Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 30, 20ll

Praise the Lord, all you nations, extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the
 Lord endures forever  Praise the Lord.
Psalm 117:1 &2 

Greeting Sweet Friends,
It is Thursday Again.........already, 
 can you believe it,
these days just fly by so quickly, 
 it is truly shocking sometimes!!

Hope your week has been a good one,
and you have lots of reasons to give
Thanks to the Lord.

With the Fourth of July right around the corner, 
I have been thinking about how blessed my family
and friends and anyone that lives in America really
is,  we are truly blessed to live in a free nation,
Oh,  America has her problems,  we all know that,
but I truly can't think of any other place in the
world I would rather live.  No other country has
the freedoms that we do!
So my
I am thankful
is for the blessing of living in this country and for
the independence that we have, and the men and
 women of our military who continue to fight for
our country and the freedoms that we so easily
take for granted on a daily basis.

I am thankful
that we can have freedom because of what
Jesus did for us on the cross, as well.  
He is the freedom giver for sure......

I am thankful
we want have to worry with our lawn this holiday
weekend,  since our neighbor so sweetly took
care of that issue for us.

I am thankful
for having good neighbors and especially the ones
 that will be moving soon.  We certainly will be
sad to see them go.  They have really been a
blessing to us many times!

I am thankful
for all the rain we have had lately, cause the water
 table is low and their have been quite a few wildfires
 lately in Florida,  so wet is good!

I am thankful
for a nice lil afternoon nap,  this dismal weather
made me so sleepy,  and it is fun napping when
it is raining!!  lol
and I feel much better now..........

I am thankful
for fruit,  I love fruit,  all different types of fruit,
in smoothies, by themselves, in cereal,  in crepes,
in pies, and  cakes.  Simply delectable!!

I am thankful
dinner will be easy tonight.  Rotisserie chicken,
leftover potato salad,  and a new veggie recipe
I got from Kraft foods via email yesterday.
I'll give you the recipe if it tastes as good
as it sounds!!
We had was pretty good but I would
add some onions and garlic the next time!!

I am thankful
for relationships that the Lord brings into our
lives, whether permanent, for a season or
by a chance meeting,  and that he gives us
the ability to affect people and they us, in
 very simple, small ways most of the time!!
That simply amazes me...................

I am thankful
that we have the freedom to have Bibles in
our country and most households have 2 or
more in their homes.  Can you even imagine
what it would be like not to have one??

I remember a young airman that used to
attend our church years ago,  who fought in
the Gulf war as a helicopter pilot.  He was
shot down and put in an Iraqi prison as a
POW.  He was a christian kid that never
ever imagined he could ever be anywhere
without a bible.  He of course,  did not have
the gideons visit his jail,  and he said he
could only remember 2 small verses that
he learned in Sunday school as a child,
and he would quote them over and over
again to himself, because they helped 
him so much.  Praise God he survived
that ordeal and was freed,  and one of the
 first things he wanted was a bible.
That story really stuck in my heart!!

That is really why it is so important for
us to be  reading and memorizing God's
word.  Cause the more we read it the
more we remember it,  and then you
can also work at memorizing it as well,
Cause we never know Folks............
when that could change for us!

I am thankful
for our judicial system.  Don't know if most
of you have heard about it or not,  but there
has been a murder trial going on here in 
Florida called the Casey Anthony Trial.
I will spare you the details as they are not
 pleasant by any stretch of the imagination.

We have been following some of the trial,
as it has been televised daily,  it has really
been amazing to see the working within
a court room,  and all that goes on,  not 
quite like all those Perry Mason movies
 we used to see as kids.  They really go
to such great lengths to see to it that a
person gets a fair trial.  They really had
a great judge sitting on the bench as well.

The jury will be going into deliberation
on Saturday I think.  The attorneys
finished up today,  so will be interesting
to see the outcome.

It was very very interesting to watch,
tho it is very sad sad circumstances.

I am thankful
that a lot of decisions got made about the
wedding this week,  and we really know
where and what we are doing for sure now.
What a relief that is..................

I am thankful
Hubby got his first whole paycheck.
Have to say that was fun!!

Well,  that is my thankful list 
for this week,

Hope you are looking for things
 to be thankful for too!!

Life doesn't always seem good, 
 but God is always good, 
and there are always things to
 Thank Him for........
sometimes you just have to 
ponder a bit,  but they are there, 
 Happy Pondering!! 

Thanks for coming by, 
 always love hearing from you,

Love, Hugs and 
Fourth of July Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie.. you always post inspiring words that I enjoy reading..
    This week I am very grateful that my daughter found a job and that its even better than she dreamed she would find.. We are also blessed with 2 weeks together before she starts on the 11th of July.. We've worked in our yard and gone thrifting which is better than a vacation away for us. The time and money we have spent on the yard will be here for many many years and we are both grateful we think alike and made that choice..
    Our weathers been great, though hot, and our veggie garden is coming along nicely.. I am also grateful to be able to share our blessings with someone like You who I know understands my level of gratitude..
    I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see ya next Thursday, Lord willin' and the creek dont rise:)


  2. Hi Nellie

    I have been watching the Casey Anthony case since it first started on Nancy Grace. What a sad story that has torn the family apart. My heart breaks when Caseys parents weep on the stand but there is so my conflicting details that it is hard to know who is telling the truth.
    Thanks for the comments about Mr. Sweepy. I have plenty of time to research before I make my decision.
    You have a great list of thankfuls. Glad some things have just fallen in to place for you.

    Have a great 4th....

    Blessings & love

  3. #1. I'm am thankful for the men and father's in our lives that have been in the military and have come back to us!
    #2. I am so very thankful to our LORD, that He was my decision in this life and Eternity to come!
    #3. I am so thankful for the LORD keeping my neighbor's health to mow my yard!
    #4. Amen! Thank the LORD my three neighbors and I have known one another for years!
    #5. Thank you, LORD, for the rain. My yard has been so sandy dry! The grass is quickly coming back!
    #6. I'll tell you; I haven't napped so much in years! This summer, it has really taken me much longer to get my strength back than those summers passed.
    #7. I just love the fruit Publix has cut in the containers! I could eat on it all day long!
    #8. Alice and I went to Ruby Tuesday's yesterday, so I have left overs for tonight too!
    #9. Relationships are so important. I have been reading in supplemental Christian material that talks about all of the relationships we will have in Heaven. We will know everyone without being introduced to them! Wow! Adam, Eve, Abraham, Ruth, Isaiah, Daniel Mary and most of all JESUS.
    #10. That's what I have always wondered about with the Old Testament people. They had to always rely on the priests in the Tabernacle.
    #11. I have watched every day, all day, praying for Judge Perry that the Holy Spirit will guide him every moment. The defense is just throwing out anything it can to bring about doubt, only to bring the State's cross to cause the defense to "shoot themselves in the foot!" (As the saying goes!)
    #12. Fantastic! I know you are rejoicing for the events accomplished (as well as the blessings that have come about!)
    #13. Yeah!!! Money coming in, praise the LORD for His blessings! I have been praying that the LORD makes Jim a blessing to the company.
    I love you all very much,

  4. Hi Nellie! I am finally back to reading blogs. We got home on the 23rd of June but Laura and family didn't leave here until the 29th. We were so sad to see them go but we had to get back to normal living! It has been crazy fun and exhausting too.

    My brother's birthday was on the 29th he turned 62. Steve has cancer and it involves multiple lymph nodes through out the trunk of his body. It origin is actually testicular cancer but he has not tumors there or any symptoms. So it is quite the mystery. No surgery will help in the trunk of his body and they decided against removing the family jewels. I know he was relieved about that but would do it if they thought it was a good idea. So he starts chemo next Monday the 11th. Poor guy. He is being very brave but you have to know he is scared. We have all been praying a lot and thinking positively that the chemo will give him lots more time. It is not in any major organs so that is a big plus. It likes to head to the brain...a big minus.

    My birthday was yesterday so I have had lots of people stopping by but for the most part it was a quiet restful day. Tomorrow we are having a few people over. My brother Steve and his wife Emily, our good friend Barbara and her Mom, and maybe my other brother, Gary. His mother-in-law is at death's door so he has been down with them for the weekend with his wife Marilyn but we are hoping he can come for dinner on his way home from Santa Cruz to Napa as we are on the route.

    So lots of trials right now but we are faithful in seeking the Lord's will for all of us and laying the burden at the feet of the Savior. All the worrying and fretting in the world will not make a difference. Just faith and prayer. So that is what is new here. And why I have been absent for a long time. In the next day or so I will read back through your blog and see all I missed.

    Just wanted to say hi, Happy 4th, I love you all and have not forgotten you for one minute in all this time.

    Love, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...