Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday January 28, 2016, Winter Sofa Table

Now, our God, we give you thanks
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

Greetings Sweet Friends.

So how has your week been??
Hope it has been a good one.

Mine has been good,  just very busy......
We have an unexpected house guest, 
watched lil darling twice already and 
will be watching her again Friday night, 
then had a friend visit today, and finally,
finally, got my house all put together 
again..........Whoo Hoo!  So happy 
that is all done.............

I am pretty whipped so just gonna
jump in the shower, get in my jamies 
and watch the Republican debates.......
and hope I can stay awake
My back has been a mess this week,
it's better, but not a 100% yet,  but
have been sleeping well, so that is
very good.

Thought I would show you some pics
 from my family room....the sofa table!  
I have more of a minamalist look during
the Winter time, it just seems fitting......
I changed  what typically is our red and 
blue family room, into our white family
 room, and we are really enjoying it.
Nice new look.......................

so on with my thankful post........

I am thankful

that I got to go back to church
this Sunday, after missing 2
Sundays from being sick, it was
 like I hadn't been in a month, so
it was so good to be there.........

I was feeling so good on sunday,
 and since I had not been out of the
house other than my yard for over 
2 weeks, I just didn't want to go
 home, so we ran to Target to pick
 up a few things we needed, then
 we went to lunch at Cracker Barrel
 and looked around in the gift shop,
then we saw Ashley furniture was
having a big sale and it is a brand
new store to our area, and we had
not been in there yet, (well, actually
I have but just for a few mins. when
Dee was here, as she was trying to 
show me some furniture they had
 picked last summer) and we have
been looking at sofa's online, so we
 decided to go have a look to see what
 they had, and didn't really see anything
(I sort of have my heart set on a slip-
covered sofa this time around, but they 
are hard to find especially with out down
 feathers in the pillows, and I am allergic
 to that), so we wound up looking at beds,
cause we really need a new bed, and we
 would love one of those where it lifts the
 head of the bed.  Anyway, we got a lil
 more educated about them anyway, so
 will probably go back soon to see if we
 can find one we like.............they have
an area where you can lay down on
them, but I had a dress
thought it best to go back when I am
wearing long pants..............

Do any of you have one of those
beds,  and if so can you tell me 
about it???

Anyway, I said all that to say this!
It was a gloriously beautiful sunny
 and cool day out, and it was absolutely 
wonderful to be out enjoying the day!
  Just like a  gift from someone you
 love that warms your heart..................

Now that I think about it, it really was
 a  gift from some one I

that I have my family room finished,
and these are some of the pictures of
it. Still working on the dining room 
and the living room...........

that hubby is able to work at home
Tues. and Wed. this week, as we are
watching lil darling both days. He is
mostly working but it just comes in
handy having him here at times if I
do need him to help out for a few
minutes or so.

that hopefully Miss Becky from over
at TimeWashed and I are hopefully
gonna get together on Thursday and
just hang looking 
forward to that!

for a lovely afternoon with my sweet
friend just went by too
quickly..........but thankful for the
time we had tho............

for leftovers...........since we got pizza 
and salad on Tuesday night, which we
normally do on Wed. night after playing
all day with lil darling and since we had
her on Wed. was nice that we
 still had some leftovers from Sunday
 and Monday, so nice not to have to go
 out as it has been rainy all day.

So tonight,....... leftovers.........
they were a good thing! lol

With cutout affect


 for the books that I have had available
 to me to read and learn about how to
 clean and keep a neat and tidy home,
 as I did not learn those thing in my
 home of origin, but everything I know
 I  pretty much learned from all sorts
 of different books, so there is so much 
good information to help us with these 
needed life skills, if we want to learn, 
and I am living proof...........

to finally have my house back
together.......all rooms.........
and containers put away too!!  lol

for an opportunity to help a sweet
young lady by housing her for a
a week.............

that Becky brought over some new
to her,  Organic Decaf coffee from 
whole foods, and boy, was it good.
  Will be buying some soon.............

hubby brought din din home from
Outback tonight.  It was yummy,
as always.

for a good response from that letter
I wrote last week.  It came today and
I really wasn't sure I wanted to open
it........... but I did.......God is good!


Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place.

Happy you could come for a visit.

Hope you have a lovely Friday
and weekend with Your family/
friends or furry friends.

Love, Hugs, and
last week of January 


Can you believe Feb. 1st is Monday 

Sharing over at:

My FlagStaff Home with Jennifer

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine recipes with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Tray of bliss with Mimi

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. Nellie, glad you're feeling better. Thanks for sharing your thankfulness post at My Flagstaff Home.


  2. Thanks so much Jennifer, and thanks for coming by and for hosting your linky party.

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Nellie, I needed a Nellie post today. I too, have been laid up with a flu thing and felt quite sorry for self. Thankyou for making me smile. Mimi xxx

  4. Morning Mimi,
    Good to hear from you sweetie!! So sorry to hear you have been sick, these days it seems like these virus's are lasting longer and longer, and you think you are never
    gonna get over Will send up some prayers for you hon. It is never
    fun being sick that is for sure............

    Happy my post put a smile on your face..........

    Love, Big Hugs and Keep Resting.........
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. #1. That is so true. I really missed church when I couldn't attend when I was going through rehab!
    #2. I've often thought of those beds that lift the head-good for sleep apnea! But I'm sure the price will keep me with the bed I have, ha!
    #3. As you know, mine stays the same 365 days, lol!
    #4. Yes, thank Jim again for me for coming down in the afternoon and putting my new tag on!
    #5. As so with Sylvia, my dear friend of 32 years!
    #6. Yes, just as delicious as the day before!
    #7. Mine is tiredness and lack of energy.
    #8. My "house" is surely missing Max. Joe and Bart (Wendy's husband) came this morning and got him. It surely has been quiet not hearing him. However, Jerry and Cuddles have been chirping, whistling, and talking more.
    #9. I can see why you are tired with all the company you've had!
    #10. I'll have to try that!
    #11. I've often thought about ordering out.
    #12. All the time GOD is good!
    I've been praying for you to feel better. Remember me as I get over missing Max. Pray his new home is going well.
    I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments............

    Praying for I know you will miss Max, but hopefully knowing he is in a good
    home and will have lots of attention and freedom will help. Good that Jerry and Cuddles
    are making lots of noises and talking to make up for not hearing Max.......

    Think I am more tired from having back problems all week......actually our house guest
    has not been a problem at all, she pretty much takes care of herself, and has been out a lot as well, and is a very sweet young lady.

    Will be praying for Max to adjust to his new home as well..........

    Also thanks for your prayers for me, they are appreciated.

    Love ya, Nellie

  7. Nellie,
    I l o v e d hearing all that you are Thankful for, dear one!!!
    Have a blessed week ahead!!!

  8. Hello Pat,
    Thanks so much for coming by and so glad you enjoy reading Thankful Thursday.
    This post always keeps me grounded and feeling I do it for me,
    as much as I do it for others.............but so happy others enjoy it too.

    Hope you have a blessed week as well, hon,

  9. Love your cozy home, Nellie! Glad you stopped by Sea Glass Cottage so I can visit a bit more. You have a blessed week, too!

  10. Hi Joanne,
    Thanks so much for your visit hon and your sweet comments.

    Have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: