Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Enchiladas recipe & products

Greetings Sweet Friends
Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday
Hope you are having a super duper day!!
We are!!........It's so nice to have so much extra
time to spend in prayer and in God's word,  and
reading good books together, and to be able to
 get our exercising done early in the day. 
  We could get used to this very quickly. lol
Jim sent off 3 more resumes and got back 3
responses this morning already so that was nice.
 Got no responses from the first three, so this
 was very encouraging!! One Company is not 
hiring at all, but the others who knows,  but at
 least they are getting his resume to the right
 place,  so that is good news.
Made this Chicken  Enchiladas recipe last week, 
 it was from Campbells soup Company,  but 
of course,  I had to tweak it some. 
It was delicious,  but I have to say it was even
more so the next day,  so next time I think I will
make them the day before, and have them the next.
Chicken & Cheese Enchiladas
1 can of condensed cream of chicken soup
(The healthy request)
1/2 cup of lowfat sour cream
1 cup of pace picante sauce
2 tsp. chili powder
2 cups of cooked chicken (chopped)
3/4 cups of  shredded Mexican blend 2% cheese 
6 - 6" flour tortillos (check your labels for ones that
do not have hydrogenated oils - I found some fatfree
ones at walmart,  they pic is below the recipe)
shredded lettuce,  as much as you want to cover
your enchilada.  I sort of make a salad on top
of mine,  cause we need those veggies.
Tomatoes the same, ( I love campari tomatoes)
Green onions sliced,  as many as you want the more
the better I might say, or you can use reg. onions too.
cilantro,  chopped up (I like a lot of that too) lol
(We got 2 meals out of this for 2 people)
1. Stir the soup, sour cream, picante sauce and chili
powder in a medium bowl.
2. Stir 1 cup of the picante sauce mixture, along with the 
chicken and cheese into large bowl.
3. Divide chicken mixture among the 6 tortillos.  Roll up
the tortillos and place seamside up in a 2 qt. shallow
baking dish.  Pour remaining picante sauce mixture
 over filled tortillos.  Cover baking dish.
4.  Bake at 350 degrees for 40 mins. or until enchiladas
or hot and bubbling.
5.  Place on plate and top with lettuce, tomatoes, scallions,
a dollop of sour cream then sprinkle on the cilantro. 
 Serve with guacamole and chips and you  are good
 to go!!  Heart Healthy chips of course!! lol


Here is the tortillos I told you about.
No bad oils,  in fact no oils at all!!

This arrived on Sunday our newspaper.
It was just a sample box,  but thought it
was neat it was gluten free.  We haven't
tried it yet, but if it is like the gluten free
waffles I bought I  liked it even better.
I decided to go try them,  just ate them
dry, but hubby and I both really liked them.
I am sure they are really great with milk
on them,  but they could also be good
just as a snack dry.
They have 9 grams of sugar for 3/4 cup
for anyone worrying about the sugar 

They also have all of these in gluten free too!
This ad and coupon came with them,  but
it was a bit crumpled,  so think it didn't
come out too badly!!

Well Sweeties,
Yall have a good rest of the day now!!
ya hear!!
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. I am glad things are going OK in the resume department. I use to work in the employment services department at church and the best way to get any job is by networking with your family, friends and acquaintances. There is a whole process of how to do it if you are interested I'll share it. 85% of the jobs gotten are gotten from networking.

    The enchiladas sound great. I am getting in the mood to try some new recipes one of these days! I am feeling kinda crumby tonight so I think I will go to bed early. The Cold Eze is definitely working I just didn't get it quite early enough this time.

    Well I cannot complain, I haven't been sick in a few years!

    Have a great evening!


  2. That recipe sounds great! I've never made enchiladas! But I really think my kids would like them. Great news on the resumes. Hoping and praying something opens up soon!

  3. I'm keeping you and your hubs lifted in the light and I just know something wonderful is going to happen very soon. I can feel it~!!
    that recipe looks yummy and I just might give it a try.. thanks for visiting me, it always makes my heart smile to see a comment from you..
    The best is yet to come, I am believing that for you with my whole heart..

    love n hugs

  4. I'm glad Jim is getting responses. I hope the companies are putting his resume in "next to hire!"

    I've been busy getting ready for Friday's Field Day at school for our kindergartners. What a busy day it will be. Not just at school, but at church Friday night too! I will be doing the sound booth, and maybe video taping for Ron. I'm not sure which as yet. Ron and Julian both need me. I'll be wiped out by Saturday, just to have to get up and be there again Sunday at 7:00 A.M. for my turn in the sound booth! Not many of the other guys want to do anything outside of Sunday services, so I'm being asked again. Julian wanted me to be there last Wednesday for Pastor Mike's program. I told him I couldn't. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed again. We sure could use more people to work in the sound booth. Four people is not enough. I guess I'll keep going until I can't go anymore, ha! I enjoy what I'm doing when I'm there, it's just getting there after a full day's work with six year olds! Is this what it feels like to get old, lol!
    I love you all,

  5. Nellie, thanks for stopping by my place yesterday and for your comments! I came over here and realized I've missed something...I didn't know about your hubby getting laid off. I'm so sorry. We've been through this a couple times too and while it isn't what we want, there are many blessings. Like you said, just having time together in the morning to be together, do prayer or bible study...so that's the silver lining. Also God teaches us, as you already know from experience, to throw our total dependence on Him. I will be praying for you friend. I make this enchilada recipe often...We just love it. Thanks for the tip on the flour tortillas. I think I will make it this coming week!

  6. Hi Nellie

    Just catching up. I had to skim your post because I am on liquids today for my Colonoscopy tomorrow. I am already starving. I will be back to look read better after my procedure.

    Thanks for the prayers for my friend Diane. She is not doing as well as we all thought.

    Blessings & Hugs

  7. Well, this is my lucky day...this is my second Mexican recipe today! And I love these recipes - Mexican is easy..and yummy!! I always enjoy your heart tips - hope you and your hubbie are enjoying a good week! :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie