Monday, May 10, 2010

Hap Hap Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,
So how was your weekend???
or how was your Mother's Day??
Hope the answer is good, delightful, wonderful 
or all of the above. Hope if you are a Mom that 
you got to spend time with your children, in
 person, or on the phone or skype.
We had a nice weekend, it was productive and
fun!!  Friday and Saturday we worked in the
bathroom and finished painting the woodwork
and caulking and stuff.  We are just about done,
just a few last details and we will be officially
a done deal.  Can't Wait, I am so excited about
how it looks already, can't wait to see the
 finished product.  So for me that seemed like
 a Mother's Day present to get so much done
on it!!
  Just started to clean out the
cabinets in there today.  It has the old wallpaper
on the bottom of the cabinet and am trying to
decide what to do about that!!
We watched a movie called "Leap Year" and
it has a PG rating.  It was truly a cute movie,
in fact, we watched it twice,  cause we got
so caught up in the movie we forgot to do
the exercise bike,  so we decided to watch
it a 2nd time and get our exercise,  which
made for another late Friday night!!
This is getting to be a pattern here!! lol
Then because we were up so late we had
to sleep in.......not too long after we got up
there was a loud knock at the door, and
I ran for the bedroom cause I was still
in my gown.  
It was a Mother's Day surprise from
 Scott and Megan.  
Isn't it neat!!

They are called Edible Arrangements
I have seen them before but never
had the pleasure of having one.
But I have now...........

It was as delicious as it was pretty,  and I am
keeping all the lil skewers and the basket so
I can try and make my own sometime when
we are having a get together.
While I was downloading pics I ripped the
wallpaper off the cabinet floor and it came
right off!  So that fixed that!! lol
We also got to have Rosie for the weekend,
since Dee went to spend the weekend at
her boyfriends parents house.  I know his
Mom was beside herself with joy,  cause
she doesn't get to see him that often, cause
it is about an hr and a half from where he
lives to their place.  Having Rosie is always
a joy for us!! lol
Then Sunday Morning when we were about to
leave for church Scott and Megan showed
 up,  and we were pleasantly surprised. They
drop Joey off sometimes if they are gonna
be here all day or at her parents.
 So we went to church and then got our
 favorite smoothie,  and came home to 
DeeAnna making Veggie Lasagna in our
 kitchen.  Jim did a good job keeping it all 
a surprise!
She did an awesome job on dinner,  the
lasagna was super delicious,  and she made
a nice salad with a  homemade creamy
 parmesan salad dressing ,  and Scott did
 the garlic bread.. She made 2 pans so
we all had enough to have it for din din
tonight as well!!  Oh yum,  I can hardly
wait,  you know how italian food is...
always better the next day!!
Course,  I don't know if this could taste
any better really!!
She set the table really pretty too!
Forgot to take pics as usual.  If I don't
get them before everyone arrives,
I never think of it again!
I got  lovely cards and gifts
and it was a wonderful day spent
with my precious jewels....
called Family!!
(and yes, Bonnie.....Susan was here too,
as she is every year!!)
A very enjoyable day had by all....
oh yes,  and there was cheesecake,
drizzled in chocolate and caramel
with pecans on top!! Thanks to 
hubby!   I got to use our family
~Queen For A Day Plate~
for my dessert,  sort of had to remind
them since I am the first one to break
it in. lol
but it was fun!  Megan already has
decided what she wants for dessert
on her plate when her birthday comes
in November.  Something with straw-
berries!!  lol  Probably strawberry
shortcake!!  She is so adorable!!
I spent a good part of the day making
thank you cards for them.
Well, Sweet Girls,  You have a Great
Evening with your family!!
And I am off to heat up my Veggie
Lasagna................Um Ummmmm!
I can hardly wait!! lol
Love and hugs,

P.S.  The roses on yesterdays post was a free
image from somewhere (if you look closely you
 can see her name at the top,  and todays is a pic
I took and cropped out of a Better homes
and garden magazine I think!!


  1. Oh Nellie, you had a Mother's Day just as I imagined it would be. I feel like I know all of you! It just made me happy to read about it. I am glad Susie is always there too!

    Our kids were very good to me also, as was Jim. Christopher called from Paris and had to stay up until midnight to do it. He is a sweetheart. Laura was sick with the flu when we talked to her..poor kid. She is much better today. Jen, she is always doing something for someone and she managed to think of me with all the birthday stuff going on for Chloe Jane. She is a jewel that kid of mine, they all

    The dinner I cooked turn out pretty awesomely if I do say so myself. So no cooking tonight just heating up the leftovers. Woohoo!

    Sweet dreams and I'll talk with you later this week for sure. Did you see Becky?

    Love ,B

  2. You are a busy bee and it sounds like you were spoiled by your family. My daughter from NY sent me a edible arrangement for my birthday and it too was so yummy.

    Your yellow roses are beautiful. One of my favorite flowers.


  3. Hello sweet Nellie, Thank you for your comment on my post yesterday-and for your love and prayers. I do read you daily just don't always post a comment...but know I'm connecting with you just the same. I loved hearing about your Sunday blessings and the fruit-I've seen them on t.v. but always wondered if they were as good as they good to know they are.
    I hope you are enjoying your warm weather-we are due to get another storm today/tonight through tomorrow and I'm so ready for them to end. Wish I could come play with you and Beck.
    Hugs & love, Noreen

  4. lovely post Nellie...sounds like your day was wonderful and filled with love. What more can we ask for? That edible arrangement looks YUMMY!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie