Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 27, 2010

Artist Garden by Claude Monet
compliments of Mary Dover Publishing

Well,  Sweet Friends
Guess what Day it is????
Hope your week has been going well,  and that today
 finds you in a grateful mood.
We worked out in the yard again yesterday
and pruned away all the dead palmetto leaves
and it looks so much better and greener.
So guess that would be my
I am thankful to the Lord
for all the work we got done  and how much
nicer the yard  looks each time.  We both love 
seeing the yard evolve one snip at a time.  lol
.........course, there is
still plenty more to do,  but it will get there.

I am thankful to the Lord
for my blooming lilies cause  everytime I see them
they are a constant reminder of those verses in 
Matthew 6:25-34 about the Lilies of the field,
and how God takes care of them, and how if
He takes care of them....He will take care of us.
I am thankful to the Lord
that Kathy from over at Sweet Up North Mornings
 had good news about her husbands cancer surgery
 this  week.  Lord willing they will be able to do it
all laprascopically and his recovery time will be
much shorter.  PTL
Remember to pray for him if you feel led,  his
name is Dave and his surgery is June 5th.
I am thankful to the Lord
for all the jobs my hubby is finding to apply for,
cause this was not the case 6 yrs. ago when
he was laid off.  The market was flooded with
Engineers when his Company had huge lay
offs of so many people, mostly all Engineers.
I am thankful to the Lord
that we came across a job opportunity last night
 for Scott that seems to perfectly fit his expertise
and experience and it is in the area.  We are
so excited!!  But he has to apply yet!!
He hasn't even seen it yet,  as we found it
about 10:30 and emailed the info over to him.
Plus there were some others as well.
Isn't he a cutie!!  I took this quite a while back
but just never used it before ( at least I don't
 remember using it anyway!! lol.)  He is sitting in
the tree in our front yard.
I am thankful to the Lord
that my friend that had the MRI that showed
no brain tumors has had no more symtoms.
She was prayed for by the elders and now
we are wondering if there was something
there, and the Lord has healed her,  cause
strange that her symptoms just quit all of
a sudden,  cause she had been having
bad dizzy spells and then would be real
I am thankful to the Lord
that Becky over at Holiday In the Sun 
did well on all her tests this week.
Tests are no fun,  that is for sure.
So the Lord is answering all those
prayers on her behalf.
I am thankful to the Lord
for this yummy Pasta Salad recipe I 
learned from my long time friend Arlene.
I made it today and it has almost been a 
year since I made it,  which made it all
 the better.  Hubby and I both enjoyed
it so much,  and I have a huge bowl left,
so I will probably add Chicken to it for
tomorrows dinner.
It truly is delicious and filling.
If you would like to try it .

( This would be Molly - Don't you just love her
butterfly shaped nose markings)

I am thankful to the Lord
that He took care of our cat Molly for us.
She was acting like she was getting a
urinary tract infection again and we were
thinking oh, a vet bill,  so we prayed and
asked the Lord to take care of it,  and He
did cause she has been fine every since.
I am thankful to the Lord
for the extra time that we have to be in
God's word, praying and reading good
books,  and to minister which leads me to
 the next Thankful!!
I am thankful to the Lord
for  his word,  the Bible,  and for great books
like "Secrets of the vine", by Bruce Wilkinson
and "Lost in the Middle" and "Broken down
house" by Paul David Tripp because they 
are full of wonderful theology about God
and who He is and constantly point us to
God's love for us,  and are soooo very
 encouraging when you go through
times like these.
# 12
I am thankful  to the Lord
for being able to get all our Dr. appts. in
June,  just in case we can't keep the Cobra
Insurance.  Still have to get some dental appts
yet,  but don't think that will be a problem.
I am thankful to the Lord
that I was able to lower the miles driven for
Jim's car which will make our car Ins. almost
 $100.00 less for this 6 mo. period.  You have
to keep Insurance but if we don't drive it much
then it takes quite a bit off!!  yea!!

Well,  Sweet Folks,
What can I tell you,
except God is Good!!
That is my Thankful List
Tell Me About Yours!!!
Have a Great Evening with you Sweet 
Family,  Friends or Pets,
Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Wow! This is a wonderful heart felt post! I am thankful for my husband and my children! Everybody is healthy and we are so very blessed...who could ask for anything more!

  2. Thank you for dropping by on Sunday and your insightful comments.

    So many things to be thankful for. God has blessed me with a healthy family, who love the Lord.

    Have a great weekend.
    Blessings, Pam

  3. Hi Nellie! What a sweet blessing you are in my life. So thankful that you and Jim are resting in the providence of God and trusting His perfect will for your job situation.

    Just taking a minute from schooling Maddy to pop by...I go to the cardiologist in a little while.

    Hope your day is wonderful!
    Catch up with you later!
    Love you,

  4. Blessings flow from Thursday right into Friday!

    #1. I've got to get busy with my citrus trees. I need to get ready in case any hurricanes come our way. They say the season looks to be strong for them!
    #2. I love mine too. Mine always bloom in March/April. They are usually gone by May.
    #3. Dave will be on my prayer list.
    #4. I know there is "A" person out there the LORD has for Jim to be hired by for a good job!
    #5. Maybe this will be the one for Scott. I like your squirrel! I don't have many anymore since I done't have many trees left. The ones I do have, the birds dominates them.
    #6. It is amazing! God is so good!
    #7. The LORD wants us to pray to Him for others. I think when so many of His people pray, He answers. His Word tells us "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I Am there in their mist." I think this is true for us who blog as well!
    #8. Recipes up the "gum stump." I need to make a file for them!
    #9. Sarah has a seasonal cough she gets. I usually have to get some pills for her then she gets better.
    #10. Summer is coming and I will have time to read more than during the school year. I have so much I bring home to do, I don't have much time for other things.
    #11. I have a few I have ordered for the summer: "What in the world is going on?" By David Jermiah; God of Wonders by David Jermiah and "The Priveledge, planet/unlocking the mystery of life" by David Jermiah.
    #12. Do the doctors know? Sometimes they do well to work with you when you have been with them for a long time.
    #13. Hey! Hey! Maybe you can get more off your insurance if you use my truck this summer!! I have full coverage! You would use even less on your cars!

    I have to go! I'm video taping for Ron tonight at church. I have to get there about 6:15. Talk to you later, I love you!

  5. I should have known you would know all about the networking as you are on the ball and have been through this so often. I hope some of the jobs pan out for both Jim and Scott.

    I am thankful for so many things as always but this week I feel thankful for feeling better today and for catching the cold when my schedule didn't make it worse. I am thankful for answered prayers, my family, my friends, and most of all the Savior in my life. And today I am very thankful for Zach and tomorrow for Robert who will be turning 35! We have black out bingo in the birthday department for May and then Owen is June 2! It is a mini Christmas for the budget!

    I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend. Us, we will just be working in the yard. Mostly Jim as I am still coughing like a crazy woman and it wears me out. Tonight we will be watching a movie, not sure what yet?

    I did see The Ultimate Gift. It was a good uplifting one if you have not seen it. So have good one! I am thinking of putting that little group of kids singing to the military on Robert's Blog post for tomorrow. I think he would love it on his birthday. And thanks for the one on the Arizona legislation! Woohoo, AZ!

    Hugs, B

  6. Hi Nellie

    Beautiful post. I love your cat too.....You are so positive and I love this about you.

    I thank God that we are walking this journey together.

    P.S. I hope you made an appointment for a Colonoscopy. It really is not that bad.

    Blessings & Hugs

  7. Hi Nellie, so glad to be back and I am so glad to be able to visit with you tonight. I always am so blessed and uplifted when I read one of your TT post. You give me so much encouragement. I rejoice with you with all of the job opportunities your dh is finding as well as the one for Scott.And all of the wonderful things God is doing in our blogging friends lives. Molly is beautiful, and she looks so healthy to me. My dear mother in law once had a cat that looked so much like her, she brought much joy and pleasure to my in laws in their later years.
    Dear friend I hope your Memorial Day weekend is filled with many blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie