny, Some
thing for our hands and face (gloves
 and masks), some thing for stress 
(stress relief sudsing hand soap),
 something for our bum (a roll of 
TP)  lol, and something for spills
 (a roll of paper towel), and they
 had wrapped each item, and put
a lil note on each one as to what
it was for....These folks are so 
sweet and such a riot.They are
 always so joyful, and so much
fun to be with.....so that made our 
day to say the least, and also gave
 us quite a laugh.  Thank You
 Janet and Bob!!  Your the

Posterized Affect

Thankful that it sounds like
they have a plan to start 
opening our country back up,
and glad they are doing it in
stages.  Not really sure what
is going on in our area yet.
Think they may have opened
the beaches.

Thankful we got our first 
Hello fresh meals right on
time. So neat how they do
that!  Have made several
meals and they were pretty 
good, but not as thrilled with
 it as I thought we would be,
but I think it is probably
because they are unindated
with new subscribers, so
we will see what this week

Thankful for all the people
that put scripture verses and
inspirational quotes and songs
and funny things that make 
us laugh on facebook.  You
are being a blessing!

Thankful to see lil darling
on Monday.  We had her
for the day, and had a great
time, and it was a nice to
do something different.
We took wagon rides and
that is always fun,  we even
got the conductor (hubby)
to take a few rides while
I played conductor.  lol

Thankful that we can watch
our church on TV on Sundays,
and also for all the Pastors that
come on TV on Sundays. 
Their is no shortage of good
Bible teaching on Sunday
for sure.

Thankful for skype, as we
have skyped with our daughter
a number of times this week,
and it was just so great to see
her lovely face, as we are all
missing each other so much.

Soft Omni Affect

Thankful we finally got some
 time to put together some
 shelves and put up a tool holder
 on the wall in our new shed.
Next we will be moving some
things out of the garage over
to the shed.  Yippee....

Thankful for Instacart shoppers
and Walmart carry out shoppers.
They have been such a blessing
and are so efficient it is amazing.

Posterized Affect

Well, That's it for Cozy Place  this week.

This is the after Easter/ Flattening the
curve of Corona Edition.

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Curve Flattening Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Easter Table 2020

 Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope all is well at your house
this day, and hope the Virus
numbers in your area are de-
clining.  Unfortunately in our
area they are increasing, but
are definitely decreasing in 
the area where our daughter
lives....so grateful for that!!
All is well here at our house.
Keeping busy and still staying
in, and out of the stores.

Thought I would share a fun
post today of our Easter Table.
Don't know why but I love to
do and see pretty tables...but
I just do.....lol  and I always
hope that my tables make every
one feel special........

I find it a fun challenge to come
 up with centerpieces especially
 when you can't get flowers or find
real flowers you are looking for.....
course, I just love the challenge of
making things look pretty.

This table started with these rose
 gold chargers I purchase at dollar
tree in January.  I tried to order
them in the Fall for our Thanks-
giving table,  but they evidently
ran out of them fast,  so when
I saw they were back in stock
I ordered them right away for
next Thanksgiving, but then
realized since I used peachy pink
 colors for Easter they might work
 for that too, and as you will see
they did.

Along with these beautiful 
peonies blossoms I had purchase
a few months back. The items
became my table inspiration.

Decided on a white tablecloth 
and to make it a lil rustic I used the
 burlap table runner.

Then used the rose gold chargers,
 my shabby chic dishes and peachy
pink stemware, and pretty Easter
napkins that have white, peach 
and green in them.

 For the centerpiece.....
Decided to use a charger in the center 
with the blooms on it, and added a mini
 cake plate in the center with a white
 bunny that lights up, that was ringed
 with pastel Easter eggs.

Then just added 2 egg filled cups on
each end of the table along with some 
lovely Magnolia/Lily fragranced candles
from Yankee Candle.  They truly smell
heavenly...........Just love them!

The lil Easter Blessings signs came
 from the tag of an Easter Pillow I
had purchased. I thought they were 
so pretty, and should not go to waste
cause someone put in a lot of time
on them..... so why not appreciate
 them, so I just scanned the tag to
 create a graphic, then put 6 graphic 
pictures on a single letter size page, 
then printed it on letter size card
 stock, cut them out and placed them
 atop the napkin at each place setting.
Just a lil something extra to add to
the beauty and sentiment of the table.

A few overviews

Always try to add a piece of
candy and individual salt and
pepper shakers to my tables.

Well,  that is it for today.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Hope you have a good week,

Love, Hugs, and
last of April Blessings,


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Create with Joy

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well.

Here is the scripture for today!!

May the God of hope fill you with 
all joy and peace as you trust in him, 
so that you may overflow with hope 
in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 NIV

Have a Joyful Peaceful day!


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 16, 2020, Spring table from the past #3

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you
 were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How yall doing??  
Hope your doing well.....

We are doing fine, and so happy
that the news about the Virus is
looking better, course, we are not
out of the woods yet, but at least we
 are heading in the right direction or
 so it seems.

Pictures today are from another
Spring table from the past...
Think this was a Mother's Day


So on with my Thankfuls...........

Thankful we got our porch cleaned
and dusted so we aren't sneezing our
heads off from all the oak pollen.

# 2
Thankful to be able to put a new
cushions and pillows on our swing,
so it freshened things up a bit and
looks very pretty.  They were birth-
day gifts from my kids.

Thankful that my Easter table is
all set and ready.

Thankful that we got all the things
we needed for Easter dinner from
Instacart on Friday.

Thankful that the Lord answered
my prayers for a bunny for lil
darling.  I ordered one from the
grocery store and didn't think we
were gonna get it as they said
they were out, but at the last minute
 they found one it was different than
the one we ordered but we liked it
 even better!

Thankful to hear from some dear
friends that we had lost touch
with.  He used to work with my
hubby and they also came to our
church but moved away probably
18-20 yrs. ago.  They had moved
and gotten new cell phone #s and
email....so that was why we lost
touch, but  I was afraid he might
 have passed away because the last 
time I spoke with him he was still
recovering from a bad stroke, so 
what a Joy to know he is alive 
and well.  So good to talk to them.

Thankful for a really good movie
we watched on Pureflix called
"Grace Unplugged".

Thankful that we finally signed
up to do Hello Fresh...we have
been gonna try it for almost
2 yrs. now...and got a gift card
in a box from Amazon for 10
free meals, so since they are
rationing meats and stuff right
now we thought now was a 
good time.  My daughter and
hubby have done it and liked
it, so we get our first box
April 16th.

Thankful for the gift of Easter and
the gift of Jesus and that HE is a 
risen savior and is alive and well.

Thankful for a good time with
the family for Easter. our family
is very small, so it was just the
6 of us, since our daughter and
son-in-love live in Charleston
S.Carolina and due to the shut
down of course, could not come.

Thankful that we got to skype
with our daughter on Easter,
it was so good to see her face.
Think we are gonna need to do
that more often, as we are 
missing her so much.

Thankful to hear that a middle
aged Dad (a friend of a friend)
situation is starting to recover
from covid-19.  He is on a 
respirator,  but he has had most
of the therapies and the last one
was the plasma from a person
who already recovered,  he made
a huge jump in progress yester-
day (On Easter).  He was taken
off sedatives and was waking
up after a week,  his family
was able to facetime him and
tell them he had been asleep
for a week, but it was time to 
wake up because they loved
him, it was a tearful reunion
for all of them.  An Easter
Miracle she said!  There have
been many many prayers 
going up for him. so every
one is overjoyed.

Update:  We read last night
that he is off the ventilator
and was sat up in a chair
for awhile and was joking
with the nurses.  
Such awesome news!!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This was the Easter Edition!!  lol

Thanks for coming by.....


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
Belated Easter Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...