Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 16, 2020, Spring table from the past #3

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you
 were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How yall doing??  
Hope your doing well.....

We are doing fine, and so happy
that the news about the Virus is
looking better, course, we are not
out of the woods yet, but at least we
 are heading in the right direction or
 so it seems.

Pictures today are from another
Spring table from the past...
Think this was a Mother's Day


So on with my Thankfuls...........

Thankful we got our porch cleaned
and dusted so we aren't sneezing our
heads off from all the oak pollen.

# 2
Thankful to be able to put a new
cushions and pillows on our swing,
so it freshened things up a bit and
looks very pretty.  They were birth-
day gifts from my kids.

Thankful that my Easter table is
all set and ready.

Thankful that we got all the things
we needed for Easter dinner from
Instacart on Friday.

Thankful that the Lord answered
my prayers for a bunny for lil
darling.  I ordered one from the
grocery store and didn't think we
were gonna get it as they said
they were out, but at the last minute
 they found one it was different than
the one we ordered but we liked it
 even better!

Thankful to hear from some dear
friends that we had lost touch
with.  He used to work with my
hubby and they also came to our
church but moved away probably
18-20 yrs. ago.  They had moved
and gotten new cell phone #s and that was why we lost
touch, but  I was afraid he might
 have passed away because the last 
time I spoke with him he was still
recovering from a bad stroke, so 
what a Joy to know he is alive 
and well.  So good to talk to them.

Thankful for a really good movie
we watched on Pureflix called
"Grace Unplugged".

Thankful that we finally signed
up to do Hello Fresh...we have
been gonna try it for almost
2 yrs. now...and got a gift card
in a box from Amazon for 10
free meals, so since they are
rationing meats and stuff right
now we thought now was a 
good time.  My daughter and
hubby have done it and liked
it, so we get our first box
April 16th.

Thankful for the gift of Easter and
the gift of Jesus and that HE is a 
risen savior and is alive and well.

Thankful for a good time with
the family for Easter. our family
is very small, so it was just the
6 of us, since our daughter and
son-in-love live in Charleston
S.Carolina and due to the shut
down of course, could not come.

Thankful that we got to skype
with our daughter on Easter,
it was so good to see her face.
Think we are gonna need to do
that more often, as we are 
missing her so much.

Thankful to hear that a middle
aged Dad (a friend of a friend)
situation is starting to recover
from covid-19.  He is on a 
respirator,  but he has had most
of the therapies and the last one
was the plasma from a person
who already recovered,  he made
a huge jump in progress yester-
day (On Easter).  He was taken
off sedatives and was waking
up after a week,  his family
was able to facetime him and
tell them he had been asleep
for a week, but it was time to 
wake up because they loved
him, it was a tearful reunion
for all of them.  An Easter
Miracle she said!  There have
been many many prayers 
going up for him. so every
one is overjoyed.

Update:  We read last night
that he is off the ventilator
and was sat up in a chair
for awhile and was joking
with the nurses.  
Such awesome news!!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This was the Easter Edition!!  lol

Thanks for coming by.....


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
Belated Easter Blessings,


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  1. As always sweet Nellie. Beautiful words and pretty pics. Happy Friday. Have a great weekend.

  2. #1. Since I'm not out that much (just to check the mail) the pollen hasn't been bothering me to much. I still sneeze ever so often, ha!
    #2. I bet the cushions look really nice!
    #3. The table was beautiful! I can't get over all the different arrangements you can do!!
    #4. It was a delicious dinner! Praise our LORD for His provisions!
    #5. I'm glad she liked my Beanie Baby bunnies I gave to her!
    #6. Praise our LORD for your friend's recovery!
    #7. I'm thankful for the movies we can watch, especially during this time of "stay at home!"
    #8. I'm so thankful for the order in and pick up groceries from Wal-Mart! I pray the LORD's protection over them as well as all others servicing us during this time!
    #9. Yes, and praise Him we will one Day be raised in His likeness to be with Him for ever!!!
    #10. They were not present in body but surely were in our hearts!
    #11. Yea, to see and talk to them on skype is the next best thing to seeing them in person!
    #12. Praise our Almighty GOD, the Great Physician, for His healing!!! What a witness for GOD and His answer to prayers!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...