Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Leaves and Pears Tablescape............Playing Just for you and me!

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So how are ya??  Doing well, I hope!

I am happy to say I am feeling much
better.  Got our christmas tree down
over the weekend,  but still have our
Christmas decorations up, we have
a counseling session tonight, so just
decided to wait until Thursday, so
that is the plan, Lord Willing!

Since we haven't had a lot going on
around here, creatively speaking.......
I decided week before last to do 
some playing.................

and it all began with this decorative
goody tower we received as a 
 Christmas gift. 

Now if you have followed me for a
 while you know that I totally appreciate
beautiful packaging and the creativity
 of the designer.........so thought this
 was just too pretty not to do 
something fun with it........

 you also know, how I love a challenge
 of making  something lovely with just 
items I found around the house..........

So knew I had a lot of faux pears and
thought that would work.....If you take
a close look at some of the boxes you
will see they have Pears on them.

I also love doing theme tables, so noticed
 the boxes also had leaves, so thought of 
these  melamine plates I had hanging
on the wall........and wondered if they
would work, and decided yes,  then 
thought about the green place mats, so
pulled those babies out.  Had blue and
white napkins but decided the white
looked the best since I was using
the new white cake plate (Dee gave
me ) and a white flower.
Then plopped a pear candle on top
of each napkin and plate....

This brown tray of pear candles was a 
gift from my son years ago..... and I
 have always loved it.....but it was
 up on a high Bistro shelf that he also 
made for me......so had to get hubby
 to get the ladder out for me, and I got 
them down, and did a lil spring 
cleaning on the shelf while I was at it.....
always good to get 2 birds with one stone,
 I always say!  lol

Loved how it tied the brown all together.

Just made it a table for 3 since I only
 had 3 plates, actually it turned out there 
was 4,  but too late by the time I 
discovered that, cause I had already
finished the centerpiece.

These were  just 3 faux pears I had,
  2 plastic 1 wooden..........
I liked that they were different colors
as it picked up practically all the 
green colors I was using.

Just spread the pears out on the tray so I 
could use a pear candle on each plate.

Then the touch of blue in the plates and  
on the vase and a few boxes were sort 
of all in the same color family just
 different shades.        
Also mixed the silverware between
2 different sets.  


The pear candles were 2 different shades
 of green as well.

Borrowed the vase and flower from the
 guest bedroom.

Next 3 pics are overviews

A view from the back side of the table.

Next 4 pictures are with the lights out.

Love the beauty and ambiance with the 
lights out.

Decided to use simple clear
glass goblets to keep with
a casual look...............

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I 
did creating it........it was a fun
project done just for you !
So you can pretend you were
one of the dinner guest!!   lol

Sorry there were so many pictures,
but just easier to use them all
that to have to choose which
ones to use.

Thanks for coming by......

Hope you have a great rest of the week, 
 keep your light shining brightly.............

Love,  Hugs,  and
Yummy Pear Blessings,


Sharing over at:


  1. What a beautiful autumnal or winter tablescape. I love it.

  2. Thank You Ronnie, so happy you liked it.
    blessings, Nellie

  3. Beautiful tablescape! I love the colors you chose and especially using things you had around the house. Perfect!

  4. That is a fantastic table ! It's fresh and clean. Just what you want after the Holidays. Looks terrific!
    We did not go to Florida for Christmas. The weather was nicer here in Texas and also we wanted to spend the 1st Christmas in our new house. We love it so much.
    Glad you are feeling better. My 2 sisters also had some sort of weird bug last week. Gave them a huge headache. I'm glad it didn't get to me.
    I feel so great about 2016. It's going to be an outstanding year. I hope the same for you. Enjoy!
    big hugs♥,

  5. This is very pretty and I love this color combo. I would love for you to share this at Celebrate Your Story! Link Party. The link is http://www.thesweetsensations.com. This week's collection is open for two more days. We go live on Sunday at 8 am. Hope to see you there and have a wonderful week!

  6. Thank You Sherry, appreciate your sweet comments
    and thanks for stopping by and letting me know
    you came.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Thanks Ronnie for your kind comments.....so happy you dropped by and that you enjoyed
    my tablescape.
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Hi Caroline,
    Always so great to hear from you hon. and thanks for your encouraging comments on my
    tablescape. Had a lot of fun doing it.

    That's great you had such a nice Christmas and that you all love your new home, such
    a blessing to enjoy it....... I remember that it was quite beautiful........

    So glad you didn't catch your sister's bug, there is so much going around these days
    that just hangs on and on. I had one back in November and thought it would never clear
    up and my son and his wife did too in early Dec.......this one PTL was a shorter one!

    Yea, we are very hopeful about 2016 as well. We are so praying that a lot is gonna
    change on our politcal landscape and that hopefully we will wind up with a Christian
    President, what a joy that would be............

    Well, dear......hopefully will be by more often this year.
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  9. Thanks Sandra, for your sweet comments and invite.......will hopefully remember to take
    you up on that this Sunday. Looking forward to checking it out.

  10. Your table is so pretty, Nellie. I just love the pear candles. Did it torture you to burn them? I'm terrible about not wanting to burn pretty candles.


  11. Thanks Stacey, so glad you liked the table and I love the pear candles too, and truthfully, I burned them just long enough to get the pictures, so good it wasn't a real
    dinner party or they would be all used up........lol I am the same way about
    the pretty candles. If I knew I could replace them with more Pear candles then
    it would okay, but have never seen them anywhere.
    Thanks for stopping by hon
    blessings, Nellie

  12. Nellie, hello...I found your blog on Noreen's Life Blessing blog. Your table-scape is quite warm and inviting. The pear candles lend a cozy atmosphere, and I do love the gift tower wrapped in that pretty brown ribbon. Everything ties together beautifully. Thank you for sharing this. It made me smile.

    Blessings for a lovely day,


  13. Well Hello Marianne,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland......and nice you found me thru Noreen's blog,
    we have known each other every since I started blogging in 2009, in fact. She is a wonderful lady........

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on the tablescape. I do love doing them,
    and nice to know it made someone smile.

    Blessings to you, and hope our paths cross again soon.

  14. Nellie, you always have the cutest tablescapes. This one is no exception. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  15. Thanks Jenn, I appreciate your sweet comment, and thank you for hosting this fun

  16. What a lovely table setting you created.

    I love playing around with table settings, even for just the two of us. But, all your work makes me think we need to have dinner party so I can get creative.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  17. Thanks Carol for your sweet comments!.
    Any reason to play with dishes is fun...........and having a dinner party is a good one.
    Thanks for hosting at sharing your cup.......just discovered it this past week, and
    happy to join in the fun...............

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie