Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Great Make ahead Dish for Valentine's Day (Party Chicken with rice pilaf)

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

How are ya?  Staying Warm??

It has been in the 50 and 60's here all 
week, in the day time and dipping into
the high 30's at night.  Cold weather for
 Florida..... but I love it......and I am 
sure this doesn't sound very cold to 
a lot of you.......but it works for us.  lol

Just finished making a new soup recipe
and can hardly wait to try it, will let
you know on Thursday how we liked it.
It sure looks and smells wonderful!

Since my house is still not together.........
but I did get everything down and packed
up, so all we have to do is move it to
the garage tonight!  yeah, Finally!!

So I had this recipe in my draft folder
as I was gonna share it over the Christ-
mas holidays but never got too, actually
it is a repost......... but I think it is such
 a great dish that it bares repeating and
 that someone might like to make for 
their honey or honey's (your children,
 of course) lol  for Valentine's Day.  I
 made it once for a Valentine's luncheon
 for our Pastors wives and they loved it.

I know, I know I am a little early,
but wanted to post something!!  lol
and it will be here before we know
it..........Also, threw in a few past 
Valentine's day pictures.............

You really can make it anytime or
for any occasion,  but I keep it just
for special holidays, like Christmas,
Thanksgiving or Easter......because
I love that it can all be prepared 
ahead of time then just popped in
the oven the day of...........

So without further adieu..............

Party Chicken with Rice Pilaf
8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
(I use the Tyson flash frozen ones)
8 strips of bacon
(I use 4 strips and cut them in half - less fat)
1-  jar of dried beef (by Armour Star)
( I usually boil it in some water for about
10 mins. so it loses some of it's saltiness,
and pretty much I don't even use it most
of the time,  and family never knows the
difference, but it is part of the recipe.
1 10 oz. can of cream of Mushroom soup
(I use the Campbell's healthy request soup)
1-16oz. carton Sour cream
(I use the light sour cream - Less fat)
Put dried beef in the bottom of a baking dish,
then wrap Chicken with bacon (1 strip to each
pc. of chicken) and lay it on top of the dried beef.
In separate bowl combine mushroom soup and
the sour cream and mix it up, then spread it on
top of the bacon wrapped chicken.
Bake for total of 3 hrs. uncovered at 275 degrees.

This dish makes it's own gravy and then you
can put in on the rice pilaf, if you like......

Rice Pilaf
1 cup Uncle Bens converted rice
(I use 1/2 cup and 1/2 brown rice - good mix)
1 can beef broth
( I use the swanson fat free broth, low salt
 for the broth and consomme now)
1 can of beef consomme
1 med chopped onion
(sometimes I used scallions)
Use a corningware type casserole dish.
Put the rice in,  then add the onion and
the broth and consomme.
*After the chicken has cooked for one hour,
add the rice pilaf to the oven and let
the chicken and the rice pilaf cook for
 2 more hrs. @ 275 degrees.

I also use this great make ahead salad
 recipe called "24 Hour Salad" 
I shared not too long ago.

Well, If this dinner doesn't work for
Valentine's Day, there is always Easter 
or Mother's Day or any other
 Special occasion.

Happy you could visit today, so
Thanks for coming by..........


  1. That chicken recipe sounds amazing and I've made something similar before. Yum yum!! Your table is so pretty.

  2. Hi Stacey,

    Yea, it is definitely my all time fav chicken recipe, cause not only is it easy, the
    chicken is so tender, and I forgot to say too, that you put the gravy for the chicken
    on the rice and it is well, just so tasty. I looked to see if I could find a party
    chicken recipe anywhere and there were a few, but they cooked it at 350 degrees for
    an hour, I think the slow cook method can't be beat for the tenderest chicken.....

    Thanks so much for coming by hon and for your sweet comments, glad you liked the
    table, It was from a few years ago...........

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Your table is so pretty - makes me think I might want to do something with pinks for one of my Valentine tables.

    I don't cook, but I'll make a mention of the recipe to the head chef.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  4. Hi Carol,

    Thanks so much for coming by, and for your sweet comments. Sometimes pink is fun
    and different rather than the typical red for Valentines.
    So you are one of those blessed ladies that has her own personal chef...... how nice!
    Definitely mention this recipe to your chef, as you want be sorry...........lol

    and Happy Valentine's Day early!
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I'll be trying this recipe this weekend, thanks for sharing! It sounds delicious!! Lovely table, too!

  6. Dear Lady of the Manor,
    So happy you are trying the recipe.......think you will really enjoy it, and thanks
    for coming by and your kind comments. Would love to hear how you like it......

  7. The chicken and rice sounds yummy. I make a recipe that was my mil's, but it's quite different. I'll have to give it a try. Yes, Valentines will be here before we know it. I started pulling my décor out today. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  8. Sweet Valentines Nellie and your recipe sounds yummy!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  9. Morning Jan,
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your friendly comments, they were very appreciated.
    Think you will really enjoy the Party chicken, I don't know anyone who has ever had it
    who doesn't really like it.......the chicken is super tender since it cooks slowly.
    I am getting ready to put some Valentine's Decorations up too......
    Thanks for hosting @ share your cup.
    blessings, Nellie

  10. Morning Cindy,
    Always nice to hear from you hon. Thanks for your sweet comments on this post, and
    as always thanks for hosting Amaze Me Monday. Hope this finds you doing well.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: