Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday April 23, 2020, Playing with photoshop on pics from Easter

Let the name of the LORD be praised, 
both now and forevermore. 
 From the rising of the sun to the place
 where it sets, the name of the LORD
 is to be praised. 
Psalm 113:2-3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How in the world are you??
Doing well,  I hope.

We are doing well.....been a busy week,
but not complaining cause we are not
definitely not bored!  Finally had some 
time to get out and do some things in
 our new shed today, and that made
hubby happy for sure.  I took down
all the Easter things onTuesday but 
was really still enjoying them, but 
figured it was time.....still haven't filled 
in with Spring things yet,  probably
 tomorrow. Just realized I never took
 any pics of it either.  Oh well........
there is always next

I did have some fun playing with
photoshop since I did have to edit
pics for Tuesdays post,  took too 
many as usual,  so put some fun
affects on them, which you will
 see today!

Posterized Affect

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that the new cases
of Corona virus have slowed
down in our daughters area.
They were at 6% and our #'s
went up a lil but seems to
be starting to drop again
the last few days.  So happy
to see that.


Thankful for 2 sets of friends 
who have spent a lot of time
 helping us find some glitches 
we are having with our website,
 most are  taken care of but
 now they are having a hard time 
getting their printers to print
borderless which gives you a
nicer card.
Now they are trying to figure
  that out, but every time they
 think they have it fixed, it isn't, 
 but I know my hubby and he
 will figure it out sooner or later.
If you decide to visit and have
any problems please, please
please let us know,  as we
can't fix what we don't know
about...........Thank you Bill and Vicki
and Bob and Janet, your 
been such a blessing!!

Photocopy Affect

Thankful for all the lovely
comments we got on Wed.
when hubby just put a new
picture of us on my facebook 
page. We were so touched by
all the sweet and unexpected 

Thankful for our sweet friends
 that showed up at our door wearing 
masks and gloves singing to us, and 
bearing gifts. Lunch from Chick-fil-a
 and a Corona Virus Isolation kit,
It was so cute and so funny, Some
thing for our hands and face (gloves
 and masks), some thing for stress 
(stress relief sudsing hand soap),
 something for our bum (a roll of 
TP)  lol, and something for spills
 (a roll of paper towel), and they
 had wrapped each item, and put
a lil note on each one as to what
it was for....These folks are so 
sweet and such a riot.They are
 always so joyful, and so much
fun to be that made our 
day to say the least, and also gave
 us quite a laugh.  Thank You
 Janet and Bob!!  Your the

Posterized Affect

Thankful that it sounds like
they have a plan to start 
opening our country back up,
and glad they are doing it in
stages.  Not really sure what
is going on in our area yet.
Think they may have opened
the beaches.

Thankful we got our first 
Hello fresh meals right on
time. So neat how they do
that!  Have made several
meals and they were pretty 
good, but not as thrilled with
 it as I thought we would be,
but I think it is probably
because they are unindated
with new subscribers, so
we will see what this week

Thankful for all the people
that put scripture verses and
inspirational quotes and songs
and funny things that make 
us laugh on facebook.  You
are being a blessing!

Thankful to see lil darling
on Monday.  We had her
for the day, and had a great
time, and it was a nice to
do something different.
We took wagon rides and
that is always fun,  we even
got the conductor (hubby)
to take a few rides while
I played conductor.  lol

Thankful that we can watch
our church on TV on Sundays,
and also for all the Pastors that
come on TV on Sundays. 
Their is no shortage of good
Bible teaching on Sunday
for sure.

Thankful for skype, as we
have skyped with our daughter
a number of times this week,
and it was just so great to see
her lovely face, as we are all
missing each other so much.

Soft Omni Affect

Thankful we finally got some
 time to put together some
 shelves and put up a tool holder
 on the wall in our new shed.
Next we will be moving some
things out of the garage over
to the shed.  Yippee....

Thankful for Instacart shoppers
and Walmart carry out shoppers.
They have been such a blessing
and are so efficient it is amazing.

Posterized Affect

Well, That's it for Cozy Place  this week.

This is the after Easter/ Flattening the
curve of Corona Edition.

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and
Curve Flattening Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch


  1. #1. I thank the LORD for His timing when all of this will be over.
    #2. I'm praying the LORD's blessings on your card business.
    #3. I haven't gotten into Facebook.
    #4. How joyful of them to do what they did!
    #5. I thank the LORD for those businesses that assisted us in the orders/pickup of food!
    #6. I'm still eating my usual meals. I'm glad I don't get tired of the same thing, ha!
    #7. I wasn't on Facebook very long some years ago. I kept getting things I didn't like so I cancelled my "subscription."
    #8. I'm sure it was an enjoyable time!
    #9. Praise the LORD for them! It must feel quite different looking at an empty congregation when they preach and lead singing for live streaming! I surely look forward to worshiping with them!
    #10. Another blessing from the LORD with man's technology!
    #11. It's amazing what we collect over the years!
    #12. Amen! I pray the LORD's safety over them all!
    Love you, Susan

  2. I enjoy playing with different filters, so fun! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...