Thursday, May 13, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 13, 2010

Greetings Sweet Encouragers,
So how are you this fine Thursday???
Well,  we got a BIG SURPRISE last evening
that we were not in any way expecting.
Hubby was laid off at the end of the day
and yesterday was his last day!!  They lost
a huge contract and they laid off 10 people
so far.  They are trying to renegotiate the 
contract so per chance, that were to happen
 there is a slight possibility that he might
 be rehired in June or July,  or also that he
 might be able to do some contract work
 for them.  We are not counting on that,
  but are of course,  praying about it!
This is the fifth time in our almost 40 yrs.
of marriage that we have been through this,
most of the times, it was a Company closing,
a few times we knew it was probably inevitably
 coming, but this time we had no clue. So I
have to say it was a bit shocking,  but we
are fine because we know the Lord has
 always taken care of us in the past and 
He will do the same this time!
So guess that would be my 
I am thankful 
that we have that peace and confidence 
of the Lord's provision,  and that He is
Jehovah Jireh,  our God and provider.
  It is our job to keep seeking first the
 Kingdom of God and all these things will
 be added unto us, as Matthew 6:33 says.
I am thankful
that Jim's co-worker, Tom did not 
get laid off,  as he is out of work
recovering from open heart surgery,
and is already a bit depressed from
not only that, but losing a son a few
 months back as well.
That might be the last straw for him.
I am thankful
that we have been through this
before and have a history of God's
hand at work,  and all the great
ways He has taken care of us.
Every time is a bit different and he
always has some neat things to 
teach us,  so we are excited to
see what they are.
I am thankful
that Scott might have a job
opportunity and it is in our
area,  which would be great!!
I am thankful
for how adorable my daughter was
last night when she found out.  When
she thought we might not have insurance
she said well,  I am gonna go to HR
tomorrow and see if I can have you
put on my Insurance cause Dad can't
be without Insurance with his heart
problems,  and I don't think that would be
 possible,  but I love that she cares enough to
 check. Then she went online at the hospital
 where she works looking for jobs in his field
 and called us.
How precious is that!!

I am thankful
for what a lovely Mother's Day I had,  and
 the priviledge of having my children with me, 
 cause I know many of you were not able to see 
your children and for that I am very sorry!!
I know that is hard,  I have had those years
myself,  so know what it feels like,  that is
why it is so thrilling for me now!! lol
I am thankful
that my husband is handling this so well. 
 He made out a list of things he had to do
 and is over there working away as 
I am blogging away.
I am thankful
that we can have joy in these circumstances 
and be excited as to what the Lord might
 have for us next.  The Lord is always full
of surprises,  and we claim that verse from
 Romans 8:28,  that God works All things
 together for good for those of us who
 are called according to His purposes.
Because we have seen him bring
good out of sooooo many bad
circumstances and He is able!!
I am thankful
that my SIL Susan just came by
and offered to help us out financially
if we needed it.  She is such a jewel!
Fortunately, we are okay for now,
but what a sweet thing to know if
it is needed!
I am thankful
for so many of you sweet friends
who prayed for my neck problem,
and I had a full nights sleep last night
after 3 nights of just 4 hrs., so what
a blessing, and thank you so much
for caring enough to pray.
God bless you richly my friends.
I am thankful
that we have purchased everything
we needed to get the bathroom 
completed before this time of belt
tightening came about.  lol
and hopefully we will be able to
finish it up this weekend. 
Lord willing!
Then I will show you the finished
product at longggggggg last!! lol
I am thankful
that while Jim is off we might be able to
 get a lot of the yard work done sooner
 and some other outdoor things that need
to be done that I can't do by myself.
  I am also thankful that they will only
 require manual labor!  The Lord always
does things perfectly!! 
Well, Sweet Friends............
There's my Thankful List.
Now tell me about Yours!!
Hugs and Blessings Galore,


  1. Nellie, I am sorry to hear about your hubby's job, but what you have said is soo true of course. He knows our needs and He WILL care for us. Even now He is working out all the details. And your daughter is soo sweet. How she loves you both is so obvious. And KNOWING that your sister-in-law can help if need be is also another gift from Him ~ just in the knowing. And the fact that everything is already purchased to finish up the bathroom is just wonderful as well. He DOES have perfect timing. I will keep all of this in prayer. HUGS AND BLESSINGS, Debbie

  2. Nellie

    I am praying for you and your husband. I love your faith and encouragement. You are so correct it will all work out the way the Lord has it planned.


  3. Nellie,

    How sweet your testimony is through this post. Your positive attitude, your peace in knowing the God who does indeed provide and the gratefulness you've already acknowledged...even with the new bathroom! God will surely bless - and it will be fun to see what He has in store for you in the days and weeks ahead. I will be praying for both of you - such an encouragement you are!

  4. What a shock to be going through! But what a beautiful testimony you are showing with your faith and strength and knowledge that the Lord will see you through this!

    And yes, I really was praying for you last night as I was drifting off to sleep, you and a few other bloggers that are suffering right now. Seems to be so much suffering going on these days!

    Thanks for your comments on my hubby and his photo!

  5. Nellie, you must still be reeling from this...I am. But I appreciative your positive attitude and your Faith. Faith can move mountains! And what a wonderful family you have to come to the forefront immediately offering help if needed. What Dee did was so sweet, and Susie too. I sure hope Scott gets that local job.

    The thought that trials comes to us all, it is not if but when. Our job is to respond in a faithful, hopeful way and do our best to get through it. You are both on top of your game and I really love that about you.

    Hugs to you all...Bonnie

  6. Im so happy to be back. I missed reading your post. I am sorry your husband lost his job, but your upbeat faith is inspiring. We have been married for six years and have dealt with two unexpected job losses already. I will make a special note to pray for you and your families current situtation and I too am really excited to hear what comes about from this. :)

    While we were on our trip Miss B did just fine. She is however weary of invitations to go anywhere with the grandparents right now though and promply responds with a, "No. I need to stay with my momma and daddy." LOL :) She is such a sweet little thing.

  7. Nellie, you and your husband are in my prayers.
    I know from reading your list that this will all work out not just to the good but to the BETTER~! I feel blessed to know someone with your kind of faith and it will carry you on to greater places than you can even imagine.
    Holding your both in the light of love, happiness and good health..


  8. Oh Nellie, I'm so sorry to hear about your hubby getting laid off. I will pray for both of you that the Lord will continue to take care of you and that another job opportunity will present itself to your hubby, whether it be something new somewhere or his old job coming back in June/July. I'm so sorry I'll be out of touch for the next couple weeks, but if you need extra prayers send me a message on facebook! I can keep in touch that way until I return from vacation. In fact, keep me updated if you can over the next 2 weeks on facebook so I know how ya'll are doing. See you soon!

  9. My husband still has his job, but has taken 2 significant salary cuts in the past 3 months. God IS providing and we are well -physically, emotionally and spiritually!

    Your words here show your intention to "give thanks in everything." This IS the will of God and there is peace, protection, and great hope as we abide in Him.

    Thanking Him WITH you Truting Him with you and for you.

  10. Oops! That's T-r-u-s-t-i-n-g.

  11. I want to first and foremost say, "I love you, Jim, Scott, and DeeAnna with all my heart!"
    #1. God's provision of His Strength for our faith is one Great Mystery from our God Almighty. Not only is He strengthening you more, but also He is strengthening all of us who hear your loving testimony for our Awesome God.
    #2. I feel in my heart that our LORD has a special blessing for you and Jim in that Jim's lay off made Tom's job stability a blessing to him at this time of great need. I can't imagine what Jim would have felt just after his by-pass surgery, if his boss had come in and said, "I have to let you go."
    #3. You strengthen me by causing me to not look at God in my hindsight for when He has blessed me, but making me look ahead and know that my Savior has not saved me for sorrow, but for JOY!
    #4. Yes!!! I'm not going to say "might." I'm going to say "has!" Again for the Glory of God, Scott will get the job our LORD has just for him. The LORD knows how committed Scott is at his work! Any company hiring Scott will be blessed as will Scott himself.
    #5. DeeAnna is a beautiful reflection of her parents. "Raise up a child in the way she should go and she will not depart from it." As the LORD so blessed our parents in the love and assistance we have had for them, so it shall be returned unto us. Our Amazing God is so Good in the Love His Holy Spirit Blesses in our families when we have been raised in His Holiness!
    #6. Since I have never had any children, I was greatly blessed and honored to be with you and witness the love your children have for you!
    #7. The LORD may be preparing Jim for partial retirement to help him get things ready for his full retirement. Maybe Jim should also make a list of things to do that his retirement will bring for the both you. I should to the same, ha! (I should take my own advice, lol!)
    #8. We have been so used to the fast pace of working, it takes us some time to "stop and smell the roses." Believe it or not, you would think that is what I would be doing during my summers "off." But, I am still in high gear of the teacher mode getting my lesson plans done for the next school year, going to workshops, writing up new charts for the newly adopted curriculums, etc. It makes me think, "What in the world would I do if I were not working!!"
    #9. I love you and will do anything to help. (What's SIL?)
    #10. I've been having some of that problem. I found since I have put my laptop at eye level instead of looking down, it has helped my neck! I'm so glad you are feeling better. (Thank You, LORD for answered prayers.)
    #11. I know your bloggers are waiting to see pictures of your bathroom, however, I have seen it in person (Who ha!)
    #12. I need to get out today and rake out my flower bed of weeds. I had to cut most of the long hair from both of Gracie's ears due to the matting from her going through the weeds!
    What a mess! She looks cute. Her ears have never in her 10 years been cut this short, ha!
    Prayers and Praise being raised for you,
    Love, Susie

  12. Thanks for your comments on my blog! I gave an answer to Jim's reply concerning "smokin' barrels!" LOL!

  13. Yes, Nellie I thought of the same thing when I saw all of Max's feathers. The head dress I thought of was Cher's cherokee outfit, ha! I dont think I would want to wear that! LOL!

  14. Hi Nellie,
    I am so sorry to hear about this, but after reading your thankful post, I am the one who is encouraged,There is such a peace in these words that I have read. You have been and continue to bless me with your words of wisdom and uplifting spirit.I will join you and your dh in prayer about the job. If there is one thing my dh and i have experienced it is the faithfulness of God in our lives. And yes Nellie He is our provider.I am so thankful for your friendship. I can't tell you how many times I have come here so heavy hearted about something, and you have lifted me. May the Lord continue to pour out His blessings on you.
    With much love ,

  15. Hey Nellie,
    I just read this post and am shocked as well!
    Who can know what a day will bring?
    But those of us who know Christ, know WHO holds us in HIS HANDS.
    You both were such a testimony to Tony and I the last time you walked this path and I know with out a shadow of a doubt that our Faithful GOD will provide abundantly for your needs.
    Indeed, HE has a plan!
    May HE continue to bless, comfort and strengthen you both.
    Love you, Jess

  16. Dear Nellie, I am so sorry about Jim being laid off. You have such a positive, optimistic outlook - such strong faith in God, that He will take care of you. Of course He will! Praying for you and thanking God for your testimony. You are an awesome woman!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie