Sunday, June 26, 2011

My first Metamorphisis Monday - Our bathroom reno and re-do Part 1

Good Monday Morning Sweet Peas,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!

Ours was good,  and I will wait and tell you about it
tomorrow cause this is already gonna be a long post
with lots of pictures.

Just recently I came across these pictures and realized
Oh My Heavens,
I never showed yall the pictures of our bathroom  reno
and redo!   Sorry about that, especially to those of you
who have been followers for awhile!!
Think I was doing a Monday Manna series at the time 
and by the time I finished I just forgot all about them.
Better late than never,  I guess!   lol

This was the tile we started with and it was all over our floors
and sides amd back of our shower enclosure all the way up
to the ceiling.  So this was a huge project removing it all.

This is the shower stall after all the tile was
removed and hubby had done some plumbing
work and put in new wallboard.  This was
a big and time consuming job!!

This is the bottom of our step down sunken shower, and
a lil part of the bathroom floor. Getting this tile off was a
 real bear,  cause it was stuck right to the concrete, so
we basically had to bust it into pieces to take it out.
The tile on the walls also had to come out, but that
 part was a bit easier.
We had an unbeknowst  leak and one day I leaned on
the tile and it just caved in!!  Shock a roo~

This is the opposite side of the shower stall
 and under the window where the potty sits. 
 The water had leaked all the way behind the
 potty,  so hubby had to replace the wallboard
 there as well,  but this time since it wouldn't
be covered by tile,  he had to tape and putty
 it as well, to make it look like a nice wall.
  He had never done this before...........
but he did a amazing job,  and the drywall
was not as thick as the old drywall,  so that
made it even harder,  but it came out as
perfect as could be!

Where the gray wall is and a little passed
where the white is would be where the
seam was,  See how smooth and nice
it came out!!

After we finished the wall and got the whole
bathroom about painted,  we removed
our old potty and finished painting the wall
behind it,  and then commenced with tiling
the floor.  We had already tiled our dressing
room area years back, and had bought
the tile to do this room too,  just had never
done it,   so was I excited,  you bet!!

Here it is with the new grouted tile and
you can see the hole over there where
the new potty will go!

Here it is with the new potty,  and the new
blue walls.  This is a good representation
of the true color.  You will see some other
shades,  at times it was hard to capture
the true color.

Once we finished the bathroom floor,  we
started tiling the shower walls,  starting 
with the back wall first,  then doing the right
side then the left.  I have skipped a lot of the
process,  I know this gets boring but kinda
wanted to record it for us too!

All these shots are before grouting and show the 
fixtures being set in place.  You have to hold it
in place overnight with duct tape .....
or you will find it on the shower floor!!  lol

Hubby and I both worked on this part
of the project.

Here it is starting to come together, back wall now
 grouted, getting more exciting with each step.

Here it is with back and right side grouted.
This is really out of sequence but oh well........................

This is with the step down grouted and the bottom
of the shower tiled and waiting for the grout.

Here hubby is grouting the bottom tiles, and we are 
getting more and more excited as we are nearing
the end of this long and arduous process.

Now fully grouted with the new faucet and 
water spout.

New shower head,  and love these pretty decorative
tiles that we added!

This was the old shower curtain still,  but
we are done......................Yea!!
at least with this part, we will still have
the dressing area to do yet but it want 
require quite the hard work this portion did!!
Praise the Lord!!

We finished the tiling about a week before our
39th we decided to
get it all decorated and then not to use it until 
our Anniversary,  so it would be like an
 Anniversary present to ourselves.  
(that will be 2 years ago the end of  this coming
October -Our Anniversary is the first 
part of November.....

It  took so long to do it  because there was a lot of work, 
as you can see,  it was almost like rebuilding the walls
 and of course, hubby was working full time,  and then
 we had a family crisis in the middle of it

We absolutely love it,  and are very proud of our
handiwork everytime we go in there!

Here it is with a new rug

These are melamine plates that I bought at Target
 for $2.00 each. This is a very tight space and from
earlier experience I found that any thing easily
 breakable is not a good idea,  so thought these fit the
 bill,  these are on the wall across from the potty.

After the tile this is my 2nd fav part,  this wasn't really
what I planned for the window dressing,  but I wanted
to have it look at least finished until I did what I really
wanted and to have it nice for our Anniversary!
This was a shabby chic runner I bought at Target
years back so just decided to attach it to some
hooks and Well ah,  a new window dressing was
born..............I liked it so much,  it is still there!!  lol

This picture was taken from the doorway.

I had found this lil tabletop pc. with drawers at Walmart
for $4.00 and thought it perfect for the bathroom,
one drawer has soap, another a washcloth,  and another
hair conditioner.  The things I tend to forget when I get
in the shower at times!!  No more getting out of the
shower to get them,  just reach out of the shower and
pull it out of the drawer.  Has worked beautifully! 

I originally planned to paint it since it is black but
could never decide what color and the black looked
sort of dramatic,  so I just left it like that!

Anybody got any ideas for another color to paint it???

This shot was taken from straight in front of the potty!

This shot was taken from the shower stall.
 Almost can't see the black pc, 
The flower jars came out of a lil metal milk crate
like container,  there were 4 of them.  The 4th
one I used in the dressing room area,  which
you will see next week.

This was taken from within the shower
you can see a lil of the new shower curtain
I finally chose

Here is the total view.  Loved the lil shower hooks.
Round circles of pea green and edged in bronze
to match the shower curtain.  The curtain rod over
the window is also the bronze it looks like black
in some of the pics.  

It was hard to get great pictures in such a small
room,  but this is the best I could do............

Next week,  I will share the dressing room area,
it will be a lot more fun. I had been blogging awhile
 by the time we started that part,  so I did get some
good before shots too, and it was not as much
 hard work to do in that room,  and..........
 we were so thankful for that!!

Well,  hope you enjoyed your visit with me today,
sorry these pics have been so long in coming.

I am linking up to Susan at between naps on
the porch for Metamorphisis Monday!!

This will be my first time doing this.
So if you want to see more fun transformations
Click Here.

Have a Meticulously Marvelous Monday!!

Love, Hugs and
Transformational  Blessings 


  1. Love, love, love the colors!Can't wait to see more pics. Great job!

    Til next time...
    God bless you.

  2. How proud you must be! I absolutely adore your shower! I dream of having one like that some day.

  3. Great job - it looks fabulous! I have always wanted to try tiling, one of these days I will work up the nerve!

  4. It looks just wonderful! I love the happy colors you chose, and that tile is fantastic. I'm so glad you showed this transformation.

  5. wow Nellie~!

    what a beautiful transformation. I am so happy for ya'll.. I know you're lovin it..

    huge hugs

  6. What a makeover! And it looks even prettier in person!! You two did a great job!!

    We're working on Maddy's room this week and can't wait to see how it comes out!

    Love ya!

  7. This looks wonderful. We are about to go through a major bathroom reno too! I love the old duct tape trick. It helps to hold things in place while deciding...or even if you have decided and are too lazy to actually screw it in...which I may have been known to do from time to time! :) The shower curtain is so cute!

  8. I remember the before and now see the after!! You and Jim did a great job! It is so amazing how change makes things look so much more beautiful when they are all new! Can you just imagine what JOY when the LORD creates all things new!!!

    Love to you all,

  9. Nellie

    It turned out really nice. I love your colors. It does look like a very small space. We need to work in out master bathroom. Right now it is lavender which I love.
    It is such hard work but it is totally worth it.
    Thanks for the prayers and all the sweet comments.
    Blessings & Love

  10. The new tile is beautiful! You and your husband did an awesome job! I love the accessories you've chosen...and the creative valance too. :)

  11. Your bathroom turned out beautiful love the colors and that adorable lil cabintet you sat on the window!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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