Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 9, 2020, Easter Table from the past #2

They will have no fear of bad news;
 their hearts are steadfast,
 trusting in the LORD.
Psalm 12:7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you healthy and 
rested most of all......

Yesterday was the beginning of
Passover, and think many of us
can relate to that in a way we 
couldn't have before, since having
experienced this of quarantine.

It seems like we have been so
much busier for some reason.
I guess all that 30 sec. and
often hand washing, and wiping
down surfaces to sanitize, and
online grocery shopping, washing
 towels more, cooking or preparing
 3 meals a day, more phone calls,  
working on our card shop and in 
the yard, trying to get sun daily
cause we heard Vit D can help
with not catching the virus,
watching the news or the Pres.
press briefings, and Praying
and reading the Psalms to keep
our eyes and hearts where they
need to be, focused on God
rather than these circumstances,
and other things than I can't 
remember right now are the
reason!!  lol
At least it all makes us feel we
are doing our part to help flatten
the curve.....and I am sure many
of you probably feel the same.
Well, hang in there folks....we
are doing the right thing staying
home as much as possible, the
results are starting to show up
and will show up more each
 day I would think.

Pictures today are from another
Easter Table from the past.

So on with my Thankfuls............

Thankful we were able to pressure
clean our house since our son has
a pressure cleaner we could use.
Looks so nice.

Thankful that we have a home to
isolate in....

Thankful that we have food in our
pantry and fridge.

Thankful we have lights, Air
Conditioning, and water.

Thankful for those that are shopping
for us at Walmart and Instacart.
Praying for their safety as well.

Thankful we did our income tax
and they owed us money!  lol


Thankful we just heard from our
Auto Ins. Co. and they are gonna
give everyone a 15% discount
 since no one is hardly driving.
That was a nice surprise!!


Thankful we found out after 
almost 9 days that there was a
problem with our website that
kept people from downloading
our greeting cards.  If you visited
us before and had problems, we
are so sorry.... please try again 
and if you have any problems 
please, please please contact us, 
otherwise we can't fix what we
 don't know about.
Here is our web address again.

Something to think about:
 Even if you don't have cardstock 
you can print a card on regular
computer paper, better a paper
Easter card than No Easter card, 
After all everyone knows these
are odd circumstances in 
which we are living..

Thankful for all the help and 
encouragement that our daughter
 has been in helping us get our
 Card business off the ground. 
She has been a real cheer leader
 for us, and my sister-in-law Susan
 has been our prayer warrior. 
 So we really appreciate all their
love and support.

Thankful we saw a lady on
facebook make a face mask
out of paper towel, staples and
rubber bands. I tried it and it
 worked great, so my daughter-
 in love and I made them for her
 and a friend to use when they 
do have to go into work. We
used Bounty Paper Towel as
they are thicker and stronger.
They fit tightly to your face
as well.

Thankful for the amazing
ingenuity and spirit of help-
fulness and giving of the 
American people that we are
seeing. Americans that love
God and Love our nation really
 arise to the challenge and things
 like this bring out the best in 
them. So awesome to see.
Cause we really are all in this

Thankful to hear that the 
spread of the virus is starting
to slow some.  Just hope that
people keep doing what they
have been doing as much as
possible till it is gone.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
Another Corona virus Edition

Thanks for coming by and I am
trusting this post will be a reminder
and encouragement of your blessings

as well.

Keep Your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
Happy Easter Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

Between Naps on the Porch

Shabby Art Boutique

Create with Joy

The Dedicated House


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Your Easter table of the past is so pretty. I just did up some of my past Easter decor and it made me smile to remember all of those past Easters. This too will pass and next year we can all celebrate together again. For this year we all need to shelter in place and feel God's love and remember what the season is about. Sacrifice will bring new beginnings. If we sacrifice now like Jesus did for us we can all be reborn into a more beautiful life. Have a wonderful Easter.

  2. #1. Is that inside too, ha ha!
    #2. Yes, praise the LORD for our homes!
    #3. Amen! Praise the LORD I went out before the major crises and got food for me and my animals!
    #4. Praise the LORD for the blessings of conveniences and comfort of home!
    #5. I pray every day for GOD's protective hand upon all those who are assisting in so many different ways to assist America's people with all the needs we have!
    #6. Yes! I did mine back in February and received money back!
    #7. Amen, mine also! Another praise to the businesses that are greatly assisting in this national crisis!
    #8. Thank the LORD! There is so much on-line with the "stay at home" I don't know how the websites can handle all the usage!
    #9. The LORD blesses cheerful people! Even in times of crisis we can have joy in the LORD!
    #10. Wonderful idea for masks!
    #11. Yes! The LORD definitely works toward people giving of themselves in times of great need! I pray the American people will pull together like this in all aspects of our country.
    #12. The LORD's will be done! I pray millions will come to His Salvation during this time of great need for His Love to us!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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