Thursday, November 25, 2010



You are each such a blessing to me,
I have learned from you, had my heart
warmed by you, been inspired by youfelt
 befriended by you,  been encouraged by 
you,  have sensed your prayers in time of 
need, and felt your heartfelt good wishes
for me and my family.

I have so appreciated your sweet
encouraging comments and wise advice. 
You bring a smile to my face, and add
 cheer to my day!!  We are like pen
pals, so to speak, and I always love
hearing from you, for it really blesses
my heart.

I also appreciate those that come by
 and follow my blog, even tho they don't
leave comments,  I still see that you have
 been by,  and that is an encouragement
 in and of itself.

I truly am grateful to you
 Thankful for each of you!!

Hope you all have a Wonderfully
Blessed Thanksgiving!!

Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Have a great Thanksgiving, Nel! Love you...B

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Nellie ..
    I'm grateful for so many things in my life and I am grateful to have met you here in blogland.
    you have brought me joy and encouragement..

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Nellie, and hope today is filled with many blessings, and I too am thankful for you.

  4. I am soooo Thankful our LORD has blessed our family with Salvation in Him. I'm soooo Thankful, Nellie that you have introduced me to new friends on our blogs; Janet, Bonnie, and all the others I have visited! I can hardly wait to be among our family today when we sit down with our GOD in our mist! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jim, Scott, DeeAnna, Megan, and Jerry! (Rosie and Joey too!)
    I love you all very much,

  5. Sweet Nellie, I am so thankful for you dear one; everything you said I echo back that you bring to so many, including me. Thank you for sharing life with us Nellie and for being the incredible loving woman you are.
    Hugs on this Thanksgiving,

  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Every Day Sweet Friend!
    Your thankful heart blesses so many!
    I'm so grateful for all the encouragement you spread through this amazing blog.
    Have a wonderful Sunday and a blessed Advent season with family and friends.
    Love you, Jess

  7. I know you must have had a great Thanksgiving weekend. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now we get to enjoy the most beautiful season, Christmas!!! Have a gorgeous week ! :)

  8. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I can't wait tp see your pictures. You are always sos creative.

    Have a wonderful week!
    Blessings & Hugs

  9. Nellie, You are a blessing to me! Have a great week and hope your Christmas is extra special.
    Blessings, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie