Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 18, 2013

Every word of the Lord is flawless
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How in the world are ya??
Hope your week has been
 a good one!

 Been a good week here, but a very quick one,
 can't really believe it is Thursday already.
Shew..........where does the time go so fast.
Just can't believe we are over half way thru
July already..............Fall will be here before 
we know least Faux Fall for us.  lol

Hubby wound up working home today, as he
drove part of the way to work and realized
he had forgotten his laptop,  as he always
brings it home to work from home on Wed.,
 so once he drove back it was time to start
work so he just worked at home again,
so that was a nice surprise, and you
know how I like fun surprises.

I am thankful
because hubby got to work at home 
again today and that he will be home 
an hour earlier today,  think we need
to celebrate and go get some yomii
or something when he gets

I am thankful
for something a blogger friend (Janet
from over at Janet and Marvins life)
wrote about on her blog awhile back....
She and her hubby were looking for a
way to nurture their relationship so they 
bought special notebooks and they both
 wrote something nice to each other every
 day... she was saying how she couldn't 
wait to read what he had written each 
day...and that she was so enjoying it.

I am thankful
hubby and I decided to try Janet's great
 idea for ourselves, and since we teach
 marriage classes at times,we totally agree 
with the fact that all couples need to work
 at finding ways to nurture their relationships, 
cause after all,  it is like a rose bush, if you 
don't water it, fertilize it, and tend to it
It will wilt and die................
 so we started this week doing what Janet and
 her hubby do, and I have to say it has sure 
been a very nice way to start the day, and we
 feel the Love increasing already..........

So we would highly recommend it!!

So thanks Janet for the great idea,
and if you would like to visit her
Just click here.

I am thankful
for my gluten free chocolate chip oat-
meal cookie recipe. We have really
enjoyed those cookies,  and many
times we have eaten some for break-
fast.  Hubby was looking for some this
 morning and I said they are all gone,
but I was thinking about making some
more,  so since he was in search of them,
 decided it was time to make another
 batch, the last cookies are in the oven
 now, and the kitchen is smelling 
mighty good, I have to say!  lol
This time I added some flaxseed
 craisens, and walnuts.  I like them
best after they have been in the 
fridge for a lil bit.  

These were all pics from our dinner
I am thankful
that we got to have a couple over for
 the first time that is in our Sunday School 
class on Monday evening for dinner.  We
really had such a good time, and look
 forward to doing something with them 
again in the future.

I am thankful
that I had leftover lasagna last night
so that we could have Megan have
dinner with us,  when she picked up
lil bit.....since Scott had to be out of
town for work. We had a nice time
with her and Brooklyn as well.

I am thankful
I heard about a new book today 
from Noreen over at "Life Blessings".
It sounds really good and it is called
"Angels in the Fire".  Will definitely
be ordering this book soon.

Thanks Noreen.............

I am thankful
I finished my other book "Reclaiming
your heart"  by Denise Hildreth Jones.
It was a great read for a good heart
check up.  Really got a lot out of it,
in fact, might just read it again.

I am thankful
for seeing my neighbors across the
street playing and spraying the hose
 with the kids the last few days.  Brought
back sweet memories of playing in the 
water with my best friend La Neta as a
 kid. She had a Donald Duck sprinkler and 
we thought that was the bomb!   lol

Anybody else remember a Donald
Duck sprinkler???

I am thankful
once again for all the joy that our
lil darling brings to us everytime we
see her...........
she really is the bomb!!  lol

and to see my hubby with her, making
silly faces is just the cutest!

 She is turning over from back to front and front to back
 all the time now and is so wanting to get moving............

aren't these the cutest lil socks...she loves them too.
Loves to pull at the flowers on top.

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan was able to come
and see her this week too.

This was just the napkin opened up all the way to cover 
the rolls -just think they are so pretty

I am thankful
that we still don't know if Dee and Jerry 
are moving yet or not, cuz that still means
 there might be a chance they aren't,....  lol
Sorry, know that is messed up, but just 
can't help but I really 
think there is a better chance they are, so
 we are preparing our hearts either way.
but a Mom can always
Don't get me wrong....I want whatever
God's best if for them, I am just hoping
it isn't a move!   lol

Well, sweeties
that completes my list for this week.

Hope yall have a whale of a good time
over the weekend...........
and we will try and do the same.........

See ya next week.......
and thanks for stopping by, as always
I look forward to hearing from ya.

Love, Hugs and
Good Time Summer Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie! What lovely thoughts and what a great Idea about the journals! I think that if you look for the good in life you are bound to find it and looking for the good in someone as familiar as your spouse will have you trying to really see them with new eyes. It is so easy to take those we know so well, for granted. I love this and the fact that you both have agreed to do it has got to make you giggle like a school girl! I love that you are grateful for so many of the everyday little blessings that God gives us so generously. He tells us to always BE
    THANKFUL and to count our blessings. This is what keeps our eyes open and our hearts tuned in to God
    Thank you for such a wonderful and inspiring post, Nellie.



  2. Sounds like you had a good week and I'm always thankful when my pals have good news to share.

    I had an unusual experience this week and after the fact I knew just who to thank for looking out for me.

    I wanted to order some custom shutters online . I measured 5 times cause this was going to be costly and take up a lot of my exterior remodel budget.. then I checked the companies reputation//which was good but custom orders plainly state- NO RETURNS.. it was over 500.00 for them and I had to take a deep breath before I clicked " complete order".. well, it would'nt go thru.. one time my computer locked up-- 2nd time I put in the order I lost my internet connection and the 3rd time it actually said- items not available..~!!I was fuming and fussing cause my order would'nt go thru..
    MY neighbor was putting up my new trellis that same morning and knocked on the door for me to come and see if I liked it.. I LOVED IT but guess what? because of its width those shutters I tried to order 3 times would'nt have fit- I was lacking 5 inches on both sides and what a mess and a waste of money that would have been and remember I told ya custom order CANNOT be returned..
    Now maybe lots of folks think God does'nt have time to be concerned about shutters and that's probably true but he has lots of time and extra angels to help look after me and for that I am very very GRATEFUL. I am also grateful to be alive and for my mind not to be in such a twist anymore. I was led to the right therapist and doctor to help me heal from the agony I was in and how it bady effected my life and the lives around me. Its very tough for family and friends to have to stand by and watch such pain, yet be helpless to do anything about it. so for all of our sakes I am grateful beyond what that one word can express..

    have a wonderful weekend my friend..

  3. Nellie

    You are so sweet to mention my BLOG about the journals. I can say that it has been very good for our marriage. It sounds like it is already working for you.
    Your granddaughter is so adorable. I love the pictures. She sure is getting big and changing,
    I have been so busy enjoying family, working and the rest of the daily things that I have not been getting to others Blogs.
    It has been so hot here, I am so ready for cooler weather.

    Blessings & love

  4. So easy to forget to take the time to do those special things to make each other feel special...great ideas you've mentioned here! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Hi Nellie,

    What a wonderful idea your friend Janet shared! I leave so early in the morning for work that I don't see my husband before I head out so I try to leave him little notes. Once in a while I will get a response :-) Your scalloped dishes are exquisite! Where did you ever find those pretties?

  6. #1. What a great surprise!
    #2. Since I'm by myself, I'll have to let GOD's WORD I read each day surprise me with what He has to say to me! It really works! I'm so amazed how personal it truly can be!
    #3. It would be sweet if you could leave notes where your "better half" can find them!
    #4. I saw on Trinity Network, a man that was talking about organic fruit, vegetables, and animals fed their natural grasses...His blogspot is:
    #5. GOD bless you as you assist their growing in our LORD.
    #6. I'm sure she really appreciated dinner and enjoyed your fellowship!
    #7. Sounds exciting! Let me know about it later!
    #8. I'm enjoying one of my daily readings, "Creation Sings His Praise!"
    #9. I don't remember it. I was always used to just going and jumping in the canal (which was my back yard, ha! hen we lived in the park.)
    #10. I had to laugh when you wrote about Jim making faces! I wonder if they were any of the kind he used to make at me when we were kids, lol! Seeing sweet pea in person is breath taking! She is such a gift from GOD!
    #11. Thank you! Brooklyn lights up my life like a sparkler! Her beauty is like that of the beautiful fireworks in the night time sky! When I see her I want to sing, "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!"
    #12. I've been praying :-)

  7. Hi Nellie,
    I always love reading your thankful posts. How sweet all of these are. I love the picture of your beautiful granddaugher. She is getting big so fast!!!! Enjoy.

  8. I am Thankfull to My Lord for giving us the health and strength to lay sealer on our driveway. If just costs so much to hire and retired the money only stretches so far;;;God is So Good Praise His Holy Name.

    So Thurs. I cleaned the driveway, Friday I did half of the driveway as my hubby poured the black stuff on. Then hubby did the last half. We could see a second coat was needed and I knew I could not help Sat. So Fri. I taped off sidewalks etc. and swept it down. Sat. hubby got up this morning and did the second coat. Fri. 12 hours. and Sat. 6 hours. and it looks nice for an old driveway making new looking:) Senior Citizens going the extra mile God gives us. Says the top coat we put down is good ten yrs. :)

    I hear yah about the move and our adult kids. 2 yrs. ago they came to our house, I thought something was wrong and then they explained my son-in-law's job wanted to transfer them to Chicago. I went into my rm. and was in tears. But the Co. found it was way too expensive to move 3 families in different states. So they left them here with us just 20 min. drive from our home. He does have to travel more but Praise God our daughter is close and the grandkids,. Our adult granddaughter and grandson lived out of state and we were only able to go down once a yr. to see them It is never the same as when they are in the same state. But God knows and He has His Perfect Will for your family. Thank you for sharing and your thankful list. We sometimes forget even the littlest of things is the greatest of things when God is part of our life.

  9. Hi Linda,
    Nice to meet you.....and
    Thank your for coming by and for sharing your Thankfuls and your sweet comments. I tried to find a way to
    contact you, but there was just no way that I could find, so am hoping that you might come by again and see
    my response.

    So glad you were able to get your driveway done, that is a real job,
    I am sure, so know yall must be
    very pleased to say the least, and
    God is so good to give us what we need when we need it, that is for sure.

    Thanks for sharing about your daughter and her family, it was encouraging........found out last
    night they did make my SIL an official offer, and accepted the
    fact he wasn't gonna start work there until the house sells and they could both move. So that was one step, that makes us think this is the Lord, now the next step will be the sale of the house, so guess we will see what happens now. If the Lord wants it to sell it will sell and if not, it want..........
    I am feeling it will probably sell tho......but just have to wait and see!
    Thanks again for coming by hon,
    and hope you stop in again and maybe leave an email address or something.
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Hello Nellie darling, first things first... I see I have missed very much, what a lovely granddaughter. May God bless her, keep her healthy, safe, happy and surround her with love. I also would like to thank you for not sending my blog to the rubbish. I have had many health issues which prevented me from blogging. However, I couldn't allow such a happy occasion go by without posting. I do agree with you on the Duchess's style, class and grace is a step above. I too would prefer for the world to style her as Princess Kate and forget the Middleton surname. I believe the birth of their child will change that. I am hoping for a little girl, however a voice inside tells me our third in line will be a boy. I so wish Princess Diana was alive to see her grandchild.

    Take care darling, love & hugs

  11. Brooklyn is so cute. I can't feel your heart ache about that possible move. It is a bit sad.
    I love the notebook idea. It could work for anybody really. Not just married people(some of us still haven't found him! LOL!!!).
    Have a terrific week.

  12. Love Janet's idea, too! We might give that a go too!

    Brooklyn is precious! We are keeping Caroline for 2 days this week because her sitter is on vacation. She is such a hoot, too!
    Have her again tomorrow, and a full house for dinner tonight! Never a dull moment here!

    Love Ya!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie