Monday, January 4, 2016

Most Viewed Posts from 2015

Hello There,  Sweet Friends,

Are you enjoying the New Year, so far??
Hope so............

Have to say we had a lazy last few days,
once we welcomed the New Year, but we
 did enjoy it so much.............sometimes it 
is just really nice to have NO agenda.  The
older we get the more we like that!  lol

Today was hubbies first day back at work, 
 so I had such great plans to get all sorts
 of things done today, but then a neighbor
called and asked me to take her someplace
she needed to go, but didn't have a car to
go that sorta blew my plans,
but I did get quite a bit done, more than I
thought I would actually, and then there is
and it is always nice to help someone well.

Since there is nothing much going on here
right now, and everyone else was doing
there 10 Best Posts of the year,  I decided
to do my 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2015
and hope you enjoy them.

Also, I decided this year to start answering
comments right on my blog. I used to think
that rather silly, cause once I read and leave
comment on someone's blog I rarely go
back there again,  but I notice that almost
everyone in blogland does that now, so
figured other people must like it, so may
be I would give it a try.  So hope you
are one that likes it.................

Below starts the #1 Most Viewed  post.

Click on any Title to see the whole Post.

Small Guest  Bedroom Changes

Mother's Day Table

Thankful Post, Living Room Etagere

Nellie's Special Chicken Salad Recipe

Tablescape Playing with green

Thankful Post, Spring/summer vignettes
 from Living Room

Well,  there you have it my most viewed posts
for the year.........sorta neat to look back and see 
some of what you did all year.......
So it was a fun look back...............

Glad you could stop by for a visit!!

Hope you have a really
blessed week!

Love, Hugs, and
January Blessings,

Sharing with:

Cindy at Dwellings

Yvonne and Friends at StoneGable

Marty at A Stroll thru Life

Patti and Paula at Ivey and Elephants

Kerryanne at Shabby Art Boutique

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends  

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends


  1. Enjoyed seeing your past posts. Lots of inspiration for these cold winter days. I'm your newest follower, number 216. Will be back many times to check out older posts.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. So happy that you came by and that you are a new
    follower. Looking forward to getting to know you here in blogland. Will be by to
    see ya soon.
    Blessings for a Happy, Healthy and Hopeful New Year,

  3. Hello Nellie, So glad you visited today. This table looks delightful, and I love carnations! And Yes, perfect for Valentine's Day. I love splashes of red in the home and just added a few things in red and white to my kitchen. This seashell is so pretty in your guest bedroom also. I have a Nelli too, and you will see her on our blog writing posts from time to time.

    We would love for you to follow us, and I would certainly come back and follow you as well. It's nice to meet new friends. Have a sweet day.


  4. I have many visit my blog, but no comments. That's okay with me. I like to check out the countries that visit.

    Happy New Year! I made magnets for the ladies birthday cards this year that are in my Bible class. It's saying is, "May today be the day, that Your will be fulfilled, so the Rapture may come, and take us all Home!" It has a picture on it too!

    I think this year on my blog I will share Jesus' parables.
    I love you all, Susan

  5. Hi Sheri,
    So nice to have you visit again. Thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging
    comments. Yea, I use a lot of red at christmas and in the Winter, it is a great
    accent color for sure........
    So was your Nelli named after someone in the family? I was named after my paternal
    grandmother and never met anyone younger than me with that name until about 15 yrs.
    or so ago, when a younger than me lady came to my church and she was a Nellie. It
    is sort of funny when we meet in the hall or pass each other and we each say something ending with Nellie......makes me laugh......

    I will be by to visit again soon. I have meant to join as a follower before and
    when I get there I leave a comment and forget about it.....Sorry!

    You have a Sweet day too, hon.
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by.........and yea, think we all have those times when there are
    not comments, but I like you am happy if there are people who are reading. I think
    it is fun to see where the readers come from as well......neat that some are from
    half way around the world....
    I based my most viewed posts on those that came by, and not on the amount of comments. Have to say I don't comment as much as I used to as it all just gets
    too time consuming........

    That is nice you made those magnets for all the ladies, I am sure they will appreciate that..........

    Jesus's parables sound like a good subject to me.

    Happy Healthy, Hopeful New Year to you too!
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  7. What a good blog you have here. Keep Your Work Up....
    Emo Girl

  8. Emo Girl,
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your sweet encouragement.
    I appreciate that very much,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Thanks Gerry for coming by and leaving your kind comments.
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. I like the year in review posts. Let's me know if I've missed a great post and also gives me a well-rounded look at someone's blog. Sure liked reviewing your posts! Thanks for always sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  11. Hi Jennifer,
    Yea, I really like the year in review post, as well..........thanks for coming by and reviewing mine and glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for hosting your fun linky party and
    inviting me to join you as well.
    Blessings for a Great New Year!

  12. Great Top Ten Nellie! Happy New Year and Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  13. Thanks so much Cindy. and Happy New Year to you too...........
    and thanks for hosting Amaze Me Monday every week........
    So much inspiration and creativity there!

    Blessings, Nellie

  14. Thanks for the blog visit and nice comment. I am new to your blog as well, and am really enjoying this "Best of..." collection of lovely posts. I am a big coastal fan, so I am loving your coffee table.

  15. Thank you Nellie for sharing your post with Foodie Friends Friday. Your home is beautiful and I'm sure a peaceful place for your family! Thank you!

  16. Hi Pattie,
    So glad you came by and happy you are enjoying my posts. Thanks too, for your sweet comments about my coastal themed coffee table. I enjoy coastal a lot too.
    Have a good day tomorrow.
    Blessings, Nellie

  17. Hi Lois,
    Nice to hear from you hon..........always fun linking up to your inspirational party.
    Thanks for your sweet comments as always.
    Blessings to your and yours, and have a good week.

  18. Thanks for sharing such an informative information.

    HD Wallpapers

  19. Thanks James for coming by and commenting.
    Appreciate that.

    blessings, Nellie

  20. Hi Natalie,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet well wishes.
    God bless you now and in the New Year.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: