Thursday, November 4, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 4, 2010

He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me,
and he prepares the way so that I may show him
the salvation of God.
Psalm 50:23

Hello Sweet Encouragers,

How is your day shaping up??

Our's is dreary and a lil rainy but very overcast
and dismal,  really looks like a Winter Day 
out there!!  Must is not a real motivating
day...............we are both sort of out of it,  and
just muddling along.

However,  today is one of our favorite people's
birthday,  and that would be our Son. Scott!!
He turned 33 today,  so naturally,  we had to give
 him a  Birthday Call this morning.  He is back
 in town,  we weren't sure if he was gonna get
 back in time,  but the Lord worked it out so he
 could be back last evening,  because of rain!! 
 So that was perfect!

He is celebrating with his girlfriend tonight,
and then our whole family is celebrating it
here on Sunday!! 
 We are all looking forward to it!

Which leads me to

I am thankful
for this Sweet, Smart and Wonderful Man we call
our Son!  He brings our hearts much Joy!

I am thankful
for all the ways the Lord has blessed him.
One, with a precious girlfriend that will one day
be his wife, the way things are looking!!
Two, for all the things the Lord has taught
him about women and marriage,  and for how
loving, thoughtful and good he is to Megan.
(Could he have been watching his dad maybe!!)
Three, with a really great new job that he is
really enjoying,  and lots of perks that go along
with it. It is a true blessing for a man to love
his job,  nothing worse than getting up and
going to a job you dislike or hate!

I am thankful
that we have the blessing of having our children
live nearby,  and that we get to have these family
celebrations on our birthdays and Holidays!
For they are the wonderful stuff of which life
is made,  and they are truly the desire of my heart.

I am thankful
for the fun time we had with Dee last night,
she was able to come for dinner, and was a
nice enjoyment and cheer to this sad week, and 
 She let us keep Rosie,  and Rosie always cheers us up!!

I am thankful
that we know where my Sister is!!  What a joy
to know she is with our Heavenly Father,  and
no longer suffering physically or emotionally.

I am thankful
for great memories of her, that I will carry always
in my heart.

I am thankful
that I will see her day!!  That is the
marvelous and awesome thing about knowing Jesus
and having His eternal life!  It is not Goodbye Forever
It is just see ya soon,  or see ya later!!
What a joy that brings to your heart!!

I am thankful
for my faith in God, and in the gospel of the
 Lord Jesus Christ.
It is at times like this, when we lose those we love,
 that we come to appreciate and understand even
 more, what we really have. A Wonderful, Sustaining,
 Life Changing, Miracle working, All-knowing, Loving
 and Comforting Savior!!
(and those adjectives don't even come close to really
describing Him)

I am thankful
for the reminder to not take people and life for
granted,  because we truly don't know what a day
can bring,  and life is always changing,  so we need
to take it a day at a time, and truly enjoy each day
God gives us,  and love and appreciate those around
 us to the utmost

I am thankful
for a moving we watched this week called "The Climb",
it was from the Billy Graham Assoc.,  and was a really
good movie,  and very professionally done.  Somehow
it helped me..........don't really know how to explain it,
but it just made my heart lighter.  Maybe it was because
 there is Nothing like hearing the truth when you need it!!  

I am thankful
for my Sweet, and Wonderful Hubby,  and for our
40th Anniversary,  coming up  this Sunday!!
and what a Joy this Man is to my Heart as well!!

We will be celebrating right along side Scott!!
He was our 7th Anniversary present, by the way!!
We actually brought him home from the hospital
on our 7th Anniversary!!

Due to the circumstances of the week we made the
 decision for us, to go celebrate by ourselves next 
week sometime. We thought it would make for a
 better celebration that way.

I am thankful
for the ways that God has blessed our marriage
and our family,  and all the things He has taught
us,  a lot the hard way!!  lol
But I have to say we have definitely had more
up's than down's!! and for that I praise Him!!

Well,  Sweet Peas
That is my thankful list for today,

Hope you have some things you are thankful
for as well!!

Thanks for visiting..........
 love hearing from you!!

Love, Hugs,  and Fall Blessings!


  1. My sweet friend, I've missed you. I haven't had alot of computer time this week, so I'm behind on blog reading.

    First of all, a very happy birthday to Scott. May it be a year filled to overflowing with wonderful blessings.

    Also, happy anniversary to you and Jim. Wow, 40 years...SUCH an amazing thing in today's society. Congratulations....10 years to go until you get that great big golden party.

    By the way, we brought Gabrielle home on our 4th anniversary. She was born 2 days before our anniversary (late at night), so we were discharged on our anniversary.

    Sorry to hear that your sister has passed away. No, not sorry that she's in the presence of our Lord and out of her pain and in beauty and joy forever..but sorry for the loss in your hearts that her passing has left.

    Finally, that verse in Psalms 50 that you have at the top of your post...that is the verse that the Lord used in my life back in 2003, when Gary was out of work for 25 months. Through that specific verse, he put on my heart the need to do a "thanks journal" every day. Although times were bleak, I was led of him to give thanks for 5 things every day. At first it was hard, but as I gave thanks in my bleak circumstances, I came to the place of being able to give thanks FOR them. So that is a very special verse to me.

    Love you, sweet friend. Happy celebrating.


  2. #1. Where has 33 years gone!! When Scott was born, I had just started my second year of teaching!
    #2. Scott has definatey had two great examples for parents. Love has always abounded!
    #3. Mom and dad were so happy when you and Jim were closer to them. I know they wished they could have shared more as you do with Scott and DeeAnna.
    #4. It kind of reminds me when you would visit us in Key West and we got to keep Rookie!
    #5. There is going to a Day of great rejoicing when we meet our loved ones again!
    #6. It's amazing how memories come when a loved one dies. What is amazing, is we remember the great times and delete the sad!
    #7. What we think is "later," is a nano second in Heaven. To our loved ones in Heaven, it will be as if they just left us.
    #8. Every day I look up and say, "Mom, Dad, what are you doing in Heaven today!"
    #9. The Bible tells us that every word we utter is being written down. How much more so our actions.
    #10. The Lord Works in mysterious ways. He speaks to us in many different means.
    #11. Happy Birthday, Scott! Happy Anniversary, Jim and Nellie!
    #12. All the more it makes me think about our overall Family in Heaven. There will be no giving in marriage there. I wonder if through Christ we will all feel like one big family unlike that on earth? There will be no more husband/wife, father/son, mother/daughter. God's WORD says we will all be as brother/sister! Can you imagine your mom being your sister; your father being your brother!!
    Even more so your daughter being your sister and your son being your brother?!
    Have a great week! I love you all very much,

  3. Hi Nellie - I have been catching up a bit and just read about your sister's homegoing! What a sweet comfort it is to know that she was a Christian and the confidence you have that she is in Heaven and you will see her again. A beautiful testimony.

    Glad you much to look forward in the days ahead - to lighten your heart. Happy Birthday to your boy...and what an exciting anniversary!! 40 years...WOW! Hope it is a stick sweet day for you and your sweetheart:) Enjoy every moment of the weekend ahead -

    Hugs, friend. Jennifer

  4. Hi Nellie

    I love reading all your thanks. It encourages me so much. Thank you for helping to guide me on my spiritual journey.
    Happy birthday to your son and Happy anniversary to you and your hubby!

    Have a good weekend!
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie