Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - More Spring Decorating!

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine Tuesday??
Doing well,  I hope!!
Did you have a nice Memorial
Day??  Do anything fun???

We really didn't do anything  for Memorial Day but grill
 a steak,  and have garlic mashed potatoes and a salad.
However, we did feel Thankful in our hearts for all
the service men and women that have lost their lives
to bring freedom to us and every American!

  We did have a really nice weekend tho,  Scott and
Megan came over Friday evening and we got pizza,  and
 saw their honeymoon pics and some other pics someone
 had given them,  her Aunt actually had a book made of all
 her candid shots somehow on photobucket.  Really nice!!
then we played some cards,  and Saturday we were pre-
paring the house and food for my friend,  Patti's visit, 
 and needed to mow the grass and all that good stuff!
  So we got some work in there too! 

Then Sunday we went to church, and met Patti there,
 and they had a lovely Memorial Day service, then had 
Patti follow us home for lunch,  and we got to visit
until evening,  and it was great,  we sooo enjoyed it
and hated to see her go!!  She is such a sweetheart!!
Think she might be coming to church again next
 weekend, can't believe I forgot to ask her,  so 
will have to find out for sure!
(In case you didn't read who Patti was in my  TT
post last week,  she is a gal who used to attend our
church years back and then we reconnected as
blogging buddies,  you might know her from her
2 blogs, "they don't make them like they used to"
and "Fill my cup with beauty".)

Changing gears here now.......lol

Did this Table Top Tuesday post back around Easter
 and had it stored, so thought I might as well show you
 since it really wasn't all that Eastery!  lol
Actually more spring looking.......
And I will probably change the furniture around again
real soon for summer!  Once I get some energy again!
I wake up feeling great but as the hours go by I feel
more tired by the hour, I feel as if someone hooked up
 a vacuum to me and just sucked all my energy away! 
 I really do think it is allergies cause that is how
 I ge when I have them,  such fun!!  lol

I am linking up to Marty over at a stroll thru life,
for Table Top Tuesday,
so make sure you go over and have a look at all
the unique and fun table tops and vignettes.
Click Here to visit her.

This is a sofa table that I have against the wall,
it was made for me by my step-brother, he is
quite talented in building furniture, and refinishing
anything, and has his own business now, doing that
and other handy man type things.

You can't see her too well yet, but I added
a cute lil bunny ballerina to the basket!
She belongs to my daughter, I got it for her
one Easter!  but we also put her on the
Christmas tree at times.

After Easter the basket went back to being
empty again!! 

Changed things up a bit  when I got this blue dove
from my SIL for my birthday!

Here she is all lite up!!

Moved the hydrangea arrangement to the floor 
with the bunny. (A gift years back from Dee).

Here's the lil ballerina bunny a lil closer up!!

And the Resin bunny, as well

Rec'd this birdhouse for my birthday
years back from my friend Diane,
same friend that gave me the Easter
bunny bowls for my birthday a few
months back!

and  Roses potpourri!!  um ummm!!
such a nice fragrance!

Have a Terrific Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Love,  Laughter and Blessings......


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 26, 2011

(Magazine picture with an affect)

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Hello Sweets Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one,
and that you have plenty of reasons to 
be Thankful!!

Our week has been good, uneventful
for the most part, and hot...  and for
 some reason I have just been sooo tired,
 don't quite know why......am thinking it 
must be allergies.  We so need some rain
 to wash away dust and pollen. Cause the
 tree pollen count has been very high
 lately.  So really think that is it!

One of our excitements this week,
and my
I am Thankful
is hubby has a real interview, and he
is on the way there as I write!!
This just might be it!!  lol

I am Thankful
that Scott and Megan got home safe
and sound from Jamaica, and that they
 had a wonderful honeymoon!

I am Thankful
that Megan is the type of young lady
who really wants to create a nice
home envirionment,  and has done an
absolutely fabulous job on their apt.
already!!  Very beautiful and
Very homey!!

I am Thankful
that I finally got some information
about who our wedding coordinator is,
and was in contact with her, and got
answers to a lot of questions that 
I had.  What a relief that was!

I am Thankful
that Dee and I got together on 
Tuesday evening and figured out
some things like what colors and
flowers she wants to use, and got
some ideas about what type of cake
 she might want.

I am Thankful
that a dear friend just had her
2nd grandchild,  and that all
went very well with Mom and Baby.

I am Thankful
that since my sister-in-law is
retiring soon, that all the 
teachers she works with are having
a nice celebration party for her.

I am Thankful
that a sweet acquaintance/friend
I used to go to church with, and
who has also become a blogging friend
will be coming to visit our church
this Sunday, and then coming over to 
have lunch and visit afterwards.
 So looking forward to her visit!
You might know her as Patti from
over at "they don't make them like
they used to"  or "Fill my cup 
with beauty" blogs.

I am Thankful

for the word of God and how it
keeps us grounded in the truth!
Don't know where we would be
without it!!

I am Thankful
a sweet surprise card, with a neat 
seed sheet to plant(seeds for growing
native canadian flowers), from another 
sweet blogger friend last week.

I am Thankful
I was able to buy a new summer
dress with my birthday money.
I love everything about it,
and I got it for just $32.00.
at Bealls.

(magazine picture)

I am Thankful
that when Jim got to his interview
he found that the only programmer
they had was a girl he had worked
with at the job before last, and
she knows all the people that he
worked with there, and she was
a part of the interview process.
Which means if they want to check
him out she knows who to call,
and any of those folks would give
him a good reference.
Think that might have been some
of God's favor we prayed for!!
They did ask how soon he could
come to work, but have not offered
 him the job yet,but did say he would
 be hearing from them, unfortunately, 
they didn't say when tho. 
 so hopefully, it want be
too long before we hear from them.
They really do check you out!!

Well, Sweeties
that is my thankful list for this week.

So glad you stopped in and would
 love to hear from you!

 Love, Blessings and
hot summer hugs!!  lol

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Monday Sweet Folks

Happy Monday Sweet Folks,

Feel like I haven't chatted with you
 in forever!!

So how in the world are you anyway??

We are doing very well this sweet Monday Morning,
and we had a very nice weekend.

Friday Scott and Megan arrived back safe and sound
from their honeymoon in Jamaica,  so they called us later
 in the evening to see if we wanted to come for a visit.......
so, of course, we did,  and we got to see their new apt.
 and got to hear all about their trip.  They had a wonderful
 time, course, they rested a lot to catch up after the stress and
 pressure of the wedding details, which was sorely needed. 
 They stayed at the Sandals resort, and sounds like they
had a lot of really great food too.  They tried a lot of 
different foods,  and took a tour and got sun of course!!
They could see the ocean from their room.  How Nice!!

We loved their new apt., it is a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, and
it is much like a condo.  Very Nice,  and they had it
all decorated and everything before they left so they
had a nice retreat to come home to.  They still had
Wedding gifts to open,  and they still have to unbox
all the ones they got from her shower in April.  That
was a good idea, and a fun thing to come home to.
Today will be Scott's last day off,  and she will still be 
off till Thursday I think it is!  We are so happy they
 had such a great time,  and so happy they had a
nice long honeymoon.  Our's was not very long,
and we have always told our kids that when you
get married there are 2 things not to scrimp on
and that is the honeymoon and pictures!

Saturday our upsetting and hard thing got solved
not long before noon,  so that made us exceedingly
 happy,  and made for a good day. 

Saturday was a pretty relaxing day,  but I did start
 looking into some stuff towards my daughter's upcoming
 wedding in October!!  Spent quite a bit of time online.
 Am trying to get information but the lady that
 sold them the wedding package is out of town cause her dad
 is gravely ill,  so don't want to bother her.  We have so many
questions and probably want get to meet with her until
June 11th!  Ugh!!
She did leave the name of a person on her voice mail,
so I might try and see if they can answer my most 
important question!!  A wedding coordinator is 
suppose to come with their package,  so I am trying
to figure out exactly what is she suppose to do!!
Because sometimes they do everything, and sometimes
they just show up to do the rehearsal and the wedding.
We are thinking it is probably that, but don't know
for sure. 

Sunday was our usual Sunday,  and we really enjoy
that day very much.  We could never get accused
of working too much on a Sunday that is for sure!! lo

We are waiting to see what the day will bring on
the job front..............last week was pretty funny
and exciting I must say...............

Thanks for stopping in,

Always good to hear from you!!

Have a Magnificent Monday!!

Love, Hugs,  and 
Blessings Galore,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 19, 2011

Compliments of Mary Dover Publishing Co.
Isn't this such a lovely graphic,  I used it to make reserved signs
 for the reception tables for the Bride and Grooms family.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2

Good Evening Sweet Peas,

Well, here it is Thursday again.....
how has your Thursday been????
Great, I hope!!

Our week has been quiet and restful, upsetting and hard,
yet exciting and hopeful......
Actually part of this list was from last week,  I did a lot of it
 early but then just never had time to finish, and when I did have
time blogspot was down for some reason.  So since this post
 is really a sacrifice of praise,  it is really good to have
some things to get started with!!  lol

I am thankful
some of our oldest and dearest friends that live out of town,
 are going to be able to attend the wedding. He took a bad fall
 on his bike recently and we weren't sure if they were gonna make it!
So we are overjoyed they came,  it was so great to see them,
and it really added to our already great celebration.

I am thankful
that the wedding went off without a hitch, and that it truly
was about a perfect day as could be this side of heaven.
In case you missed it and want to read about it
Click Here
Sorry there are no wedding pics of Scott and Megan
yet,  I explain why in that post!!

I am thankful
for responsible, sweet, loving, moral, hardworking, 
children that are making good decisions about life.
What a blessing that is!!

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer and gratitude for which the Lord
 has used to sustain us emotionally and spiritually,
during this 1 year of  unemployment.
(As of May 15th)

I am incredibly thankful
for God's great grace in the way He has provided
for us,  in every way, truthfully.  Hubby and I were
 talking today and saying It is mind boggling to think of
 how so many dear folks have lost their homes due to
 the same type of situation we have, so we are
 tremendously grateful and aware of how blessed we
 are, cause that could be us too, and we praise
His Name for all.... He has done for us!!

(Compliments of Mary Dover Publishing)

I am thankful
for over 2 years of blogging,  and all the lovely
blogging ladies I have met.  You have befriended
me, encouraged me,  taught me, inspired me,
and prayed for me.
What a blessing you are to my life!!

I just realized last week when I was talking to Becky
over at Junk to Joy, that I missed my blogaversary
date....... it was May 4th.
and I have to say blogging has been such a refreshing
and fun experience for me !!

I am thankful
for the lovely video Scott and Megan had made
for us parents as a thank you.  I am sure you
have probably seen them at Weddings where
they have pics set to music of both bride and
groom in their growing up years.
They played it for us at the rehearsal dinner,
and it was really sweet.  One of Megan's
aunts did it,  and did a great job!!
A very nice surprise.

I am thankful
to have gotten a sneak peek at my hubby in his
Tux today!  Oh My,  does he look handsome.
Be still my heart!!
He is saying a prayer at the reception!

Day of the wedding he looked even better than the
sneak  peek, he really looked so handsome, and I am,
 only too sorry I never remembered to take a picture of him.
Just no time before we left, and once I got there
and got caught up in it all I never thought of it, plus
he had the camera, so am hoping the photographer
 got good shots!!

He did a really great job on the prayer too, by the way!!

I am thankful
for beautiful sapphire and rhinestone earrings that belonged to
 my late mother-in-law, because we  thought they looked the best
with my dress for the Wedding,  they really are gorgeous, and
it was like a part of Mom was there too!

Compliments of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine

and photoshop posterized affect

I am thankful that my neck has been doing very well lately.
What a blessing that is,  sleeping better, able to exercise
 with 1 pd. weights now,  and do most of the stuff I
 normally would.  yeah!!

I am thankful
that our phone has been ringing off the hook this week with
 phone interviews from new and older Companies hubby has
 heard from already.
It is like the Lord has really opened the flood gates all of a
 sudden.  So much so, it is actually getting funny, and  hard to
 keep them straight.
 He seems to be in hot demand.
A great feeling for him, I am sure!

I am thankful
for all the new things hubby is learning as he prepares for these
 phone and regular interviews. He is having to study up on many
 things before either type of interview, so in that process,
he has learned several new things that he can apply to the
 business he is working towards, as well.
and yes, he is still working towards that cause we are just
not clear yet what direction the Lord is taking us!
 The Lord never wastes anything!!

I am thankful
for the upsetting and hard thing we are dealing with this
week because He tells us to give thanks in all things.
I have lived long enough to learn the Lord has something
 good in this too, and we are looking forward to seeing
 it very soon!! lol

Well,  you have a great rest of the week!

Thanks for visiting with me, 
 love those comments.

Love, Hugs,  and  Blessings Galore,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hugs are all around!!

Morning Sweet Peas,

How are you???  Feeling well,  doing well??? 
Hope so!!

We are doing fine.....have just been recovering from all
 the excitement of the Wedding, and hubby has been getting
one call after another for phone interviews and regular
interviews with some he already phone interviewed with a
 number of  times.  So that is exciting!!  But we are guarding
against getting too excited until something actually happens!! lol

So we are just waiting and watching to see
where all this is gonna take us........we feel
encouraged that the Lord must be gonna do
something real soon!!  

Rec'd this email below this morning and thought
it was share worthy.  So hope you enjoy it!!

                       The Hug

There's just no doubt about it.
we scarcely could survive without it.
A hug delights and warms and charms,
It must be why God gave us arms.
Hugs are  great for fathers and mothers,
sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
And chances are some favorite aunts
love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave,puppies love them.
head of state are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier
and make the dullest day seem merrier.
No need to fret about the store of 'em,
the more you give,
the more there are of 'em.
So stretch those arms without delay
and give someone a hug today.

Thanks for dropping by..................

Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday

Love hearing from you,

Love, and  Angel Hugs Blessings!!  


Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...