Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

(Today my yellow lilies are blooming, 
 all my lilies are in the front yard)
Happy Monday Sweet Peas,
Hope this finds you having a very good Monday, 
and that you also had a very nice weekend.
Ours was nice........quiet and restful, which was
perfect to us.  Dee and her beau came over for dinner
 on Friday night and we all had a nice evening,  course,
 we also got to see Rosie as well. 
 She always puts a smile on our faces too!!

(These are the same lilies but they have the photoshop
paint daubs affect,  thought it looked neat)
Saturday we didn't do too much really,  cause
 we were pretty tired from a busy week can't 
even remember what we did, ........... Oh yea,
we slept late,  for me that just almost never 
happens,  but think it was because I only slept
4 or 5 hrs. the night before.  So I woke up feeling
great, then we sat on the porch and drank coffee
for awhile and read in a new book by Paul David
Tripp called "Broken down house".  We are
really enjoying it.  Then we came in and made a
 bunch of pancakes and waffles from a wholegrain
 mix we had purchased at Ross last weekend.
Had some for breakfast and froze the rest.  
They were nummy!! 
 Repotted a big plant cause it's old pot cracked, 
and was looking awful so that was a nice improvement.
  Talked to an old and dear friend we haven't talked to
 in awhile.  She never reads my blog mainly cause she
 is too busy ( she is a Pastors wife), but for some
reason she decided to... and read about Jim losing
his job, and called to find out why we hadn't called
to let them know,  so they could be praying for us.
So Sweet and so good to hear from her.
Washed and did my hair and that is all I can 
remember accept we had leftovers from Friday
nites dinner,  so no cooking but a good din din!!
Sunday we went to Sunday School and church.
It was a very encouraging service!
Then we went to get a smoothie afterwards,  came
 home, ate lunch, read the newspaper,  took a nap, 
 I got up before Jim so I visited some blogs,  then
 a bit after he got up we went outside to sit in the
 yard and read some more.  It was so lovely out,
a lil bit of breeze and cool enough to be out there,
 because it was 90 degrees earlier and such a 
gorgeous day, I so wanted to be outside,  but I
 can't take the heat in the daytime.  So was so
elated to be able to enjoy being outside for awhile.
We can never be accused of working too much
on a Sunday!! lol  It is truly our day of rest.
 This is what I saw as we were sitting there.
(our backyard - we have been working over on the left
behind the skinny legged tree and the bench.
It used to be a huge full bush a week or so ago,  and
 before we cleaned out you could only see the bottom
 part of the post behind the bench, not much is blooming
in the backyard right now but the Lantana which is only
sparsely blooming by the birdbath and to the left passed
 where you can see.  I am hoping to plant some flowers
 maybe under that lil tree, cause it looks so bare and
 drab right now.  We love our backyard tho,  it is truly
a place of solace for us.  It is truly a miracle how it has 
recovered from hurricane Charlie 6 yrs. or so ago.
As it was totally demolished....we had a backyard
full of trees and tree tops from the hurricane but 
also from a tornado that touched down right on
the lot beside us.  We never thought our backyard 
would look the same again. That was one noisy and
 scary storm!!  Maybe I will share our hurricane
story when we get into hurricane season.
While Jim was reading I was listening and looking
at the sky,  it was just so beautiful I had to take
a break and take some pics for yall to see!
Just love these gorgeous clouds, 
Looks like God has been painting away!!

Sorta looks likeGod is kicking that 3/4 moon
into place.  Earlier it sort of look like his hand.

These next 3 were  taken during the blue hour.
just for the heck of it!! lol
As you can see it was almost dark,  and the sky
was dark grey, but on film it shows up this 
pretty blue!!
And here is the moon shot again
but during the blue hour,  it was almost
 dark, again the sky was grey. 
 Sure looks pretty here!!
Well,  Sweet Friends that was our weekend,
not exciting but sure was fun and relaxing!! lol
Have a Sweet Evening with your family.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Beautiful lilies! Mine are mainly red. The ones you saw the other day were the "shabs" left from the beautiful group I had on my blog awhile back. Mine are red and then those that were pink and white striped. I love the color of yours!! Yes, I believe my favorite "sky" picture was the "air" kicked out of the moon by the foot of God! LOL! Bonnie had her Daybook today! I love it like I do your Thankful Thursdays! It makes me have to think, ha!
    I love you all,

  2. Nellie

    You sound busy......My favorite thing like always are the pretty flowers but I LOVE THE CLOUDS....I love to just look up at the beautiful sky.

    Blessings & Hugs

  3. I loved the photoshop effect on your lilies, I think you should print it and frame it. It is beautiful! Have a great day!

  4. I am always amazed at the beauty you can see if you just lift your head up and look into the sky! What beautiful pictures. I think my kids will one day say, "Mom was always telling me to look at how pretty the sky was."

    Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Ours was okay. But I came down with a horrible sore throat and lost my voice. Michael woke up feeling the same yesterday so the two of us went to the doctor. Thankfully neither of us have strep, but just real painful.

    Taking it easy today as I want to get better for the weekend. Michael's karate group is going to a really nice old fashioned family style amusement park, nothing like the newer ones today. We went last year and it was really nice. We'll have a barbecue picnic and everything. This is the karate group that is affiliated with our church and should be nice weather and all.

    Enjoy your day! Your lilies are beautiful!!!

  5. I love your lilies...and the backyard. Hubbie and I are "on the hunt" for a nice bench like in your photo for our patio:) We've seen a couple but way too we will keep our eyes open.

    Glad you had a good weekend. We did as well - we were able to spend some time with my friend, Nellie:), in the hospital. She is still so in need of prayer - it breaks my heart. I would like to get over to visit her today - the hospital is quite a drive from here and my brother is stopping in town, so I will have to see.

    Looking forward to my brother's visit:) Hope you have good plans for today as well! Enjoy, my friend.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It sounds like you had a great and relaxing weekend. You took some great photos and that Blue Hour is a really special one. Don't you just love cloud formations? One place I really enjoy them is driving across Nevada where the sky touches the earth.

    I am glad you liked the area rug. I think it turned out pretty well. Susie is really enjoying doing the daybook with me. Does she know how to copy mine and then past it into a new post, delete my answers and add in her answers? She could do it weekly and then have a record of her answers. LOL I am funny I should be asking her this...right? AB should ask AS in case AN doesn't know!

    Love you, girlie! Happy Tuesday to ya!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie