Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 20, 2010

(My lilies are blooming as well as Scott's Zinnia's)
Hello Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Well......It has been a splendid and fun day,
 as Becky was here for lunch to celebrate her birthday
 and we had a good days chin waggin and eating session.
That would be 
on my Thankful list this week.
I am thankful 
for what a Wonderful person Becky is,
and how she brightens up the lives of those
she comes in contact with,  she is a true jewel
as many of you already know.  If you have not
met her you might want to go over and visit her
and see for yourself.  Just click here.
I am thankful to the Lord
for how wonderful my hubby is doing in spite
of his job loss.  His faith is strong and his
attitude terrific. I am so proud of him!!

I am thankful
for yard work and a John Deere tractor cause it gives
a guy something to do to feel like he is accomplishing
something!  and What guy doesn't love and feel manly
riding on a John Deere,  give them a tractor and they
are happy happy campers. 

And just look at that smile.
I am thankful
for that smile,  and for the Wonderful
man that is wearin' that smile!!
I am thankful
for all the yard work we have accomplished
so far,  and that there is plenty more to do
to keep this sweet man busy!!  I really think
this is a blessing to us, because we have so
much cutting back that needs to be done
and we have such a hard time having the
time to do it....cause by the time he gets
home at 6 p.m. and changes clothes and
we have dinner,  not too much time left
over for yard work,  plus now we are
in the season of mowing once a week.

(Our Pretty kitty Molly,  sitting in the woods out back on a log.
Has nothing to do with anything I am writing just wanted to 
share it) lol
I am thankful
for You,  all my sweet bloggy friends who
have been so supportive, caring, prayerful and
 encouraging during this time.
You are just too Sweet and Amazing!!
and I love you guys, well, uh Girls!!
You know what I mean!! lol
I am thankful
that the same sweet friend who got her
divorce decree (that she did not want)  a few weeks ago, 
 had an MRI done, and they were looking for
brain tumors and there was None.
Praise the Lord!!

(Our lil Cardinal friend has been back many times since I 
lasted posted his picture,  this is is right side view!  lol
They just tickle me soooo..... as I watch them just flutter and
frolic about and have such a delightful time taking a bath,
who knew it could be such fun!!)  lol
I am thankful
for a riding mower and good lawn equipment
that makes it so much faster for us to do the 
lawn and make it look so nice.  I do most of
the mowing and that way, it frees Jim up to do
the weed eating and edging,  we just finished and
 it looks great and we are done in less than an hr
 and a half, with everything put away to boot!!
Not Bad for old folks!! lol
(He's having more fun fluttering those wings and getting all wet)
I am thankful
 for how pleasant and comfortable it was
when we went to Jimmy's office to get his things on
Tuesday.  Everyone was so nice, and you could tell
they all felt so bad!  We spent the first hr or two just
talking with them.  I had met all but one before, so it
was actually a fun time considering why we were there!! lol
I am thankful
we got to go see "Letters to God"  finally.  Our gift
certificates even covered our popcorn and water, so
it was pretty much a free movie date other than $2.00.
Not bad, I'd say!!  And the movie was just great!
Unapologetically Christian and it is based on a true
story about a young boy who had cancer.  It is truly
stunning to find these sorts of movies in the public
theatres,  what a joy that it!!
I am thankful
I finally got my wreath decorated and put up
on the front of the house.  It was about time!!  lol

Remember this..... you saw it in some tablescapes as
a centerpiece.  Bought  2 of them at the end of summer last
year for $4.00 each,  they have them this year for $25.00, 
I think it is.  Boy,  $8.00 vs $50.00 sounds like a blessing
to me!!  lol
I wired the 2 together with long pipe cleaners, and stuck in 
some pink flowers and a bow I had and this is what I got.

Nice and Springy!!
And to make a baker's dozen.
I am thankful
Dee and her boyfriend are coming to dinner
tomorrow night,  so we will get to spend 
some one on one time just with them for
a change.  Been wanting to do that for a
 while now.
Gotta add this too!!
I am thankful
that the young couple we have been working
with is still doing great.  We talked about
some time pressure issues this week,  but
they are fine and working well together.
We are pleased as punch and so very
proud of them.  We asked them to pray
together at least once a week,  and they
are doing it more than once a week, is
that great or what!!  It makes me smile
every time I think about them!!
Have a great Evening with your
 family Sweet friends,
Love and Blessings,
So Tell Me....................
What are you Thankful for????


  1. I love all of your "Thankfuls". I really like your cute springy wreaths and your beautiful yard.I am thankful for my Hubby and family as well.

  2. I am so thankful for the gift of your lovely friendship! I felt like a queen heart is so full and warmed by your gracious hospitality, the delicious lunch you prepared and the joy of your company. Not to mention the wonderful birthday bag of goodies!! God definitely smiled on me when we met all those 20 something years ago! You are a beautiful godly testimony as wife, mother and friend.

    Love you bunches, and love reading about your man and his tractor!! Too cute! (and all the rest too!)

    Big Hugs and thanks, Nellie,

  3. Good Morning Nellie,
    My, would I loved to have been there with you and Becky, She is such a sweetheart. And what a beautiful friendship. you are so right on about a man and his tractor,Your dh looks so happy on his.
    I usually have a lot of bluebirds, but it seems lately that the cardinals are entertaining me.
    What a neat idea of having a double wreath, yours is beautiful, I haven't put one up this year as we are doing a major renovation on our porch.
    As always your TT are so uplifting, thank you for sharing. Please remember you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

    We are leaving today for Ga. please pray for safe travel..

  4. I love the pictures! Especially of your hubby on his tractor! And how nice that you had Becky over! Did you take any pictures of the table setting? I know how you do such a pretty job on that. And that wreath is really pretty. What a great idea to tie them together.

    The one thing I am most thankful for this week is hubby telling me to go ahead and hire the landscapers to come and clean out all our beds and weed them and lay down new mulch. I feel so much better about the way the house looks now. And I really won't have to worry about doing too much weeding this year with all the mulch they laid. My son should be able to take care of it.

    Glad your hubby is doing okay with the job situation. Hopefully something will open up soon for him or you could always hire him and his John Deere out! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Nellie, this is such a wonderful post. Every single thing you said was just awesome. I believe that every Christian has their own personal ministry. I think a lot of us find part of that in our blogs and the uplifting things that can be shared to lift others. I definitely view your blog as part of your ministry and I am thankful for it today and every day!!

    Love you bunches...AB XO

  6. How precious that you and Becky could spend time together...a real treat in these busy days! Give our love to Jim and remind him that we are praying for you guys.
    Our God is sooooo Faithful! He's got something special planned for sure.

  7. Great pictures always make me so thankful!

    #1. I'm so thankful for my friend, Michele. The LORD blessed her operation yesterday. She was able to go home. After I got my hair done, I went by Olive Garden and got soup, salad, and bread sticks for the family.
    #2. Aren't Christian friends just great! I'm so thankful to our LORD that He Loves us through our friends.
    #3. Thank you for the pictures! I downloaded Jim to my family file! You need to get yourself in your pictures!!
    #4. When I used to do my yard, that tractor mower was my work saver! I may have to start again. Pray for George. He's not been feeling too well.
    #5. Both of your smiles are beautiful! Joy floods from both of you! I enjoy when I get drenched! Ha!
    #6. My main thing I need to accomplish is to get my cement rake and pull the weeds from my front flower bed! It's amazing they will grow when nothing else will, ha! Molly's picture reminds me when Sarah used to be outside. She'd run up the oak trees to the tip top and stand there swishing her tail!
    #7. I love you too!!! Blogging is better than the telephone....maybe that's why texting has become so popular, ha!
    #8. Praise God for His Blessings. Maybe the stress she was going through effected her in this manner.
    #9. I was always better at sitting than weed wacking! I couldn't help chopping more than I was suppose too! Your cardinals look very happy. I used to have the scrub jays come right up to the bay window and splash in the bird bath. I now get to see the hummingbirds come up to the "weeds!" Should I get rid of the weeds? Ha!
    #10. I believe the Holy Spirit is planting "seed" in those we talk to even though we may not be sharing scripture. Our demeanor means much to Him as well.
    #11. I pray the LORD draws many to see His Christian influence on His People.
    #12. Accomplishment is exciting in all the things we do! I think that is one of the LORD's blessings to us.
    #13. My prayers are for the LORD to show them through yours and Jim's example, that commitment is not just to one another, but to Almighty God First!
    #14. What was that comment from years ago, "A family that prays together, stays together."

    I love you all,

  8. Nellie

    Love all your pictures. My favorites are the cardinal and the cat. I guess I just love animals.

    Your husband looks like he is having fun on his John Deere.

    Have a good weekend!

    Blessings & Hugs

  9. Thanks for your words on my blog. I know what you mean about the "glitch" that happens sometimes. I know one time I had just finished Thankful Thursday and "it" did it to me! All I could do was yell at myself, lol!
    See you tomorrow at church,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie