Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Heart Healthy and Gluten Free Cookie recipe

Howdy Sweet Friends,

Hope your week is going well so far!

Mine has been good,  just sort of getting caught up
after being gone for another half week.  We spent from
Wed. - Sat. evening at Dee's again,  just us, as she
was gone to N.C. to be with her hubby,  they drove
back and returned home late Sunday evening.
There is possibly a move on the horizon......We are
very saddened at the thought of it,  but it really is a 
great opportunity for them, and for her to be a full
 time stay at home Mom if and when the time does
 come to have children. In the back of our minds 
we always knew this could be a possibility just
guess we didn't expect it quite this soon,  since 
they love where they live,  but nothing has been 
decided for sure yet,  they are looking at all their 
options and some things have to fall into place
 yet, if it is to be,  but meanwhile we are trying to
 ready ourselves by coming up with plans in our
 heads about how to make it work,  as it is gonna
 be a hard move for Dee and all of us really, but
 then if that is where the Lord wants them then that is 
where they should be.... so we are looking at options
 like a place in the middle where we could meet for a 
weekend, like Savannah,  getting skype, and looking 
at airline prices and stuff, and trying to remind our-
selves about how fun it will be to vacation in the 
mountains again...........

We got home Sat. night,  after another fun and relaxing
3 days, then went to church Sunday morning,  then to 
Scott and Megan's Sunday afternoon for a casual dinner, 
cards and a nice walk around their very pretty neighbor-
hood.  We love their neighborhood as well. They have lots
 of Crepe Myrtle trees and pretty houses in their area too, 
 just like in Dee and Jerry's neighborhood.  Both of our
kids were so blessed to be able to get such nice homes
at such great prices because we wondered with the
economy if they would ever be able to afford any
kind of house.  So we are so grateful for that!

Yesterday morning  I was in a cookie baking mood
 for some strange reason, cause I really
am not much of a baker,  but saw the ingredients on
some gluten free chocolate chip cookies,  so thought
I bet I can make some with a few tweaks.
Well, that is what I did all Monday morning........and
 have to say they came out pretty good,  my hubby and 
daughter seemed to really like them, as well, as myself,
 so thought
I would share the recipe just in case someone else
would like to try them.
I used a Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookie recipe
right off the Oatmeal box,  and tweaked it with
my own ideas to make it heart healthy and
gluten free........and tasty.  I will list their ingredients,
and I did use some of theirs,  but then put the things
used instead in parenthesis and Italics., so you
can make them the normal way or the gluten free
and heart healthy way.  You can choose......

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies


1 cup of all vegetable shortening
*(I used 1 cup of coconut oil)

1 cup white Sugar

1 cup of light brown sugar, firmly packed
*(I used, 1/2 cup of brown sugar)

2 eggs
*(I used 1/2 cup eggbeaters)

2 Tablespoons of Milk

1 1/2 teaspoons of pure vanilla
*(I used 2 tsps. to empty the bottle)  lol

1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
*(I used 1 1/2 cups of White rice flour)

1 tsp. of baking soda

1/2 tsp. of salt

4 cups of 100% whole grain Oats

1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips
*(I used about 1/4 of a bag of mini dark chocolate
 chips cause it was all I had)  lol

* ( I added 1/2 cup of chopped pecans)

Note: I wished I would have remembered to put
in some dried cherries or cranberries,  I had
both and think they would make a great addition,
cause I have seen them in breakfast cookie
recipes before,  but unfortunately,  didn't think
of it till later.............so maybe next time!  lol

Another Note:  I did make them again and
put in the dried cherries and another time
craisens and they were great......hubby and
 both really liked that.  Think we liked the 
cherries best, cause it added a lil sweetness.


Heat oven to 375 degrees.  In a large bowl
blend shortening or coconut oil with sugars,
adding sugars gradually. Add eggs or egg
beaters, milk and vanilla,  beat well.  Add all 
purpose flour or rice flour, salt, and baking
 soda. and beat well.  Stir in Oats and choc.
chips,  and nuts, if preferred.  Drop by 
rounded tablespoonsful, about 2 inches 
apart, onto ungreased cookie sheets.  Bake
for 13-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from oven and let stand for 5 mins.
Put cookies on a wire rack to finish cooling.

Makes about 42 cookies

Also if you are interested in more information
about gluten free cooking you might enjoy this
site I just found............pretty Interesting!

Well, Sweet Friends,  so happy
 you dropped by,  hope you have
 a good rest of the week.

And don't forget to say Hello, 
 so I know you were here.............

Am Linking up to Lois for
 Foodie Friends Friday....
to check it out,  just click here.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie 
Blessings to ya........................

Just know I would email you a few
 if I could.............lol


  1. Hello Nellie! Your cookie recipe looks really yummy and I like the ingredients substitutions that you used! I like the fact that you cut down on the sugar and yet you didn't seem to sacrifice the flavor. I agree. that cranberries and/ or raisins would be a wonderful compliment to these cookies next time around. Meanwhile pour yourself a large glass of cold milk and get dunking!


  2. I think its great that you adjusted the recipe.. now folks who must remain gluten free can have something tasty and noot feel deprived.

    Change is hard but there's always a silver lining to every situation.

  3. I hope things work out for Jerry and DeeAnna to stay here, of course if it means new experiences and new places for them to enjoy and fulfill their lives they should go.

    Great recipe! I have a problem getting myself in the cooking and baking mode anymore!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Always good to tweak recipes, especially the brown sugar -- always have too much in a recipe. I haven't made cookies in a long time, because we are staying away from carbs. I will be good until the holidays, then I can do some baking!

  5. Nellie

    The cookies look delicious. I will have to try them.

    I hope it all works out for your daughter and son in law. It is so hard when you kids move away but luckily we are in time where there is so much communication. I am praying for you all.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie