Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kitchen counter rearrange - cost...... $13. for cannister set

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope everything is well with you 
and yours, and hope that you are 
enjoying your summer, as it sure
 is fading fast, can't believe Thurs-
day will be August 1st already.......
Wow! Where did the time go......

All is well here still........we are waiting to see if Dee
and Jerry's house will sell,  they are having an open
house on Saturday, so will see what happens.
That is how we sold our house so quickly when we
moved here years ago from Lauderdale. It was a
bad time to sell, so they said,  so I told our realtor
who was a friend as well,  that if you get someone
thru this house it will sell,  cause I know what the
rest of the houses in the neighborhood look like,
and they are in bad needed of updating and
renovating,  and we had done a lot of work in
ours.  so he quickly had an open house and the
first couple who came thru bought it,  and paid
full asking price,  because the 2nd couple who
came also wanted it.................so Open Houses
are a good thing, as Martha would say!

Last Friday I decided to do something I have
been wanting to do for months,  but either I had
the time and no energy or creativity,  or I had
the creativity or energy and no time.  lol
So finally,  I started the project on Friday and
pretty much finished it,  but have just been 
doing some tweaking here and there since.
I redecorated my counter tops with a whole
new look and hubby and I both really like it.
A much cleaner fresher look,  and seems
like we have more space on the counter 
tops, and it only cost me $13.00 for a new
glass canister set that we got months back,
think I might have told you about it but didn't 
show it to you I don't think....well, the rest of 
the story will be in pictures mostly...................

So come on in................

View from Family room

Remember you can click on any picture and it should enlarge
them all......................

 We will start at the counter top to the left -
This is the before pic


Decided I didn't want to use my cup rack, 
 so decided to just display them on a plate.
Had this lil vase with flowers on the sink edge
so decided they would look nice in the middle
 of the cups instead.

only thing that changed here is the towel and rug.
I had a colorful striped rug, and will probably put
it back, cause I imagine this white one is gonna
be a pain,  but the other one needed washing
anyway,  so figured now was a good time.



No Before Picture of the stove, forgot!

 So these are all After pictures

This is by the coffee pot

If you were going in a clockwise direction next would
 be our table and chairs,  but I am leaving that
for another post.........cause I did some playing
with the table............lol

Next is the other side of the kitchen..............

the canister set has been here since I got it a few months
ago,  but was waiting to move things around so I could
put it where it is now.

 Our pantry is on the left and that is an ironing board, chair and
ladder all made into one............on the right hand side.
There will be a white towel hanging on the oven soon.

Now I have a question since you have seen my kitchen

I would like to paint my stove hood so that it would make
a statement,  but can't decide what color to paint it........

This is a pretty good representation of the colors
in my wallpaper.......so what color would you
pick for the stove hood???

It really was morning when I started this!!
Sorry this is so long, but many times when I see
pictures of someones room,  you can't see a lot
of the detail even when you blow the pictures up
so I wanted to include that, cause if you are like
me that is a lil disappointing.................and it
even happens with magazines too.  I have also
been downloading pics in between other things
I was doing today too................

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the tour........
will post pictures of the table area sometime
soon,  was thinking tomorrow but probably
not, since I will be babysitting our lil darling!!

So probably next week........

Sharing with:
 Marty over at a stroll thru life

 Cindy over at Dwellings

 Kim at Savvy Southern Style

and Richella over at Imparting Grace

Take Care and Have a lovely evening.

Hugs and Happy Kitchen Blessings,

Friday, July 26, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 25, 2013

All pictures- compliments of Public Domain photos

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;
make know among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him,
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Psalm 105:1-2

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Late......seems to be my usual these 
days! Sorry about that, had it almost
finished last night,  but was just too
pooped to finish it.  So it's now or
never!  lol
So will let the list do the talking.

I am thankful
that hubby found Skinny PopCorn at Sam's Club this
 week,  so now we don't have to go to Fresh Market for it. 
 Cause we really love that stuff,  and it is much healthier for 
us than microwave popcorn and cheaper too.

I am thankful
for some new marriage DVD's that we found to use
for the next quarter in our Sunday School class.
By Jimmy Evans of  Marriage Today Ministries,
called "the Indestructible marriage".
  It is good information................

Can't believe they already arrived on Wed.

I am thankful
that we got to spend the night with Dee again, cause
we don't know how many more of these times we
will have.  I am taking her to the airport this after-
noon,  as she is flying out to meet Jerry again. He
 had to go up there to fill in for someone,  so good
chance for them to have another look around.


I am thankful
that Dee taught my hubby how to do my hair, and
thankful he was willing to learn  and actually he
 volunteered for the position.   lol
Not to mention..... he did a great job as well.

Some years back I had a pinched nerve in my

neck that was excruciatingly painful, so I could
not use my right arm, especially above my head,
 so for some time, until that nerve settled down,
 Hubby and Dee (she still lived at home then) kept
 me looking good.  They used to blow dry and
style my hair for me.  I used to tease them and
call hubby Edwardo my hairdresser and Dee
was Deenie Marie my hairdresser.  They were
so sweet to do that for me, and it was definitely
different to be taken care of that way,  but
they were both so happy to do it...which sure
made it easier to accept.  It is a terrible thing
to need help and feel like it is grudgingly given.
So their attitudes and help were such a blessing.

I am thankful
that Rosie (our grand daughter dog) had a 
thorough check up with blood work and all,
and that she is in great shape for a 10 year
old dog, no problems at all.
  She is a lil chijuajua............She had taken a
 couple of spills on the steps and they were 
worried their was something wrong with her,
(think it scared  Dee because our schnauzer 
we had when she was younger, had some
 strokes).  Thankfully, it turned out it was her
 nails, they were too long,  and she just couldn't
 get any traction on the wood stairs and the tile.
They trimmed her nails and she has had no
incidents since. Shew...........what a relief for
 Dee and Jerry, and for us.  Also good to
not have to worry about getting a Vet right
 away in case they do move.  She was so
thoughtful and didn't tell us anything about
it until she got the results,  cause she didn't
want to worry us unnecessarily.  She knows
how crazy we are about that lil dog.


I am thankful
my girl made it to Asheville and is doing
fine........nice weekend ahead of them.


I am thankful
to finally know where Sanford Int'l airport
is..........it is a much smaller airport than
Orlando Int'l,  so was a nice place to fly
out of or to come into.........First time ever
to go there..........So now I know!!  lol


I am thankful
for Papa John's Hawaiian Pizza......it
was our din din tonight and it is really
delicious.  Have you ever had it?? It is 
Ham and Pineapple with your typical
sauce and crust.
A very nice change of pace.

I am thankful
that not too much damage was done
to my van tonight.  When I arrived home
it was raining and the wipers were on
and when I pulled into the garage,  I
didn't pull in as far as I thought,  so when
I closed the garage door it hit the van
not once but twice..........Most of it came
off but there were a few very small areas,
but it could have been way worse. 


I am thankful
we get to have Rosie until Sunday or
maybe Monday.

I am thankful
that Megan is feeling  better as she had a
 cist removed from her face on Tuesday, 
 so was not feeling real great.

I am so thankful
for this notebook thing hubby and I are
doing,  it has truly been such a blessing
to both of us...........cause you know. it
just seems like more of your heart comes
out on paper and thru a pen for some 
strange reason.  We highly recommend
that couples or even friends give it a try.
You will be very pleasantly surprised,
I think.......................

Well, there it is.........................
Hope you have some things to 
add to the list yourself............

Glad you could stop by and 
hope you will leave a comment
 so I know you were here.

Love,  Hugs,
and Joyful Blessings,


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Just saying Hi and catching you up............

Here's our lil darling playing with Grampy.  He is a fun guy!

Just wanted to say Hello......
Sweet Friends

So how has your week been going?
Going well I hope!

Mine has been going along well.  Didn't do
too much yesterday cause I was a bit tired
and out of it from the weekend,  but that was
 a good tired. Got to see all the kids this 
weekend and of course, the baby too.  She
 is getting to be such a riot.  She just had us 
laughing hysterically the other night,  trying to
 stick her tongue out and make noise....we
call that giving someone a raspberry.  She
is getting the hang of it pretty quick, and
starting to sit up some now too.

 I am watching my Grampy make silly
faces at me,  and loving every minute of it.

Can you tell.............

Here I am with Mommy and Daddy, Mommy is trying to show me
 how to work this toy, but I saw the camera ......
They can never catch me doing whatever it is they are wanting 
a picture of,  Cause I am slick...............I spot the camera and
 then I just stare at the camera...........lol  of course, because
I think it is seriously.... very interesting!

It is looking more like Dee and Jerry might
be moving.  One of the stipulations that had
with the Co. was that they wanted to sell
their house first cause they don't want him
to be up their working and her down here
trying to sell the house,  or to get stuck and
not make what they should off the house.
So the Co. agreed to that!  
We thought that was a very wise decision.
Cause we have seen people do that and
it really is not great for a marriage.

Now the next step is selling the house,
they also are making this a little harder
than usual,  cause they want to give the
Lord room to work,  cause they want to
make sure this is the direction they are
suppose to go in................
We are praying that it sells quickly if they
are meant to go,  and if they aren't that
nothing happens,  so it might be a few
months before we  know for sure.

Went out today to Hobby Lobby and
Ross, Goodwill and WallyWorld.  It was
rather disappointing.......didn't see any
thing I really liked, accept I bought a
package of card embellishments.
That was about it.  Did buy some more
receiving blankets and a couple of 
onesies and diapers for our lil sweetie.
Cause she will be with us tomorrow.
She will like these new colorful
blankies...........she has a love affair
with her blankies,  so cute!

Speaking of receiving blankets did you
see Princess Kate and Prince William
with their new bundle of Joy, as they were
about to leave the hospital.  She looked
amazing,  and you could really see the
joy on their faces.  I simply adore this
couple,  and wish them all the best.  I
think they are gonna be great parents,
and I hear she doesn't even want to
use a nanny.  She would probably much
rather have her family help out I would
think,  since they seem to be so close.
She reminds me so much of Princess
Diana, she even wore a polka dot dress
like his Mom did.  So Sweet!
I loved how she looked as an expectant
Mom as well,  so classy,  and I think she
was born for this role as a Princess,  she 
is so comfortable in it. I think she is simply
a delightful young woman,  and conducts
herself like a lady.  

Just saw this picture and had to add it.....
Aren' t they  just adorable.............someone with sour
grapes said of course, she looks good she has a
 hairdresser,  well, that hairdresser didn't  put that big
smile of joy or glow on her face....................lol

Well, it is beddie bye time.........

So have a good day tomorrow.

Hugs and Blessings Galore,

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 18, 2013

Every word of the Lord is flawless
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How in the world are ya??
Hope your week has been
 a good one!

 Been a good week here, but a very quick one,
 can't really believe it is Thursday already.
Shew..........where does the time go so fast.
Just can't believe we are over half way thru
July already..............Fall will be here before 
we know it.........at least Faux Fall for us.  lol

Hubby wound up working home today, as he
drove part of the way to work and realized
he had forgotten his laptop,  as he always
brings it home to work from home on Wed.,
 so once he drove back it was time to start
work so he just worked at home again,
so that was a nice surprise, and you
know how I like fun surprises.

I am thankful
because hubby got to work at home 
again today and that he will be home 
an hour earlier today,  think we need
to celebrate and go get some yomii
or something when he gets off.....lol

I am thankful
for something a blogger friend (Janet
from over at Janet and Marvins life)
wrote about on her blog awhile back....
She and her hubby were looking for a
way to nurture their relationship so they 
bought special notebooks and they both
 wrote something nice to each other every
 day... she was saying how she couldn't 
wait to read what he had written each 
day...and that she was so enjoying it.

I am thankful
hubby and I decided to try Janet's great
 idea for ourselves, and since we teach
 marriage classes at times,we totally agree 
with the fact that all couples need to work
 at finding ways to nurture their relationships, 
cause after all,  it is like a rose bush, if you 
don't water it, fertilize it, and tend to it
It will wilt and die................
 so we started this week doing what Janet and
 her hubby do, and I have to say it has sure 
been a very nice way to start the day, and we
 feel the Love increasing already..........

So we would highly recommend it!!

So thanks Janet for the great idea,
and if you would like to visit her
Just click here.

I am thankful
for my gluten free chocolate chip oat-
meal cookie recipe. We have really
enjoyed those cookies,  and many
times we have eaten some for break-
fast.  Hubby was looking for some this
 morning and I said they are all gone,
but I was thinking about making some
more,  so since he was in search of them,
 decided it was time to make another
 batch, the last cookies are in the oven
 now, and the kitchen is smelling 
mighty good, I have to say!  lol
This time I added some flaxseed
 craisens, and walnuts.  I like them
best after they have been in the 
fridge for a lil bit.  

These were all pics from our dinner
I am thankful
that we got to have a couple over for
 the first time that is in our Sunday School 
class on Monday evening for dinner.  We
really had such a good time, and look
 forward to doing something with them 
again in the future.

I am thankful
that I had leftover lasagna last night
so that we could have Megan have
dinner with us,  when she picked up
lil bit.....since Scott had to be out of
town for work. We had a nice time
with her and Brooklyn as well.

I am thankful
I heard about a new book today 
from Noreen over at "Life Blessings".
It sounds really good and it is called
"Angels in the Fire".  Will definitely
be ordering this book soon.

Thanks Noreen.............

I am thankful
I finished my other book "Reclaiming
your heart"  by Denise Hildreth Jones.
It was a great read for a good heart
check up.  Really got a lot out of it,
in fact, might just read it again.

I am thankful
for seeing my neighbors across the
street playing and spraying the hose
 with the kids the last few days.  Brought
back sweet memories of playing in the 
water with my best friend La Neta as a
 kid. She had a Donald Duck sprinkler and 
we thought that was the bomb!   lol

Anybody else remember a Donald
Duck sprinkler???

I am thankful
once again for all the joy that our
lil darling brings to us everytime we
see her...........
she really is the bomb!!  lol

and to see my hubby with her, making
silly faces is just the cutest!

 She is turning over from back to front and front to back
 all the time now and is so wanting to get moving............

aren't these the cutest lil socks...she loves them too.
Loves to pull at the flowers on top.

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan was able to come
and see her this week too.

This was just the napkin opened up all the way to cover 
the rolls -just think they are so pretty

I am thankful
that we still don't know if Dee and Jerry 
are moving yet or not, cuz that still means
 there might be a chance they aren't,....  lol
Sorry, know that is messed up, but just 
can't help myself....lol......... but I really 
think there is a better chance they are, so
 we are preparing our hearts either way.
but a Mom can always hope.........lol
Don't get me wrong....I want whatever
God's best if for them, I am just hoping
it isn't a move!   lol

Well, sweeties
that completes my list for this week.

Hope yall have a whale of a good time
over the weekend...........
and we will try and do the same.........

See ya next week.......
and thanks for stopping by, as always
I look forward to hearing from ya.

Love, Hugs and
Good Time Summer Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie