Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thankful Thursday January 14, 2016, Fun Photo Affects Tablescape

With Posterized Affect

I will praise you, O LORD, 
with all my heart; 
I will tell of all your wonders. 

I will be glad an rejoice in you;
 I will sing praise to your name, 
O Most High.

Psalm 9:1-2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are things with you??

Can you believe we are half way
thru January already............

It was just pouring rain earlier, was
like a summer storm a 11:00 but now,
 at 2:40 it is nice and sunny and 72
 degrees or so.  The sun is beckoning
me outside.........and I probably need
to go.....need that Vitamin

Well, I went out and the sun lasted
about 8 mins. then went in due to
cloud cover, it is back out now, but 
there is just so many clouds...think
 it is gonna be in and out all day.
 oh well......
maybe tomorrow!!  lol

Woke up with a headache and sore

throat and am now running a temp.
Trying to count it all Joy! 

Was hoping to get the rest of our
Christmas stuff down this weekend,
but not feeling like it now........
Would not mind it at all.... if some 
of you feel led to pray this would
 clear up really would
be really appreciated...........

I had prepared some fun Photo Shop
affect pictures with leftover pics
from my earlier tablescape. It is
fun playing with those if you have
never tried it.........hope you enjoy 

Well, on with my Thankful Post......

I am thankful

for a really sweet video I saw on yahoo this
week,  where a bride and groom went to the
hospital to see his (I think) 91 yr. old grand-
mother (who had broken her ankle).  They
did this on the way to their wedding all
 dressed up so she could see them, and take 
pictures with her.  Very Sweet, and very
lovely in this day and age of disrespect
for the elderly.  Wish I could have put
the video on here,  but couldn't find a
 way, did put it on facebook tho, but
 maybe you saw it.....hope so........
it was very touching.

With Poster Edges Affect

that we at least got our tree down on Saturday
and a number of other things that needed to be
done as well.  So  making progress!!

that the Lord gave me a word for this year.
Have heard other ladies saying what word
the Lord gave them for the year, and I have
never done that before, so began praying
and felt the Lord gave me the word......
so looking forward to what he has to 
teach me...............

for spending the day with my daughter on 
Monday via the phone..........we had not
talked for a week as she has had company
and was working before that, so we made
a day of it......
as the old phone commercials use to
say "it is the next best thing to being
there".  lol
I am so hoping they will soon develop

With colored Pencil Affect

for a cool day to air the house out
after being sick.  It smells so nice
and fresh in here..............
Love it~~

for some homemade fruit cake our neighbor
across the street brought us.  Now I am not
 an avid fruit cake lover but I do like a slice
 or two now and again......but have not had 
any for years.  Claxton used to make great
 fruit cake years ago, but the last time I had
 it I didn't like it at all,  way too dry! YUK!

But my neighbor's was absolutely to die
 for.........It was full of frut and nuts just
 the way I like it, and then she chops the
 fruit and nuts in smaller pcs, than most
 fruit cakes which really made it so
Now this is a fruit cake I would definitely
 consider making!!
Hubby is not a fruit cake lover at all....
but he loved it too...........We are secretly
hoping she will make another one and
think of
We are also grateful for her thoughtful-
ness in bringing us some, as we had a
 conversation about fruit cake just a few
days before it was such
a lovely delicious surprise!

with soft Omni lighting affect
My newest favorite affect

that our new rug arrived last Sat. when
 I was sick.  So since I was sleeping in, 
 hubby received it and had already 
unpacked it and had it on the floor, so
it was a nice surprise when I got up.
We are both thrilled with looks
great and it is a lil bigger, thicker,
lighter and more modern than our 
previous one, so we  both really
 love the new look.

 With Photocopy Affect

that I found a chart I had made and
 stored to keep me on track with things
 I need to do just to keep me healthy
 and fit. It just seems like as you get
 older there are more and more things 
you need to do, and you sometimes
 really feel like it can consume your 
whole day, but not really, and I have
found the stuff I write down gets 
done, not  always that day but sooner
than normal, but the things on my
chart are pretty much daily things, 
anywhere from flossing, Vitamins,
 water, exercise and how much 
protein I eat a day............

Think it was a God incidence rather
 than a coincidence since I was praying
for Him to help me make a schedule so
 I can be more organized with my time.
I made the chart last year and was doing
 great when I was using it but somehow
 got off track.......and forgot all about my it was a good find, and
I highly recommend it, cause if you
like to check things off a list you
will love it,  just gives you more
stuff to check

With Soft Omni Lighting affect!

hubby brought home bagels from
 Panera tonight.  Asaigo Cheese and
 Everything Bagels, my 2 fav bagels, 
Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!!
I have been craving them........

for a pretty good Presidential Debate 
last night. There were a few skirmishes
 but overall a very good time of really 
getting to hear what the candidates
stand for...........which of course, is
suppose to be the whole purpose of
 a debate to begin with.
Thought fox News did a great job.

 With colored Pencil affect

for the way the Lord guides and directs
 us through circumstances at times.  I
received an email with a video from
 "Marriage and Family Life Today" which
 seemed like it was perfectly designed for
 the problem we are dealing with in a
 counseling situation We had planned
 something else but when we watched
 the video we both just looked at each
 and knew this was what we needed to 
show them.  Love Gods directions,
he always knows what He is doing.

With Soft Omni Lighting affect

that my son was so thoughtful and 
brought his Dad coffee,  and his
Mom a surprise Chai tea from 
Starbuck's when he came to pick
up lil darling on Wed.
A sweet surprise that was greatly


Well, there you have it another week
 at Cozy Place..................

So happy you stopped by today,
and hope you share something you
are thankful for..............

Have a really Great Weekend
 with those you hold dear..........


Keep you light shining brightly!

Soft omni lighting affect

Love,  Hugs,  and
Mid January Blessings.


Sharing over at:


  1. Dearest Nellie, what a lovely post from you today. I love that soft omni effect too, it's so pretty! Perseverance is a wonderful word to be blessed with. I think mine is Patience. So often I see patience rewarded and yet it's a hard lesson sometimes. Living in a world of instant gratification means that patience and perseverance are often undervalued I think. On the subject of fruit cake, yes, there are good and bad. So glad you got a good! Love the new blog makeover. Very swisharooni! Love, Mimi xxx

  2. #1. Reminds me of Lucille the last place I had rehab. She was 94 and dressed up on Sunday for her son (who is a pastor) to pick her up and take her to church.
    #2. I'm getting things ready for Donnie to come and get Max (my macaw) this week. I had second thoughts and prayed, "LORD, give me a sign if I'm doing what You want me to do. Well, it wasn't but a few hours and I got my answer with Max opening his cage door! I've had him for 13 years and he never opened his door! He pulled out all the paper under his as well as Jerry's cage! Donnie is a carpenter and has built a large outdoor flight cage (which Max really needs.)
    #3. My word is "trust" as "trust in the LORD and He will supply all your needs." (Phil. 4:19)
    #4. I'm going to have to get a new rechargeable battery for my phone. It doesn't hold the charge and cuts off on me!
    #5. I surely pray you are feeling better today!
    #6. When Alice makes fruit cake, she brings me some.
    #7. I can hardly wait to see it!
    #8. I've made eating a #1 priory. I'm 185! The doctor said I could carry 200 with my height and bone structure.
    #9. You make my mouth water, ha!
    #10. Politics is too stressful for me.
    #11. I'm so glad for GOD's direction (Max).
    #12. Surprises are so uplifting. Alice surprises me like that sometimes!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Mimi,
    So wonderful to hear from you and very glad you enjoyed this post.
    Yes, perseverance is a great word, and so is patience. I think my word is for perseverance in my Etsy Shop that I have been working towards, but it just seems
    like LIFE just keeps getting in the way! lol I recently heard a Pastor that said
    if you have a dream, that you should do something everyday towards it. So figured
    if I could do something at least twice a week, that would be progress, so that is
    the plan, but every since I decided that I have been and if I
    can do it more than twice that would be great too, But as soon as I can I will persevere with my plan of twice a week.

    Guess what my sweet neighbor just brought us some more fruit cake about 15 mins. ago...and it is as good as the last one........

    I will tell you several ways the Lord has taught me the grocery line
    and driving, cause everytime a line is long and I switch lanes in either place it
    winds up taking longer, so now I just look at the magazines or talk to someone
    in line, or sing to the music in the car or enjoy the scenery. lol

    Thanks Mimi for all your sweet and encouraging comments as always.
    Enjoying my heart pillow.
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by..........
    Jim and I both think that is great that you have found such a good home for Max, cause
    he is such a big bird he needs to have that freedom. Think Max is getting to be a
    rebellious teenager, trying to climb out the cage. lol

    I am feeling better but tire out quickly, just got over the other virus, and can't
    believe I got another one, unless it is still part of the other one...who knows!! lol
    These virus's today are quite crazy and last a long time.

    Yea, can't imagine anyone who can't enjoy a good surprise, and so nice that folks are
    thoughtful enough to take the time to do sweet things like that.

    It will be neat to see what the Lord teaches us both this year with Trust and Perseverance........

    Have a good week,
    Love ya, Nellie

  5. I love all of these fun photos. With the popularity of coloring books, I have long wanted to turn some of my tablescape pictures into coloring book pictures to play with in order to re-imagine what existing settings look like. Thus far, however, I have bee unable to figure out how to do this. :-(

  6. Hi Pattie,
    Yea, I get a kick out of the affects, there are some many and takes awhile to learn
    them, and it seems certain affects only look good on certain pictures, so you just
    have to try them out. I have not seen where they have any affects that turn it into
    a coloring page could try as they have
    all sorts of neat photo affects and it is free. We have a photoshop package, but
    occasionally I use photosketcher. They have great watercolor affects, much better
    than photoshop, and their cartoon affect is good too, course, you have to get it on
    the right pic of course.

    oh yea, I made your Mom's soup today and it was wonderful, hubby and I both loved
    it and we are all warmed up thanks so much for sharing it.....
    Will send some folks over to see your recipe on Thursday.

    Have a good evening hon,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025, and pictures of Winter decor

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....