Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Easter Table 2020

 Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope all is well at your house
this day, and hope the Virus
numbers in your area are de-
clining.  Unfortunately in our
area they are increasing, but
are definitely decreasing in 
the area where our daughter
lives....so grateful for that!!
All is well here at our house.
Keeping busy and still staying
in, and out of the stores.

Thought I would share a fun
post today of our Easter Table.
Don't know why but I love to
do and see pretty tables...but
I just do.....lol  and I always
hope that my tables make every
one feel special........

I find it a fun challenge to come
 up with centerpieces especially
 when you can't get flowers or find
real flowers you are looking for.....
course, I just love the challenge of
making things look pretty.

This table started with these rose
 gold chargers I purchase at dollar
tree in January.  I tried to order
them in the Fall for our Thanks-
giving table,  but they evidently
ran out of them fast,  so when
I saw they were back in stock
I ordered them right away for
next Thanksgiving, but then
realized since I used peachy pink
 colors for Easter they might work
 for that too, and as you will see
they did.

Along with these beautiful 
peonies blossoms I had purchase
a few months back. The items
became my table inspiration.

Decided on a white tablecloth 
and to make it a lil rustic I used the
 burlap table runner.

Then used the rose gold chargers,
 my shabby chic dishes and peachy
pink stemware, and pretty Easter
napkins that have white, peach 
and green in them.

 For the centerpiece.....
Decided to use a charger in the center 
with the blooms on it, and added a mini
 cake plate in the center with a white
 bunny that lights up, that was ringed
 with pastel Easter eggs.

Then just added 2 egg filled cups on
each end of the table along with some 
lovely Magnolia/Lily fragranced candles
from Yankee Candle.  They truly smell
heavenly...........Just love them!

The lil Easter Blessings signs came
 from the tag of an Easter Pillow I
had purchased. I thought they were 
so pretty, and should not go to waste
cause someone put in a lot of time
on them..... so why not appreciate
 them, so I just scanned the tag to
 create a graphic, then put 6 graphic 
pictures on a single letter size page, 
then printed it on letter size card
 stock, cut them out and placed them
 atop the napkin at each place setting.
Just a lil something extra to add to
the beauty and sentiment of the table.

A few overviews

Always try to add a piece of
candy and individual salt and
pepper shakers to my tables.

Well,  that is it for today.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Hope you have a good week,

Love, Hugs, and
last of April Blessings,


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Create with Joy


  1. Hi Nellie,
    I love your place cards and the cute centerpiece. Hope you are safe and well. Have a good Wednesday. At least I think it is Wednesday!

  2. A blessing indeed that we could worship His resurrection together! Love you, Susan

  3. Looks pretty! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...