Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 26, 2023, and pics of winter goodies

 Taste and see that the LORD is good;
 blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8

Greetings Sweet Friends

and Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope you have had a great week

Mine has really been good, getting

my energy and creativity back and

it feels wonderful,  I have to say.

Well, it's late so gonna let my post

do the talking.  lool

Pictures today are of Winter Goodies

Compliments of, because

I am running behind and have not quite

finished my Christmas to Winter decor

as of yet, therefore, I can't take any 

Pictures either!  lol

Hopefully next week!!

So thought this might be fun.....

Now............on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to be able to attend Church finally......

Haven't been there since before Christmas, and

also haven't seen our friends in all that time

either.  They weren't there Sunday, but she

has been sick too.


Thankful that the Sweet Young family I think I

 probably wrote about a few weeks ago, where the

 Mom had a psychological breakdown is doing

 much  better, but not a 100% yet.  She is still

 in treatment and he is back home taking care of

 the 3 kiddos. Thankfully he can work from home

 most of the time.  They did all get to come and see

 her this past weekend and he sent me some pics

 that made me cry happy tears, they all looked so

happy to be together.


Thankful that we made some chicken Gnocchi

soup again,  it's been quite awhile.  It is a

Olive Garden taste alike recipe. It is really

quite good.

Click here to try it.


Thankful for My Christmas Decorations

are all packed away.  Finally!

Just got to get them to the garage now.


Thankful we are having an old friend

come to stay with us on Sunday evening.


Thankful we put 4 new cards in our

shop that I had been working on.


Thankful a situation my Daughter and

her husband had going on seems to be

partially resolved at this point.  At least

they are moving forward which is good.


Thankful to be feeling 100% again!


Thankful for several long conversations

with our lovely Daughter today and

the last 2 days.  Missing each other.....

and very Thankful for our phone calls.


Thankful that my January issues of 

Better Homes and Gardens and

 Southern living magazines came 

this week, and I always find it pure

joy to read and look at them.  I am very

 old school about that.....There is  just

something about holding a real book

 or magazine in your hands.  lol


Thankful that I am just about

finished with my Winter decorating.

Just a few more touches and I can

call it quits.


Thankful for a nice evening out to 

dinner at our fav Mexican restaurant

and then a quick trip to TJ Maxx.

Both were fun.....been awhile since

we were at either of them.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend,

Love, Hugs and

Last of January Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Scripture Sunday


Just a reminder to all of us, don't put your faith in Money, 

 put your faith in what Jesus willing did for all of us on the cross

 to save us from that day of wrath.  Jesus is coming back

 one day, and all those evil deeds a lot of people are doing 

all for the sake of money, are not gonna help them.

Sorry, this sounds so grim, but it is the truth that the Bible

speaks about, and I was just so struck by this verse

this week, I really felt I needed to share it.  I truly feel

the only hope any of us have for the future is Jesus! 

 He is surely the best thing that ever happened to me

and my family and many others I know.

Have a Blessed day,

Love and Hugs,


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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thankful Thursday January 19, 2023, and Winter scenes

The LORD is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him,

Exodus 15:2 NIV

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

How's You??

Doing very well....I hope.

Been a better week here, for sure.

So I will let the post do the talking.

Pictures today are of Winter Scenes

Compliments of

Hope these don't make you feel too cold........

Just thought they were all so pretty.

Now on with my Thankfuls............


Thankful for a great day with lil darling,  It was so good to see her after almost 3 weeks, and catch up with what she has been doing.  Had a lot of school work to do, but we made some time to have fun too, and she finally had some time in late afternoon to have her lil buddy next door over.......they were over the moon happy about that..........

#2 and 3

Thankful that my sweet neighbor brought us her wonderful veggie soup, and there is a bit of a story to it. I was talking with another long time friend and she knows I have been sick, and I was telling her I have got to call my neighbor and find out what the tomato base is that she uses in her veggie soup because typically tomato based things can cause me to have heart burn after a couple of bowls, but her soup never bothers me. So I was laughing cause I was saying I keep hoping she might send me some but guess I'm gonna have to find out and make me some and my friend said well maybe if you call her and ask about how to make the soup, she will just make you some. lol

Anyway, later that day, our neighbor text me to see how we were doing, so I wrote her back and told her and asked about how she made her soup base, and she said I have a pot on the stove right now and was gonna ask if yall wanted some..............and of course, I said yes, and I was overjoyed and had a feeling it was because my friend had prayed.....and I talked to her later, and she said she  So thankful for the answer to pray, and the soup that was so so delicious!!  Have had it 3 times this week. It is the perfect comfort food.  God is so good.


Thankful that my sweet hubby decided I needed a vaporizer cause since we are using our heat some nights now, It is drying the air out a lot a we are both experiencing that dried out feeling in our mouth and noses.  So he got us a vaporizer on yesterday (Monday) and I can not tell you how much better we slept, and did not wake up stuffed up or have that dried out feeling, and best of all, my coughing has gotten better ever day since.

 It was wonderful.



Thankful for family, friends and neighbors that love me.


Thankful that I made cuban food on Monday, and it was so delicious and really hit the spot, and thankful that my friend I was talking with in #2--3 reminded me of it as she said she had come across my recipe for Picadillo that I had given her over 30 yrs. ago. lol I had ground beef and was gonna make a meat loaf but Picadillo sounded so much better, and it was!!

FYI - Click here for the recipe

#7 and 8

Thankful the I got started on transitioning

from Christmas to Winter decor on Monday.

Thankful that I had been rearranging in my

mind for days before, as I knew exactly where

to start and what I wanted to do in the 

family room already.

Note:  Have taken down most of the things

that looked real Christmasy, and left what

looks Wintery,  just have to fill in some

spots yet, but getting there.


Thankful for strawberries that were

grown here in Florida and actually

not too far from where we live.

Imagine that!!  Anyway, they were

just so felt like spring

for a few minutes...........


Thankful that everything went well for

 our Daughter and had a good result from a

 medical procedure she had done on 

Wednesday morning.


Thankful for the discovery of program-

able tea light candles. I had the normal

tea lights but you have to light and

replace them all every night or the

battery operated kind, but you still

have to take them out of the candle

holder and turn them on and off

every night.  I wanted to have a large 

number of them on the mantel and other 

places in the house. Hubby found some that

once you turn them on they stay on for

 6 hrs. and turn themselves off.

They are wonderful, and have kept

our home looking so nice and festive

all thru Christmas and thru the 

Winter Season and beyond if I want.

A great discovery I might add.


Thankful to have a lil outing today,

We picked up lil darling and had here

for awhile,  then ran to Sam's and

Marshalls and to din din at Longhorn.

Very Nice to get 2nd time in

almost 4 weeks.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Glad you could stop in......

Have a lovely yet Warm Winter Week.

Love, Hugs and 

Mid January Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

South House Designs

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

How buying a new dresser led to an unexpected guest bedroom refresh.....

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, and enjoying the Winter Season.

We are going thru another cool spell, which is

nice.  Can't believe we are half way through

 January already.  It's sort of all a blur for   Way better than I was, but still have

 this dratted cough!  It is getting better day by day.....

Have to say it likes me way way too much!!  lol

today while I have time I wanted to show you

 how our guest bedroom revamp came out,

 since yall heard about some of it on my Thankful

 Thursday posts for about 3 months.

 Think we got started at the end of the summer

and finished right before Thanksgiving.

 Just never got around to showing you cause of 

all the holidays.

This all got started by us finding a white dresser

 for our master bedroom, that we had been looking

 for......forever, and we just happened upon it,

because we went to a furniture store still in 

search of a sofa and instead we found our

white dresser..........finally............

 and were very happy with how works

and looks in our bedroom. See Below!

The plan was to get rid of the old dresser cause we

 were having some trouble with some of the drawers,

and because we have a lot of Oak pieces in our 

bedroom so wanted to break that up a bit........

 but then got to thinking about if we moved the oak

dresser to the guest room it would give us more 

storage, but in order to do that the drawers would

 need to be fixed, and the guest room rearranged.

So my handy hubby found some hardware and was

able to fix the drawers and they work great now.

We also rearranged the guest bedroom.

You can check out the before on these links

below if you so desire.  

Click here

Click here

There were other updates to this room since these

pictures, like bedding, curtains and so forth, but these

 were the only pictures I could find, and that showed

 the layout of the room.

In the process we got rid of the headboard and 1 night

 stand and and moved another night stand to our office.

  I had decided I wanted a bit more of a classic modern look 

so we purchased 2 matching night stands 

(as our other night stands didn't match),

This one was the first one we ordered but 

unfortunately the other one was very damaged

and this one only a lil but didn't feel it would

work out to order them again, as they were

not packaged very well.

        These were the ones we wound up with, and         actually they have worked out better than I ever could have imagined.

After hubby fixed the drawers with drawer guides

and they worked really well,  we purchased some new 

hardware for the dresser drawers to give it a more

modern look.

This is the before

this is the after...............

Amazing what a change in hardware can do..... 

Still trying to figure out if I should do something

 with that diamond shaped piece in the middle of

 the one drawer, but think it really doesn't look bad. 

Then when we were out shopping one

night and we happened on the mirror I had

hoped for, but figured I would probably

not get because most were $100-150.

We were in Burlington coat factory

and there she was for $30,  truly a

gift from the Lord.  It was love at

first sight,  but wasn't sure if the color

would work.  So we brought her home

and she was perfect.

You will notice some changes in the coming pictures

from some you already saw.... as it was a work in

 progress for while...............

So here is the The finished product.........

and of course, all the table top accessories

 were redone as well, for a bit of a cleaner look.

 Anyway, we were delighted with how

the room came out and we call that our Daughter

and Son-in-loves room.  Course, it was her room

before she was married.  Anyway, they loved 

it mission accomplished with out

breaking the bank!!  lol

Thanks for coming by............

Have a lovely Winter week

Love, Hugs and 

Mid January Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie