Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Observance

Hello Sweet Friends
May you have a Blessed time
 of Remembrance
with your Family and or Friends
And to all our Men and Women 
in Uniform and all their precious
We love and appreciate you 
for all the sacrifices you are
making to make our lives
and the world a better place.
We pray for your safety and
provision.  May the Lord Bless
you and Keep you safe, and Meet
all your needs!

Blessings Abundant,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Have A Singing Sunday

Good Sunday Morning Sweet Friends
Hope this finds you well and content
this sweet morning and hope you are 
having a pleasant weekend thus far.
The verses for today are from
Psalm 59: 16 and 17
But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love,
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.

O my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, O God, are my fortress,
my loving God.
Hope you having a Singing Sunday!!
Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 27, 2010

Artist Garden by Claude Monet
compliments of Mary Dover Publishing

Well,  Sweet Friends
Guess what Day it is????
Hope your week has been going well,  and that today
 finds you in a grateful mood.
We worked out in the yard again yesterday
and pruned away all the dead palmetto leaves
and it looks so much better and greener.
So guess that would be my
I am thankful to the Lord
for all the work we got done  and how much
nicer the yard  looks each time.  We both love 
seeing the yard evolve one snip at a time.  lol
.........course, there is
still plenty more to do,  but it will get there.

I am thankful to the Lord
for my blooming lilies cause  everytime I see them
they are a constant reminder of those verses in 
Matthew 6:25-34 about the Lilies of the field,
and how God takes care of them, and how if
He takes care of them....He will take care of us.
I am thankful to the Lord
that Kathy from over at Sweet Up North Mornings
 had good news about her husbands cancer surgery
 this  week.  Lord willing they will be able to do it
all laprascopically and his recovery time will be
much shorter.  PTL
Remember to pray for him if you feel led,  his
name is Dave and his surgery is June 5th.
I am thankful to the Lord
for all the jobs my hubby is finding to apply for,
cause this was not the case 6 yrs. ago when
he was laid off.  The market was flooded with
Engineers when his Company had huge lay
offs of so many people, mostly all Engineers.
I am thankful to the Lord
that we came across a job opportunity last night
 for Scott that seems to perfectly fit his expertise
and experience and it is in the area.  We are
so excited!!  But he has to apply yet!!
He hasn't even seen it yet,  as we found it
about 10:30 and emailed the info over to him.
Plus there were some others as well.
Isn't he a cutie!!  I took this quite a while back
but just never used it before ( at least I don't
 remember using it anyway!! lol.)  He is sitting in
the tree in our front yard.
I am thankful to the Lord
that my friend that had the MRI that showed
no brain tumors has had no more symtoms.
She was prayed for by the elders and now
we are wondering if there was something
there, and the Lord has healed her,  cause
strange that her symptoms just quit all of
a sudden,  cause she had been having
bad dizzy spells and then would be real
I am thankful to the Lord
that Becky over at Holiday In the Sun 
did well on all her tests this week.
Tests are no fun,  that is for sure.
So the Lord is answering all those
prayers on her behalf.
I am thankful to the Lord
for this yummy Pasta Salad recipe I 
learned from my long time friend Arlene.
I made it today and it has almost been a 
year since I made it,  which made it all
 the better.  Hubby and I both enjoyed
it so much,  and I have a huge bowl left,
so I will probably add Chicken to it for
tomorrows dinner.
It truly is delicious and filling.
If you would like to try it .

( This would be Molly - Don't you just love her
butterfly shaped nose markings)

I am thankful to the Lord
that He took care of our cat Molly for us.
She was acting like she was getting a
urinary tract infection again and we were
thinking oh, a vet bill,  so we prayed and
asked the Lord to take care of it,  and He
did cause she has been fine every since.
I am thankful to the Lord
for the extra time that we have to be in
God's word, praying and reading good
books,  and to minister which leads me to
 the next Thankful!!
I am thankful to the Lord
for  his word,  the Bible,  and for great books
like "Secrets of the vine", by Bruce Wilkinson
and "Lost in the Middle" and "Broken down
house" by Paul David Tripp because they 
are full of wonderful theology about God
and who He is and constantly point us to
God's love for us,  and are soooo very
 encouraging when you go through
times like these.
# 12
I am thankful  to the Lord
for being able to get all our Dr. appts. in
June,  just in case we can't keep the Cobra
Insurance.  Still have to get some dental appts
yet,  but don't think that will be a problem.
I am thankful to the Lord
that I was able to lower the miles driven for
Jim's car which will make our car Ins. almost
 $100.00 less for this 6 mo. period.  You have
to keep Insurance but if we don't drive it much
then it takes quite a bit off!!  yea!!

Well,  Sweet Folks,
What can I tell you,
except God is Good!!
That is my Thankful List
Tell Me About Yours!!!
Have a Great Evening with you Sweet 
Family,  Friends or Pets,
Love, Blessings and Hugs,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Enchiladas recipe & products

Greetings Sweet Friends
Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday
Hope you are having a super duper day!!
We are!!........It's so nice to have so much extra
time to spend in prayer and in God's word,  and
reading good books together, and to be able to
 get our exercising done early in the day. 
  We could get used to this very quickly. lol
Jim sent off 3 more resumes and got back 3
responses this morning already so that was nice.
 Got no responses from the first three, so this
 was very encouraging!! One Company is not 
hiring at all, but the others who knows,  but at
 least they are getting his resume to the right
 place,  so that is good news.
Made this Chicken  Enchiladas recipe last week, 
 it was from Campbells soup Company,  but 
of course,  I had to tweak it some. 
It was delicious,  but I have to say it was even
more so the next day,  so next time I think I will
make them the day before, and have them the next.
Chicken & Cheese Enchiladas
1 can of condensed cream of chicken soup
(The healthy request)
1/2 cup of lowfat sour cream
1 cup of pace picante sauce
2 tsp. chili powder
2 cups of cooked chicken (chopped)
3/4 cups of  shredded Mexican blend 2% cheese 
6 - 6" flour tortillos (check your labels for ones that
do not have hydrogenated oils - I found some fatfree
ones at walmart,  they pic is below the recipe)
shredded lettuce,  as much as you want to cover
your enchilada.  I sort of make a salad on top
of mine,  cause we need those veggies.
Tomatoes the same, ( I love campari tomatoes)
Green onions sliced,  as many as you want the more
the better I might say, or you can use reg. onions too.
cilantro,  chopped up (I like a lot of that too) lol
(We got 2 meals out of this for 2 people)
1. Stir the soup, sour cream, picante sauce and chili
powder in a medium bowl.
2. Stir 1 cup of the picante sauce mixture, along with the 
chicken and cheese into large bowl.
3. Divide chicken mixture among the 6 tortillos.  Roll up
the tortillos and place seamside up in a 2 qt. shallow
baking dish.  Pour remaining picante sauce mixture
 over filled tortillos.  Cover baking dish.
4.  Bake at 350 degrees for 40 mins. or until enchiladas
or hot and bubbling.
5.  Place on plate and top with lettuce, tomatoes, scallions,
a dollop of sour cream then sprinkle on the cilantro. 
 Serve with guacamole and chips and you  are good
 to go!!  Heart Healthy chips of course!! lol


Here is the tortillos I told you about.
No bad oils,  in fact no oils at all!!

This arrived on Sunday our newspaper.
It was just a sample box,  but thought it
was neat it was gluten free.  We haven't
tried it yet, but if it is like the gluten free
waffles I bought I  liked it even better.
I decided to go try them,  just ate them
dry, but hubby and I both really liked them.
I am sure they are really great with milk
on them,  but they could also be good
just as a snack dry.
They have 9 grams of sugar for 3/4 cup
for anyone worrying about the sugar 

They also have all of these in gluten free too!
This ad and coupon came with them,  but
it was a bit crumpled,  so think it didn't
come out too badly!!

Well Sweeties,
Yall have a good rest of the day now!!
ya hear!!
Blessings and Hugs,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

(Today my yellow lilies are blooming, 
 all my lilies are in the front yard)
Happy Monday Sweet Peas,
Hope this finds you having a very good Monday, 
and that you also had a very nice weekend.
Ours was nice........quiet and restful, which was
perfect to us.  Dee and her beau came over for dinner
 on Friday night and we all had a nice evening,  course,
 we also got to see Rosie as well. 
 She always puts a smile on our faces too!!

(These are the same lilies but they have the photoshop
paint daubs affect,  thought it looked neat)
Saturday we didn't do too much really,  cause
 we were pretty tired from a busy week can't 
even remember what we did, ........... Oh yea,
we slept late,  for me that just almost never 
happens,  but think it was because I only slept
4 or 5 hrs. the night before.  So I woke up feeling
great, then we sat on the porch and drank coffee
for awhile and read in a new book by Paul David
Tripp called "Broken down house".  We are
really enjoying it.  Then we came in and made a
 bunch of pancakes and waffles from a wholegrain
 mix we had purchased at Ross last weekend.
Had some for breakfast and froze the rest.  
They were nummy!! 
 Repotted a big plant cause it's old pot cracked, 
and was looking awful so that was a nice improvement.
  Talked to an old and dear friend we haven't talked to
 in awhile.  She never reads my blog mainly cause she
 is too busy ( she is a Pastors wife), but for some
reason she decided to... and read about Jim losing
his job, and called to find out why we hadn't called
to let them know,  so they could be praying for us.
So Sweet and so good to hear from her.
Washed and did my hair and that is all I can 
remember accept we had leftovers from Friday
nites dinner,  so no cooking but a good din din!!
Sunday we went to Sunday School and church.
It was a very encouraging service!
Then we went to get a smoothie afterwards,  came
 home, ate lunch, read the newspaper,  took a nap, 
 I got up before Jim so I visited some blogs,  then
 a bit after he got up we went outside to sit in the
 yard and read some more.  It was so lovely out,
a lil bit of breeze and cool enough to be out there,
 because it was 90 degrees earlier and such a 
gorgeous day, I so wanted to be outside,  but I
 can't take the heat in the daytime.  So was so
elated to be able to enjoy being outside for awhile.
We can never be accused of working too much
on a Sunday!! lol  It is truly our day of rest.
 This is what I saw as we were sitting there.
(our backyard - we have been working over on the left
behind the skinny legged tree and the bench.
It used to be a huge full bush a week or so ago,  and
 before we cleaned out you could only see the bottom
 part of the post behind the bench, not much is blooming
in the backyard right now but the Lantana which is only
sparsely blooming by the birdbath and to the left passed
 where you can see.  I am hoping to plant some flowers
 maybe under that lil tree, cause it looks so bare and
 drab right now.  We love our backyard tho,  it is truly
a place of solace for us.  It is truly a miracle how it has 
recovered from hurricane Charlie 6 yrs. or so ago.
As it was totally demolished....we had a backyard
full of trees and tree tops from the hurricane but 
also from a tornado that touched down right on
the lot beside us.  We never thought our backyard 
would look the same again. That was one noisy and
 scary storm!!  Maybe I will share our hurricane
story when we get into hurricane season.
While Jim was reading I was listening and looking
at the sky,  it was just so beautiful I had to take
a break and take some pics for yall to see!
Just love these gorgeous clouds, 
Looks like God has been painting away!!

Sorta looks likeGod is kicking that 3/4 moon
into place.  Earlier it sort of look like his hand.

These next 3 were  taken during the blue hour.
just for the heck of it!! lol
As you can see it was almost dark,  and the sky
was dark grey, but on film it shows up this 
pretty blue!!
And here is the moon shot again
but during the blue hour,  it was almost
 dark, again the sky was grey. 
 Sure looks pretty here!!
Well,  Sweet Friends that was our weekend,
not exciting but sure was fun and relaxing!! lol
Have a Sweet Evening with your family.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hugs and Blessings,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Have a Beautiful Sunday

Good Morning Sweet Friendsand Happy Sunday to you!!*Someone sent me this lovely power pointPresentation,  and I just had to share itwith you.  Once it starts you have to keep hitting the down arrow on your keyboardto keep it going till the end.  The one I gotover email had lovely Ann Murray musicbut we couldn't get it to work,  but the presentation is lovely anyway!
A Present

Hope you enjoy it as much I did!!  
I thought this verse goes nicely with it!!
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of heavenly
lights, who does not change like shifting
Have a Beautiful Sunday!!
Love, blessings and hugs,

P.S.  If you would like to see it on a larger scale
go to the bottom of the Power Point Presentation
and click on the menu on the lefthand side and
select view full screen.  Didn't tell you before
cause once you go there you can't get back
to this post!! 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 20, 2010

(My lilies are blooming as well as Scott's Zinnia's)
Hello Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Well......It has been a splendid and fun day,
 as Becky was here for lunch to celebrate her birthday
 and we had a good days chin waggin and eating session.
That would be 
on my Thankful list this week.
I am thankful 
for what a Wonderful person Becky is,
and how she brightens up the lives of those
she comes in contact with,  she is a true jewel
as many of you already know.  If you have not
met her you might want to go over and visit her
and see for yourself.  Just click here.
I am thankful to the Lord
for how wonderful my hubby is doing in spite
of his job loss.  His faith is strong and his
attitude terrific. I am so proud of him!!

I am thankful
for yard work and a John Deere tractor cause it gives
a guy something to do to feel like he is accomplishing
something!  and What guy doesn't love and feel manly
riding on a John Deere,  give them a tractor and they
are happy happy campers. 

And just look at that smile.
I am thankful
for that smile,  and for the Wonderful
man that is wearin' that smile!!
I am thankful
for all the yard work we have accomplished
so far,  and that there is plenty more to do
to keep this sweet man busy!!  I really think
this is a blessing to us, because we have so
much cutting back that needs to be done
and we have such a hard time having the
time to do it....cause by the time he gets
home at 6 p.m. and changes clothes and
we have dinner,  not too much time left
over for yard work,  plus now we are
in the season of mowing once a week.

(Our Pretty kitty Molly,  sitting in the woods out back on a log.
Has nothing to do with anything I am writing just wanted to 
share it) lol
I am thankful
for You,  all my sweet bloggy friends who
have been so supportive, caring, prayerful and
 encouraging during this time.
You are just too Sweet and Amazing!!
and I love you guys, well, uh Girls!!
You know what I mean!! lol
I am thankful
that the same sweet friend who got her
divorce decree (that she did not want)  a few weeks ago, 
 had an MRI done, and they were looking for
brain tumors and there was None.
Praise the Lord!!

(Our lil Cardinal friend has been back many times since I 
lasted posted his picture,  this is is right side view!  lol
They just tickle me soooo..... as I watch them just flutter and
frolic about and have such a delightful time taking a bath,
who knew it could be such fun!!)  lol
I am thankful
for a riding mower and good lawn equipment
that makes it so much faster for us to do the 
lawn and make it look so nice.  I do most of
the mowing and that way, it frees Jim up to do
the weed eating and edging,  we just finished and
 it looks great and we are done in less than an hr
 and a half, with everything put away to boot!!
Not Bad for old folks!! lol
(He's having more fun fluttering those wings and getting all wet)
I am thankful
 for how pleasant and comfortable it was
when we went to Jimmy's office to get his things on
Tuesday.  Everyone was so nice, and you could tell
they all felt so bad!  We spent the first hr or two just
talking with them.  I had met all but one before, so it
was actually a fun time considering why we were there!! lol
I am thankful
we got to go see "Letters to God"  finally.  Our gift
certificates even covered our popcorn and water, so
it was pretty much a free movie date other than $2.00.
Not bad, I'd say!!  And the movie was just great!
Unapologetically Christian and it is based on a true
story about a young boy who had cancer.  It is truly
stunning to find these sorts of movies in the public
theatres,  what a joy that it!!
I am thankful
I finally got my wreath decorated and put up
on the front of the house.  It was about time!!  lol

Remember this..... you saw it in some tablescapes as
a centerpiece.  Bought  2 of them at the end of summer last
year for $4.00 each,  they have them this year for $25.00, 
I think it is.  Boy,  $8.00 vs $50.00 sounds like a blessing
to me!!  lol
I wired the 2 together with long pipe cleaners, and stuck in 
some pink flowers and a bow I had and this is what I got.

Nice and Springy!!
And to make a baker's dozen.
I am thankful
Dee and her boyfriend are coming to dinner
tomorrow night,  so we will get to spend 
some one on one time just with them for
a change.  Been wanting to do that for a
 while now.
Gotta add this too!!
I am thankful
that the young couple we have been working
with is still doing great.  We talked about
some time pressure issues this week,  but
they are fine and working well together.
We are pleased as punch and so very
proud of them.  We asked them to pray
together at least once a week,  and they
are doing it more than once a week, is
that great or what!!  It makes me smile
every time I think about them!!
Have a great Evening with your
 family Sweet friends,
Love and Blessings,
So Tell Me....................
What are you Thankful for????

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie