Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 16, 2011

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him:
tell of all his wonderful acts
Psalm 105:1-2

Hello Sweet Friends,

How has your week been going??
Some good thing happening for you,
I hope!!

Have to say our week has been going very well.
So far, it has been a great week for us!!
and of course,  my
I am thankful
is for hubbies brand new job.  He had a very nice day
 yesterday and so far today.  He said they have a beautiful facility
and they even have a gym with showers,  and they are soon
putting in a nature's table restaurant, course, most of the time
he takes a lunch,  but nice to have it there if he would like to
eat out,  or have lunch with someone.

I am thankful
that hubby just called and said he already got a paycheck
for the first 2 days!!  We were shocked,  cause that was 
totally unexpected.  And just before he went to the new
job,  he had a lot of emergency work that came up
last week and Monday from his old job, that he had to 
take care of which provided a large sum as well.
  Read on to see
why I share that!!  lol

 You know,  when the Lord told us
back in March to pay for the our daughter's upcoming 
Wedding,  hubby had just been reading the story in the bible
 in 2 Kings chapter 4:1-7
 about the Widow's oil.  Her husband had died and he was 
a godly man, but the creditors were coming to take her 
boys away as slaves for debt.  She spoke with Elisha 
and he asked how he could help her?? then he asked her
 what she had in her house,  and she said nothing,  except
 a lil oil.
Elisha told her to Go around and ask all your neighbors
 for many jars,  then to go into your house with your sons 
and shut the door behind you. Then start pouring oil
into all the jars,  and as each is filled put it to one side.
She left him and afterward shut the door behind her
along with her sons.  they brought the jars to her and
she kept pouring.  When all the jars were full, she said
to her son, bring me another one,  but he replied there
is not a jar left.  then the oil stopped flowing.
She went and told Elisha and he said, Go, sell the oil
and pay your debts.  You and your sons can live on
what is left.

So........when the Lord told him to pay for all the wedding,
we were in shock,  cause we were hoping that maybe we
could at least  help some, but the Lord said to pay for
ALL the wedding,  and hubby said Lord, is this gonna
be like the lady with the jars of oil............and He said
Yes!!  When hubby told me what he heard from the
 Lord, we both cried because we knew we were
about to be part of a miracle in the making, So it has
 been exciting to watch as he has poured oil again and 
again and continues to do so in
preparation for all these Wedding expenses.

We have always experienced his hand of provision,
but this is taking us to a whole new level,  I have
to say!!   So this is a very exciting time for all
of us,  and a faith builder for sure!

 Thought you might enjoy seeing this old picture of a vignette I used to
 have in my bedroom done with different photoshop affects.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry came out for dinner Tuesday night,
and that we are working out wedding details at least between
Dee and I, so when we finally do get to meet with the lady
 from the hotel,  we will have a lot already nailed down,
  so that should be helpful.  Think she has decided on
 her invitation now, and that we are moving the 
wedding to the night before.

I am thankful
Dee let me keep Rosie for the rest of the week cause
she is such good company for me.

I am thankful
for a website called "",  it has all sort of 
announcement and invitations,  and you just type in 
all your info and they print them for you.  They come
in increments of 10,  and of course, come with the
envelopes, and you can also print any additional
 information on the back if you want,  and they are 
really inexpensive yet they look very nice,  course, 
haven't seen a real one yet,  but you can do a sample
 and they will mail it to you so you can see it!  

Turns out it is the same place Megan used for her
 invitations, so I actually have seen them,
 and they were great!!  

I am thankful
that we finally got some rain yesterday,  my lawn
looks so happy today!!  lol

I am thankful
that I just heard from the lady at the hotel and she
will be back mid week next week,  so hopefully,
we can arrange another meeting.  We have so many
 unanswered questions yet!!  so that would
be just ducky!!  lol

I am thankful
the Lord has helped me locate enough things in my
house to make a cute Father's Day table.  We are
going with a Mexican theme cause we are having
Mexican food!!  One of his and our favs!!

I am thankful
that God's timing is always perfect.  Our Cobra
Insurance would have been more than doubling in July,
and we might have had to drop it, but now, starting July 1st 
we will have new Health Insurance with hubbies new 
Company and it sounds like it is going to be better than
 the Ins.we had at the last job.  Praise His Name!!

I am thankful
for good clean movies that are true stories.  We
watched the movie "Gifted Hands" the Ben Carson
story last night while we were exercising on the gazelle.
  What a great movie and a great true story.
We just loved it!  Highly recommend it!!
Warning:  keep your hanky close by.  lol

I am thankful
for the 13 months I had with hubby being home, even
tho, the circumstances were certainly not perfect, it
was still a very blessed time for us.  I realized that so
much today, when I went out for the first time without
him,  just how much he spoiled me,  I had to put my
own gas in,  and I am getting used to driving the van
now,  and paying for stuff at the register,  open my
own doors and carry all my own packages.

It felt a lil awkward at first I must say.................... 
but then it also felt independent as well!!
  That is a good feeling too!!

I am thankful
for how the Lord watches over you when you hand
things over to Him.  I had a person from my family of
origin call today that I haven't spoken with in over 5
 years,  very long sad story.  This person is very nervy,
 manipulative, greedy, and deceptive, our conversation
of small talk lasted for 2 hrs. and I really could see more
clearly for the first time, how she was laying the ground
 work of trying to gain my sympathy,  and all the while I
 had a pretty good idea what she wanted and  was 
wondering when she was going to ask, cause I  knew 
she had an agenda,  and about the time I was thinking
 it should be coming soon,
 all of the sudden the phone just went 
dead,  and I tried to call back 3 times just to say good
 bye and that I had to go anyway!!   but  I couldn't get
 through, I really felt that was the Lord's protection
 since I asked Him to handle it!!  Thank You Lord!!

Well, that wraps up my list of God's Goodness..........
Tell us about yours..................

So glad you stopped by.....

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday
and a
Wonderful Weekend!!

Always enjoy your great comments.

Love, Hugs,  and
Special Weekend Blessings

If you missed the Wedding Post click here
If you missed Our Good news report click here


  1. Hi Nellie

    I am so glad that your husband got a job. It sounds like it is good one. You really had a lot of patience and waited for God to reveal his plan.
    I need to update my BLOG. I have so many stories to share. I am feeling sad as I just found out we lost my cousin from cancer today so I am having a hard time commenting.
    Thanks for having such a encouraging BLOG.
    Blessings & Love

  2. #1. I'm so glad Jim is enjoying his new job and its facilities! What an answer to prayer!
    #2. I'm over thrilled at the LORD's leading! He is taking me through a "leading" right now. The County lady I talked to when I retired told me I could roll out my 10% the first of July. The state says the date is the first of August. That is no problem, but it really perturbs me when I am given wrong information from someone that is suppose to know what they're talking about! I had planned on taking care of my living room, but now I have to wait another month :-(
    #3. I'm sure you are glad to get "the ball rolling!" ha!
    #4. One cute little doggie! Sam's not doing too good again. He woke me up at 3:15 a.m. this morning panting. After walking him outside, I went back to the den and turned the fan on high while I slept in the chair. He seemed to rest much better within a few minutes with the breeze blowing on him.
    #5. You can just about do anything on the internet anymore. I see the govt wants to get in on charging taxes now on sites!
    #6. I got a little rain, not enough to "write home about!" Ha! And, I'm just a mile from you, lol!
    #7. Patience....about like me having to wait until August!(#2)
    #8. Did you get the pic attachment of the parrots and maracas? I didn't know if you could use them or not for Jim's party.
    #9. GOD is so Good. My insurance goes to Sept. 1st. I go to see Kathy N. July 2nd to set my new insurance policy in play for Sept. 1st.
    #10. Alice likes to watch the movie channel because it has all of the old movies that were "clean!"
    #11. A time for pampering and a time for not so much pampering, lol!
    #12. It's amazing how the LORD lays on our hearts what to pray for in others.
    Love to you all,

  3. How beautiful life is for you right now. How clearly the goodness and faithfulness of God are on display through your list! Have a wonderful weekend, Nellie!

  4. Receiving God's blessings and having Him work miraculously in our lives is just wonderful.
    Praise Him for your husbands new job and the provision with wedding costs. What a God we serve and love!!

  5. I LOVE the phone story!!!That is too funny.
    I'm so glad to read about all the happiness going on. I can feel your joy and relief through your words.

  6. It seems like when you look for things to be thankful for the list can grow quite long!

    Thanks for this uplifting (and cute) post!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...