Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday and Our Celebration Toy!!

Happy Monday Morning Sweet Friends,

I hope you are having as much fun
this morning as I am!! lol

Just gotta tell somebody .....cause there
is no one home here, or elsewhere to tell,
so you are the lucky receiver of my joy!!

Hubby got a Mint floor cleaner as one of his Father's Day gifts!
  He and I had discussed it cause our whole family got one for my
 SIL as a gift when she retired, a few weeks ago, and she loves it.

Hubby and I had wanted to go away for a weekend to celebrate
 before he went to work but due to the TEST situation we decided
 we had better not count our eggs before they hatched and not
 spend any $$ until we knew he was getting the job for sure!
  Anyway, since we didn't get to do that we decided the Mint
 would be our big splurge Celebration gift to us both!

Hubby does most of the vacuuming at our house because
of my neck and arm situation.  I can do some just not a lot,
so since he is working again,  we thought this would help
both of us,  plus hubby is definitely a gadget guys,  loves
gadgets! and best of all Mr. Sweepy is a robotic gadget!

So yesterday we let Mr. Sweepy, my name for him,
 do the family room and kitchen area, and we used his 
 North star navigational system with it,  cause it has a
 GPS system in it, and just maps out his route to
 cleaning your floor. He really did a great job.  We 
learned a few things like we need to run it before
we vacuum the carpets,  cause it sometimes will
run up on our carpet, and then scrapes some of
the debri off on the carpet,  no biggie,  just got
to work around that.  

  But this morning I did the smaller areas of tile,
the bathrooms and the foyer area.  You don't
need the north star for these,  and I am telling
you this lil bugger is really smart.  It was so
much fun to watch.  I just moved everything 
out of the way,  just as if I were gonna swiff
or vacuum myself.............and let Mr. Sweepy

Oh, just heard him coming!!  It's sort of like
having a pet follow you around!!  lol

Once he swept,  then I let him damp mop the bath
room floors,  so now they look nice and shiny,  
and feel clean as can be!

I am in Love with Mr. Sweepy!!!  He is such
fun to watch,  and he is still going out there
redoing the family room and kitchen.....
He is like the energizer bunny!!
Every time I leave the room and come back
he is a different place,  He is just hysterically
funny  to me, and just sooo smart !
He even knows if there is a drop off like
a step,  and he only goes so far,  then turns
around and keeps on going!!
but know his batteries have to run down
fairly soon..........
.but he just makes my heart Swoon!!  lol

Just don't tell my hubby......Okay!!

Have a Marvelous Monday,

Thanks for stopping by....................

Love, Blessings and
Mr. Sweepy Hugs,


OOPs.....just heard a noise,  what is Mr. Sweepy
up to now.....................

he very quietly managed to push a  resin bunny and a
 wooden vase of flowers that was on the floor under
the sofa table over in the corner!!   lol  

He has such a dry sense of humor!!!


  1. OH! I want to SEE him now that I've heard all about him :)

  2. Yahoooooo! Mine's name is GP! Last night when I got back from our Father's Day celebration, I set him loose! He was done in about 35 min with no "hiccups" this time, lol!

    I am definately ready to let him go in the bird's room! I'll need ear plugs, for I know the squawking that's going to take place! They'll get used to GP!

    I surely love you, lady!

  3. Nellie, this is really funny and cool! I think it is a pet! The non-pesty kind!

  4. I love that! He must make your life a little easier.
    You're right about Lizzie. She's the sweetest dog I've ever known. She loves to give hugs. Weird right? I bring her everywhere even the grocery and restaurants. Don't tell anyone!! She's my true joy!
    You should have taken a picture of Mr. Sweepy!
    big hugs,

  5. What a cute post! I love that you have someone working away so you can blog more - ha!

    This sounds like a perfect gift!

  6. Hi Nellie

    I was so excited when I read your post. After seeing that you had got a mint for Susan I really think I want one. Now it is just taking Marvin into it. I think we may wait until the Christmas sales start.

    I love your BLOG so much. I have learned a lot from you. I have laughed and I have cried. I have prayed harder that I ever knew I could. I have learned from you how to put my armour on and I have seen how you love. Thank you for being there and always able to give me that word that I need to hear.

    I love you my friend


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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