Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Friends

Good Morning Sweet  Friends,
Hope you are having a nice Monday so far,
and that you also had a pleasant and restful weekend.
Our Monday is quite rainy so far,  course, we can really
use the rain.
  We had a nice weekend,  worked just a lil in the bathroom
 taking wallpaper off the bottom of the drawers and cabinets, 
cleaning out cabinets and oiling them with Old English scratch
 cover, and putting on new cabinet handles, did my side, now
 still have to do Jim's side. Am happy with the way they are
turning out, and looking so forward to the end.
Amazing how much time and energy this stuff takes. lol
Saturday we had a leisurely morning just chatting,  reading,
  praying, talking about the possibilities of what the Lord might
 be up to in this situation.  Fun to ponder at least,  course, he
never does things the way you think he might,  he is always
full of surprises,  that keep us in awe of Him!!
Later in the day we went to Wally world grocery shopping.
Our big outing of the weekend!! lol
Watched the same movie Friday and Saturday night.
  It was really funny and sweet movie,  with Sandra 
Bullock and Hugh Grant called "Two weeks notice",
  it was a pretty clean movie too, there were just a few
 small scenes that they that could of just left out,  but
 they were far from the worst.  Nice you can bypass
 them with your remote if  need be!
Went to Sunday School and church,  got a smoothie,
came home and had lunch, read the paper and took
an afternoon nap,  and then watched some of the
Pastors we record in the morning.  It was a very
good and restful and relaxing day.
We are doing well and thank all of you that have
left such sweet and caring comments,  and also
for the loving prayers,  we feel them and so
appreciate them.  We are suppose to go and
clean out hubbies cubicle today, so I am sure
it might smart a bit,  but we have planned to do
 something fun afterward, and hubby loves to go to
 the theatre to see movies, so thankfully, we have gift
 certificates we got for Christmas from our daughter
 to the movie theatre,  so we are going to see
 "Letters from God.".  We have been wanting to
 go see that for weeks but just haven't been able
to for one reason or another.  So today is
the day,  and it will probably help cheer him
up if need be!!  Who knows maybe he want
even need to be cheered up!!
Well,  Sweet Friends,  hope you all have a
 delightful day,  full of neat happenings!
Blessings, and Hugs,


  1. Hi dear friend, Blessings to you this day! So glad you are getting the bathroom done-what a nice project. I pray you are having wonderful warm weather. Love you Nellie.

  2. Hi Nellie

    Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

    It is rainy here too. It poured rain and night and we had thunderstorms (not so common here)

    Go enjoy your movie and have a wonderful day!


  3. Good morning! I love Old English. It has repaired many a molding or a chair leg around our house. I haven't seen that movie but we will get it. It sounds like it is worth a try! I appreciate the recommendation!

    Thanks for the Happy Monday wishes! Monday mornings are always too busy around here!

  4. Happy Monday Morning to you Nellie,
    I just was catching up on your posts and I was sickened in my stomach to read about Jim being laid off. we have been there 4 times in our 36 years of marriage.
    I believe when one door is shut, GOD OPENS ANOTHER, and HE will close a door that can't be opened by man,especially if we are not meant to go through it.(paraphrasing)
    You are such a beautiful Christian and such an Inspiration in blog land.
    I know that God has something very special for both you and Jim.
    I will add you both to my prayer list.
    Simply Debbie

  5. Hi Sweetie!

    I am so glad that Jim has such a wonderful upbeat wife to help him through this time of uncertainty! What a blessing you are to Him and to me--A truly beautfiul godly example of the excellent wife!

    I know that you know He has it all under control, and will provide His best for you both!!

    Standing in prayer and trusting right along with you, my dear friend!
    Have a joyful day, and know what a wonderful gift your friendship is to me!
    Love you,

  6. Sounds like a great weekend! When are you going to finish this bathroom project? So nice to be able to have the time to do it slowly and right the first time! Love the photo from Sunday's post, very nice!

  7. Hi Nellie,
    Sounds like you both had a great weekend. Hope all went well today at your hubby's work place, and that you both got to see the movie. please let me know how you like it.
    Please know I am praying for you both, and thinking about you. And God does surprise us and I agree that is why we are in awe of Him.
    Enjoy your week.
    Hugs, Sue

  8. Sounds like another sweet and productive weekend - hope all goes well as you clean the cubbie....I'm all about mixed emotions lately!...and hope that enjoyed your time together in the afternoon. Surely God is "up to" something great:)

  9. Hope your day was more enjoyable than ever with your movie date! What's nice is there is usually not a large crowd during the day! In the summer when I am off, Alice (my neighbor)and I somethimes go on her day off. It hardly has anyone there. It makes it nice to not have a "bunch" of people who sit and talk all of the time!

    I pretty much slept Sunday afternoon too. After getting up at 5:30 A.M. to get the animals fed, I went to work in the sound booth at church.

    About noon today I wanted to sleep, ha!

    I am praying for the LORD's greatest blessing on Jim and what He has for Jim to do.

    I love you all,

  10. I'm here to wish you a blessed Tuesday as I somehow missed Monday all together .. We're having LOTS of liquid sunshine and as I see it, thats heaven way of Cleaning things, so no complaints from me.

    Love and prayers and soft hugs

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Nellie, I sure hope that things when well for you yesterday as Jim emptied out his place from work. My Jim will be doing that next month, it cannot be easy for them. Is is just me or does it seem like more and more people are being tried with really difficult things. Every family has something big thing they seem to be struggling with. I don't remember life being like this so much in years past, it seems to be accelerating fast now. Maybe it is just our time in life but I don't think so.

    I hope you enjoyed the movie. I too love to go to movies. Fun!

    I got off Jury duty after waiting around for awhile. They had filled their quota so we were excuses en mass at about noon. Big waste of a morning but it is our civic duty so we go...and also we don't want to get arrested! LOL!

    Have a great Tuesday!

    Love, B

  13. I haven't heard of that movie, Letters From God. I will have to check it out! Your day sound wonderful to me. :)

  14. Nellie

    Back again to say hi. Hope everything is well. You were on my mind and you are in my prayers.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...