Thursday, June 23, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 23, 2011

Hello Sweet Folks,

How are you today???  Doing well,  sure hope so!!

My day has been upsetting as I have been having
conflict with someone today,  but it is finally resolved
for which I am most grateful,  so that would be
my first Thankful.

I am thankful
for resolution to conflict.  Conflict is inevitable but
it is what you do with the conflict that matters.  If
we can see it as a good thing,  then we can work
it out.  Praise God for the working out but mostly
for the resolution.  Nobody likes it but it is a
very necessary part of life at times. But it sure
can be

I am thankful
for Mr. Sweepy,  and what a good job he does,
and what a smarty pants he is. Some of you
wanted to see a pic of him,  so here he is in
all of his glory!!!   lol

He's cute and sleek,  don't you think???

If you want to see him work

I am thankful
for a great time out with Becky from over at
Junk to Joy,  we went to Home Goods and
out to lunch at Olive Garden.  Such a fun day!

I am thankful
for the sweet surprise that we ran into someone
 I  knew at Olive Garden and they secretly 
paid for our lunch.
How sweet and nice is that!! 

I am thankful
that hubby is starting to feel like a part of the team
at work now.  These first days at a new job are 
always awkward and stressful for anyone,  and
he has been no exception.  But he is starting to
feel more comfortable every day.

I am thankful
we are finally going to have time to mow our
yard tonight.  Hubby needed to put a new
mulching blade on,  and was finally able to
get to it last night.  So tonight is the night!!
Unless it rains!!  lol

update:  looks like it is going to rain, sure
hope it keeps it's radar path!!
Guess we will be mowing on Friday night!  Poo!

I am thankful
for a lovely day on Sunday to celebrate my
Hubby and the Father of my children,  he got
some really sweet cards and lovely gifts, and
we all had a very nice day. Think he felt very
blessed by everyone.

I am thankful
for tickets that the kids all got for both of us
to go to the Holy land experience.  We will
probably wait until the Fall or later till it gets
a lot cooler before we go!!
But something fun to look forward to.....

I am thankful
that we finally have an appt. at the hotel this Saturday
and hopefully we can finally get the answers we need and
get these Wedding plans underway!!
Pray nothing else delays us.....please!!  lol

I am thankful
for roasted veggies.  Almost any veggie tastes so good
roasted,  tonight I am making oven roasted potatoes.
This is only my 2nd time,  but can't wait cause the
first time they were really great!

I am thankful
for some really nice pictures Megan brought us
last weekend that were from her unedited pictures
 from the wedding.  Two of Jim and I dancing, and one 
with us, and  she and Scott,  it was a great shot of 
all of us. 
 So I framed it!!

I am thankful
hubby is home for it has been a long and tumultuous
 day, and I really needed a hug!!

Well,  that is my list of Thankful's for the Week.

The Lord is always at work,  even when we can't see
 it, and there is always something to be Thankful for!!
Some times it is easier to find than at others but we
 just need some time to think about it, and you can
 usually come up with something, and then it just
goes from there.

Thanks so much for stopping in,  and also for your
kind comments,  love hearing from you!!

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


  1. It's gratifying somehow to know others have conflicts from time to time. Glad to hear yours is resolved. It IS exhausting, isn't it?

    You have so many other things to be grateful for, Nellie. May your sleep be sweet and uninterrupted tonight :)

  2. Sorry someone was a thorn to you. But Mr. Sweepy is so handsome! Thanks for the pic.
    What a lovely thing for someone to pick up your restaurant tab. I know when someone pays my toll road fee it always makes me feel so happy and hopeful that there are lots of good people left in the world.
    I'm staying busy and very happy.
    Glad all is so rosy over in your neck of the woods.
    big hugs,

  3. I just realized I missed your Tablescape Thursday! So, I went back and left you a comment!
    #1. That goes along with my blog mention of John Piper's saying, "In all the setbacks of your life as a believer, GOD is plotting for your joy!"
    #2. I do agree. My GP is a smarty pants too! Last night he did a good job not getting hung up under the stove. Some days it does, somedays it doesn't (?)
    #3. How wonderful! I'm waiting for Sylvia to get back in town to have our brunch!
    #4. Double wonderful!!!
    #5. I have been praying every day for him to be a blessing for this company!
    #6. George got mine done early in the morning!
    #7. It's always such a blessing to share with our loved ones! It's just a touch of what Heaven's going to be like!
    #8. Be sure to take pictures for your blog when you do go. (I hope they let you take pictures.)
    #9. It's Saturday and I'm praying!
    #10. I made myself a big batch of those baked spinach balls! They are good even after they have been in the refrigerator!
    #11. More beautiful memories to place around your house!!
    #12. I bet it is a long day to see him. But, the joy you both have when he does come home!
    Love to you all,

  4. I don't know how, but I missed this post last week.

    I am always glad for conflict resolution as well. However, to be totally honest with you, I don't do conflict at all. I am about as non-confrontational as they come, so I will generally avoid a person with whom I'm having conflict. Either that, or I just won't express my true feeling on a subject. I generally allow myself to be bulldozed just because I don't want to disagree or have conflict. I might be angry inside, but they almost never know it. The way I was brought up, to differ with anyone was frowned upon.

    I love all the beautiful flower photos you've shared today. Yes, I'm on Gary's laptop, so I can actually see them.

    I'm so glad Jim is settling in and feeling like part of the crew. Praise God for that!!

    I love that you and Becky were able to spend some time together Sure wish the 3 of us had been able to do lunch when I was there...oh well...when I move back, we will.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

    Love and hugs, sweet friend,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie