Friday, June 7, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 6, 2013

 2nd Sunrise captured @ the beach

 May the peoples praise you, O God;
may all the people praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the people justly, and
guide the nations of the earth.
Psalm 67:3-4

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Am running a lil late .............
as you can see!

Hope you are having a wonderful day
 and hope you are not in the path of the
 tropical storm.  

It has rained here all week, but today the sun is finally shining, 
and it is still nice and breezy,  so I have been sitting outside
 reading and drinking coffee, and then came in to have some
breakfast....a smoothie, cheese sticks and rice crackers.
Fit the bill...........while I perused a new issue of Summer
Cottage I got for Mother's Day.  It is my 2nd time to look
at it, but seems like the first.time..........
I really enjoy these seasonal magazines. 

Thought I would share another sunset we took pics of
while on vacation.......please indulge me,  it is like reliving

I will let the rest speak for itself........................

I am thankful
for fresh clean sheets,  I love the feel of them,
and there is nothing like getting into bed when
they have just been changed.
Physically delicious!

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer.  Because sometimes
when things are out of our control it is the one
and only thing we have,  but really it is the best
 thing, because we know who is really in control,
 and that is truly a gift that helps are own hurting 
and worried hearts.

I am thankful
for vinegar cause it is inexpensive and great for 
all sorts of things like cutting the hard water buildup
 on the shower tiles, cleaning the coffee pot,  iron,
 or dishwasher or for putting in the rinse water to 
soften clothes just to name a few.

I am thankful
for the love that my hubby has for our children
and our new grand-daughter.  He is just so 
cute with her,  and would do anything for her,
just like he did with our kids.

I am thankful
that we only had a Tropical Storm off the coast 
of Florida rather than a hurricane. Course, I know
 sometimes they can be bad too,  so hoping that is 
not the case with this one.  So am praying to that end.

I am thankful
for my daughter, and for the wise words that she 
sometimes speaks to me when I really need to hear
 them.  She is a true friend.....

 I am thankful
for a quick resolution to a family situation we had.
God is so good!!

I am thankful
that one of hubbies Father's Day gifts arrived
today,  sooner than I expected,  so that is always
nice,  so I'm not wondering is it gonna get here

Update: I went ahead and gave it to him early.
  It was oatmeal raisen cookies from Tate's 
Bake shop!
He loved them...............Cause they are delish! 

Thanks Suz for putting me on to these great
 cookies, they are really a fun treat for special 

I am thankful
for all the rain we have gotten in the last 2 wks.,
cause our yard looks so lush and green,  and
because our water bill will be much better this
month,  it was 4x the amount it usually is......
 last month.

  Now if we could just get a dry day so we could
 mow it!!  lol
Think today might just be the day!! 

I am thankful
that it is so nice and cool outside, and that last week I
decided to put 2 chairs from our back porch onto our
front porch, as we got to sit out there for awhile last night. 
 It was very nice to be able to enjoy the front yard for a
 nice change of pace.

The sun was getting so bright it made everything 
else look dark.

I am thankful
for a movie a friend of mine told me about
some time ago,  and we just got it from Netflix
and it was so good.  It is called "The Help",  it
really shows how people can think they are so
much better than other people.  It was a very
heartwarming movie, and shows how people
should be treated vs how people should not
be treated.  I have seen that many times just
going out to eat and how people treat servers
and stuff,  like they aren't  people or something.
They don't acknowlege them, or thank them.
I find it very odd myself, but a very good 
reminder to be careful how we treat anyone,
we come in contact with.

I am thankful
that is was still cool and breezy this morning,
so I sat out front and drank coffee and finished
reading a novel  that Sue over at I need Mom
blog suggested to me.  It was great,  and I
will probably get some of her other books.
The author is Denise Hildreth Jones and the
title of the book is "Secrets over Sweet Tea".

Very enjoyable book, and I must say,
Thanks so much Sue for recommending
it to me.............she is the same Sue that
put me on to the cookies.............she has
great recommendations on her blog all
the time,  so if you have never visited her
you might want to check her out.
Just click here!

Also if you would like to check out 
Denise Hildreth Jones website 
Just click here.

Well, that is a rap as they say...............

Glad you could stop by,  and totally look
forward to hearing from ya,

Have a super Duper Weekend!

Love, Hugs,  and
Special Sunrise Blessings,



  1. It really was nice outside this morning! I was sitting in my lawn chair while the dogs ran around the yard. Dolly doesn't know what to think about that! She joyfully runs back to me with a happy body language like, "What are you doing!" Ha! I have just started sitting outside!
    #1. I love the smell of fresh clean sheets! It puts me right to sleep! Hey that rhymes, lol!
    #2. I have been learning the joy of trusting in GOD for answered prayers!
    #3. Mom always used vinegar to clean. I use it in my fresh greens. I'm glad the smell cooks off. I can't stand the smell of vinegar! I guess that was GOD's way of me never drinking wines or "ales" because it smelled so much like vinegar! I can't stand vinegar chips, yuk! I guess that's why it's good for cleaning, ha!
    #4. It can surely be seen in his face and his joy for all of you!
    #5. I'm glad we got the rain we needed for the aquifer.
    #6. She has learned well from you! I appreciate your wise words to me.
    #7.Thank you, LORD Jesus.
    #8. I know why you gave them to him, you couldn't wait to get some too, ha!
    #9. I know what you mean. It keeps my pool level where it should be!
    #10. I love hearing the birds in the cool of the day. I think there are some young scrub jays with babies in my night jasmine bush! The parents fly in and out and I can hear them when the parent bird is in there.
    #11. Alice, her friend and I watched "The Help" about a year ago. Alice had the book and gave it to me, but I can never read a book after seeing the movie.
    #12. Starting June 1st, I took the suggestion Pastor Brad gave about reading the Psalms within a month. It's really easy. 1,31,61,91,121 then the next day 2,32,62,92,122 etc. My devotions are a little longer, but a very enjoyable time with the LORD!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Hi Nellie

    I love your sunset picture. It is very peaceful.
    I loved the movie The Help. I had read the book too.
    Clean sheets I love too. I love to hang mine outside and will do it everytime I am able to.
    Your blessings have taught me how to see a blessing in everything.

    Have a good week!
    Blessings & Love

  3. I'm always refreshed by your thankful reflections, Nellie. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. So many gorgeous sunsets Nellie! That must have been one beautiful vacation. I am so overdue for one ... lol. I am so thankful to have met someone as nice as you.

  5. Gorgeous photos Nellie! Me too, so thankful for is EVERYTHING! And vinegar...laughed, cause I love it too!
    Your blog looks the colors and pretty!
    Blessings sweetie!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...