Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Observance

Hello Sweet Friends
May you have a Blessed time
 of Remembrance
with your Family and or Friends
And to all our Men and Women 
in Uniform and all their precious
We love and appreciate you 
for all the sacrifices you are
making to make our lives
and the world a better place.
We pray for your safety and
provision.  May the Lord Bless
you and Keep you safe, and Meet
all your needs!

Blessings Abundant,


  1. And bless YOU And YOURS during this challenging time. Trusting the LORD for His provision and marvelous Grace.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. And to you and yours...Amen! (My shortest comment in history!) LOL

    ♥ B

  3. So that is how everyone else gets around to so many blogs each day! Ha, learn something new every day! :-)

  4. Thank you, Jim for the service you gave in the Air Force. Praise God at that time of the Vietnam war, the LORD saw fit to locate you to Germany. I thank God for His protection on Dad, Arnold, and many of their friends during WWII. I also praise Him everyday for His protection on you, Nellie, Scott, DeeAnna, Megan, Jerry, and our friends.
    I love you all,

  5. Hope your day was a blessed one, sweet friend!
    All here is good. I will be playing hostess to Sam, Kris and Emily for the next two will be hard to watch them drive away.

    Love you Nellie! Have a joyful week! Praying God's best for you two!!

  6. Hope you had a great day and weekend! Things were quiet here, but that's the way I wanted it. Still getting over all this illness that was dumped on me last week. Still coughing up a storm! But thankfully am feeling a bit better. We went out to eat yesterday at a place everyone has been raving about. It really was okay. It's a hamburger place and the hamburger was FABULOUS, but the place was so noisy! Then we went and did a little shopping and then home. It was so hot. Still haven't purchased any flowers to do my pots or window boxes, but maybe this week. Did have my son show me how to mow the lawn on our tractor. It was quite relaxing.

    Talk with you soon!!!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie