Monday, June 6, 2011

Better late then never!!

Evenin'  Sweet Friends,

How has your monday been??

Good I hope!!  and your 


Our's was good,  we went our grocery
shopping Friday night and came back
and watched Father of the Bride part
I,  like iggits,  and was up till 2 p.m.,
but I do love that movie.  Steve Martin
just cracks me up, and he is such a
great dad in this movie,  love it!!

Saturday was fairly quiet,  not a lot
going but we did get to keep Rosie
over night!!  Always a fun highlight
for us!!

Sunday was good as well,  but our
usual,  other than Dee and Jerry
came by for a bit to pick Rosie up,
after visiting his parents.  We got to
talk about some wedding stuff, 
of course!!  lol

Now my real reason for posting,
I feel terrible..............cause I have
taken so long...............
 but things have been
just a bit crazy around here lately.

Anyway, sweet Jacquelyn,
over at
graciously presented me with this
Versatile blogger award about a 
week or more ago,  see now why I 
am sorry!!  lol

Actually,  I really was quite thrilled
that she thought of me,  and did
tell her least!!  lol
That is the #1 thing you are suppose
to do!!  You can also check out her
blog if you would like by clicking
up there in the green.

and now the #2 thing I am suppose to
 tell you 7 or however many things I would
like to tell you about myself.
Here we go.......................

1. I am a very happy and contented
woman,  and I truly love my life.

2.  I only have half brothers or step
brothers,  and I had 2 step sisters,
but one passed away last year.
and my one half brother that I grew
up with, who was like a real brother,
 passed away about 10 years ago now.
Don't know what made me think of
that!  but that made me think of
the next one too!!  lol

3.  I have 2 half sisters who are 
younger than my children, but haven't
seen them since my Dad passed away
which was about 17 years ago.
Long Story!!

4.  I didn't learn to swim till I was an
adult,  actually,  I was about 28 yrs. old.
but I only swim in a pool!!  lol

5.  I so enjoy beautiful things,  any
where from flowers to sunsets and
everything in between,  they just 
make my heart happy!

6.  I have an influencing/dominant 
personality according to a personality
profile I took years back.

7.  I have lived in the same house
and gone to the same church for the
last 30-31 years.

Number #3
I am suppose to choose someone
else I would like to give the award to,
and if you accept it,  you are suppose
to go thru the same steps I did.

Now I realize some of you may be
an award/tag free blog, and if you are 
and you don't want to do anything
with it at all.................
that is fine by me!  I just thought
it would be nice to give it to you
since I do enjoy your blog, and 
have never given you an award
before.  So here goes...........

Congratulations on the Versatile
Blog Award goes to:

   Marty over at

Sonny over at

Cindy over at

Jo over at

Kim over at 

Caroline over at

Cassidy over at

Patti over at

Diana over at

Debbie over at

Susan over at

My hope is that this Versatile blogger
Award will encourage you and let you
know that people enjoy your blogging.
So Lord Bless You...............
  and Keep on blogging Girlies!!

and do whatever your lil heart desires
with this award,  but most of all
enjoy it!!

If you read this post make sure to
go over and check out these ladies
blogs and Congratulate them, as well!

Once again Jacquelyn,  thank you
so very much for thinking of me,
it was an encouragment and sweet

Oh............and my #thing to do
is visit everyone of them and let them
know they have a surprise awaiting
them here at my blog!!

Oh and the #5 is come over and get
a copy of the versatile award and put
it on your blog!!  Then your done!!
But only if you want or have time to
do all that!!  Okey, dokey!!  lol

Well Sweeties,  better get busy
letting them know!

You have a Sweet Evening
and I will talk with you soon,

Love, Blessings, and 
Very Hot Hugs from Florida,
(it was actually 101 degrees on my porch
today...............scorching, don't want to
go out of the house weather!!) lol

Oh Yea, and that was not laugh out
loud degrees either!!  

Signing off or shutting up!!  lol


  1. Hi! I saw the blog award! Congrats to you and thanks for sharing it with me! You are the sweetest! big hugs!

  2. Oh I am so honored that you thought of me. I am award free, but I am so grateful. I think I have answered all the questions I can think of about me before, but again, I am very grateful and honored. You do so deserve this award. Congratulations. Hugs, Marty

  3. You surely are versatile!! Thank you for all you do for others on your blog!!
    Love you all,

  4. Nellie, thanks so much for thinking of me. I have made my blog award free. It is just too hard to send them on to just a few bloggers. Hope you understand.

  5. Nellie, what a SWEETIE you are! Thanks so much for thinking of me! Received this award previously and is on my Features/Awards tab...It means so much to me to be thought of again!
    Blessings to you,

  6. I'm honored my friend!...Thanks!
    I'll get the button answer the questions and visit the other versatile bloggers,wootwoot!

  7. Hey Nellie ~
    Glad you reminded me about this award. Jacque was so dear to tag us and others with it and I hadn't remembered to do anything with it. Oops!
    Hope you and Jim are keeping "cool" under the LORD's mighty wings!
    Love you, Jess

  8. aww bless your heart.. I too am award free as I am not here enough to know who is or isnt and who to and not to send too..giggle.
    You are just the sweetest for thinking of me, though..
    I had to stop by to tell you our Miracle arrived and my DD recieved a job offer beyond her wildest dreams.. I know your prayers for us helped during our time of need so I thank you with all my heart and I am so very thankful...


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nellie-
    Congrats to you on receiving the award and thank you so much for sharing :) You always brighten my day whether it is from a sweet comment you leave or one of your lovely posts! I am very honored that you thought about me when giving out this award...especially when it has been a while since I have blogged! You have encouraged me to start back :) I have missed talking to you! Thank you again:)

  11. Hope you are having a great day. Enjoyed reading about you. I'm your newest follower Ÿ

  12. Congratulations on your award Nellie, stay cool we are breaking heat records here too.

  13. Congratulations on your blog award, Nellie. You are one of the most gracious and lovely bloggers I know, so you completely deserve your award. (Actually, you aren't just a gracious and lovely are a gracious and lovely woman, and I am SO thankful the Lord brought you back into my life!!)

    Thank you for thinking of me with this award. That was very sweet of you.

    I think it's fabulous that you have lived in the same house and attended the same church for so long. There is nothing like stability!! My paternal grandparents lived in the same house for 45 years before feeling the need to move into an apartment. They went to the same church for 47 years (before passing).

    I had to laugh about the swimming in pools. I am SO the same way. While I love the ocean, I ONLY go out up to about my waist. I do NOT swim there. And I don't go into lakes or rivers at all. (I used to waterski in the 80' the St. Johns and various central Florida lakes...what was I thinking? All those alligators!!)

    I can't see the wedding photos on my computer, so after Gabrielle has her laptop booted up later today, I'll pop by again.

    Love you, sweet friend. SO thankful for the precious time we could spend together. (Why didn't we take a picture?)



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...