Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thankful Thursday January 21, 2016, our Winter Mantle

Ascribe to the Lord the honor
due his name;
 worship the LORD in the
 splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29:2  NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

If I was a betting woman I would be
betting that a lot of you are blanketed
 with snow by now.  It sounds like quite
the Winter Storm is coming in, so know
 we here in Florida are praying it passes 
you by, without any serious issues.

It has been a good week here......Cold
 for us in Florida, but we are loving it. 
Not a lot going on really, some soup
making and, just in the process of
 getting my house redecorated and 
back to normal............
 Trying out some new ideas in the 
family room, not sure if it will stay
 or not.....but left you with some pics
 of the new look on our mantle. 
 The lighter colored ones were taken
 in the daytime, the darker ones, you
guessed it, at night...............lol.

and  now on with Thankful List........

I am thankful

for a wonderful new soup recipe
I found on Pattie's blog,  it is her
Mom's Cauliflower soup recipe,
and it is quite delicious, I made
it on Tuesday and hubby and I
both loved it.  Pattie has a great
blog,  and if you want the soup
recipe, Just click here or type

to have all my christmas things packed
 and tucked away finally, till next year, 
so I can get our home back to normal again.

that my sweet neighbor gave me more
fruit cake.........it was just as good as
the last time..........um um....

with posterized affect

for the enjoyment of reading....I am
currently reading a book by Ann
Romney called "In it Together", and
really enjoying it, easy reading and
very interesting, it is about her battle
with Multiple Sclerosis.

That I finished decorating my mantle
for Winter and we both love how it
came out.........hence, the pics you
see here..........

This quote came from the movie "The Help".  I loved it and was telling
my daughter about it and she saw the sign in one of my fav Asheville
stores and got it for me for Christmas last year.

for our new  A/C and heating unit we
replaced back in the summer.  The heat 
works better than the old one and takes
 the chill off the house very quickly, and
 also what they told us about our A/C
 bills has been true. They are about $100
 less than they used to be.  Quite nice!!

With cutout affect

for comfy cozy flannel P.J.'s to lounge
around in during the cold weather. Just
love them..........and have a hard time
making myself get out of them some-
times.  lol


for my trusty Lumix point and shoot
camera....cause where would my
 blogging be without it !!

for being able to do a blog, and for
my hubby and friend Becky from
over at TimeWashed encouraging
 and helping me with it. I also think
 having a reason to take so many pics
 all the time has helped improve my
 photography skills some too. I am
still enjoying it as well.........

too, for all of you dear ladies and
occasionally gentlemen, who read 
my blog on a regular basis or just
 drop by every now and again. You
are so appreciated, and I have so
enjoyed getting to know quite a few
of you, and enjoy your blogs as well.
and it isn't  much fun to have a blog
if no one is following or reading. lol

with posterized/equalized affect

that I finally got a letter done, that
 needed to be written, but that I really
 did not want to deal with, and I also
 needed to get some information about, 
before I wrote it, and have to say I did 
lil procrastinating as well, lol
 but, the good news is I finally got that 
done today (Thursday) and off the 
letter went. 
Can not begin to tell you how happy
I am to have that off my plate!!
Singing the Halleleujah chorus!!

that Dee and Jerry are having a lot of fun
in and with the snow in Asheville.  She
made her first snow angel...........lol
and they will be happily snowed in 
together for the weekend.

Well, there you have it.......
 another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks a bunch for coming by......
always love knowing you were here.


How do you like our Winter Mantle??

Enjoy the Winter and the Snow,
if you are getting some.......lol

Warm Hugs and
Blessings Galore,


Sharing over at:

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lori and Friends

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends


  1. I love these thankfulness posts you do. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


  2. Thank you so much Jennifer, that is very encouraging, and have to say they have
    literally revolutionized my life over the past almost 7 years I have been doing

    Blessings Hon

    and Thanks for hosting as well

  3. Nellie, I really enjoy reading your gratitude lists. It really makes us realize how blessed we are. Your mantel is beautiful and I really love the sign, as well as the book and movie. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hi Carol,
    So nice you came by and thanks for all your sweet comments, and yes, we are really
    blessed aren't we??
    I loved the movie too.......didn't know there was a book. Does the movie pretty much
    follow the book? Love the sign....a dear friend of mine who recommended the movie to me, said what if each of us were told those phrases
    every day from the cradle......what a huge difference it would make in our lives.
    and have to say I think she is right.

    You have a lovely weekend too.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. #1. I love soup and stews in the winter time. Hot chocolate too!
    #2. Can you believe we are into the last week of January already!
    #3. I love fruitcake (as long as it doesn't have to strong Bourbon taste. Alice makes hers that way. I don't like those made with alcohol.
    #4. I enjoy reading my different daily studies with Daily Bread, Stanley, and a book of poems that Alice gave to me.
    #5. It is a cool day indeed, weather wise, ha!
    #6. Praise the LORD! I'm waiting to see what mine will be since I've been using the heat!
    #7. I love mine I got for Christmas too!
    #8. The pictures are great! I haven't used my camera in, I don't know when.
    #9. I've dropped to blogging once a week.
    #10. Yes, most visit mine (from all over the world!)
    #11. Amen!
    #12. Good for them, I hope Rosey is liking it!
    I love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    Saw you across the way in church but didn't see you after, so you must have scooted
    out the back door..lol
    Yea, I really love soups and stews in the Winter too, but only in the Winter.......
    Yea, I am the same with the fruitcake, my grandmother used to put bourbons in hers
    and I never liked it really...........but my neighbor doesn't put anything alcholic
    in hers or I probably wouldn't like it either.
    Dee said when she goes to take Rosie out when she sees the snow she turns around to
    go back in the house, so she has to pick her up and set her down and she goes where
    ever she sets her, and the back into the house. They had a foot of snow this time,
    so don't know how she is doing since she is probably just a foot tall herself, bless
    her heart. It was suppose to be sunny and 44 degrees in Asheville today, so hope a lot of their snow melted today as it is going to 24 degrees tonight.
    Well, thanks for coming by and for all your comments........
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Nellie,
    Amazing things to be thankful for, dear friend!!!
    And. . .yes!!! I love your Winter Mantel!!!

  8. Hello Pat,
    so nice to have you come by hon, and thanks so much for the sweet comments.
    Hope this finds you doing well.
    blessings, Nellie

  9. You have so much to be thankful for. I often have a task I keep putting off and it feels so good to finally take care of it.

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  10. Hi Carol,
    Yes, I feel very blessed. I definitely like to put off things that are emotionally
    charged as it can just be so draining, and this was one of those............but am
    so very thankful it is done, and I have not heard a word back, which is dandy with me.
    So you too, know how good it feels to have it done........lol

    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Beautiful! Thanks for inspiring!

  12. Thankyou Nellie. I always feel so at peace with your thankful posts. I love that you shared this at Five Star Frou-Frou. Love, Mimi xxx

  13. Thank you Lauree for coming by and for your sweet comments, they are appreciates.
    Blessings, Nellie

  14. Hi Mimi,
    Thanks so much for your visit as always............you always leave me feeling encouraged........your a sweetie.......

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: