Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Monday and Honey Mustard Dressing Recipe, this could actually be a Heart Tips Tuesday post as well! lol

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a delightful

Have to say our's was.....

We were staying with my daughter at her house
since Wednesday evening,  as her husband was
out of town working,  so we were company for
her when she was home.  We love going there 
as we love and enjoy her home and neighbor-
hood so much. It is like a lil get-away for us,
  so since the accomodations cost us nothing, 
we act like we are on vacation, and eat out 
or get take out,  which is definitely fun for
 me and for Dee too.  She and hubby did have
 to work Thurs. and Friday, so I kept myself busy
 by taking  a lil walk around the neighborhood
 (early in the morning - as it was already hot),
  had breakfast, did some reading and watched 
a lil HGTV, went in the pool for a bit, and just
 hung out with Rosie our grand- daughter dog.....

Saturday when they were both off, we planned
to relax pool side and get some sun,  but the
weather had other plans,  it was all overcast
and cloudy,  so we decided to go do some
shopping.  One stop I had wanted to make
was at a place called "Fresh Market",  had
seen it many times and had wanted to check
it out but it is about 45 mins. away from us,
so just don't go down there that much unless
we are going to see our daughter.  Dee had
been wanting to check it out too,  but just
never what a delight to all
of us......what a great store.  I was looking
for some gluten free items,  and they had
quite a good selection,  but they just had
all sorts of neat things,  a wonderful fresh
meat market and produce area,  just all
sorts of things you probably would not find
in your local supermarket.  Anyway,  our
plan was to just run in and see if they had
any gluten free bread and crackers........
Well, we were all so delighted with the
place we all wanted to stay and look around
a while,  and so we did and I found quite
a few cool new items that all taste great.
None of us can wait to go
So we were very impressed....I checked
to see if it is a chain store and it is,  they
have them all over the if you
are interested in a healthy type grocery
store,  check online for your city and
state for a "Fresh Market" store,  I 
guarantee you want be disappointed.
Here's a few of the items we bought.

 The cereal and the crackers are very good,  but we
 haven't tried the Quinn microwave popcorn yet,  but 
will let you know if we like it when we do..........

This is something I probably never would have
gotten if we weren't a lil hungry and had more
places to bagged popcorn,
but am so glad we were hungry as it is really
good,  and healthy and has the perfect amount
of salt..............not overly salty at all.
So will probably definitely buy this again.

 Have not tried this Bruschetta sauce yet, but
plan to try it tomorrow night and make Bruschetta
chicken.  This is made in Canada,  and we used
to get another brand from Canada that we loved,
but then BJ's  quit carrying it.(BJ's is like a Sam's 
club in case you never heard of them). Don't use
them anymore anyway.

Have shown you this before, but it was
in smaller packets,  this is a larger box,
and these pancakes are awesome.
They are not gluten free tho,  but they
are delicious,  and they are heart 
healthy, and all the other products
are heart healthy as well.

Oh we also found some Tate's cookies
there,  and they had her gluten free
Chocolate chip cookies,  so we got some 
and you can not tell the difference.

We returned home Sat. evening after a
fun day with Dee.........those 31/2 days
were such a gift.  It was fun to be with
our girl,  and it was relaxing and refresh-
ing and just nice to be in another envir-
ionment.  Think we get a kick out of their
house because when we were their age
our house was decorated in modern, with
bright colors (bright yellows and greens)
 with lots of white too.
So brings back old memories for us......
It always amazes me how just a few days
 out of my regular routine and surroundings
 just inspires and rejuvenates me so........

Someone asked for my Honey Mustard
Salad Dressing Recipe that I wrote about
in my Thankful Thursday post,  so wanted
to post that today too.  If you missed
 that post, and would like to see it,

Ginger this is for you hon!

Honey Mustard Salad
 Dressing Recipe
(Enough for 2 servings)  So if you are
making it for your family, you would
definitely want to triple or quadruple
the recipe.


1/4 cup of mayonnaise

1 tablespoon prepared mustard

1 tablespoon honey 
**( I used 2 tablespoons, but you can add 
whatever amount tastes good to lil ole you!)

1/2 tablespoon lemon juice


In a small bowl, whisk together the mayo, 
mustard, honey and lemon juice.
Store covered in the refrigerator.

Very Simple, Very Quick and Very Delish!

Have a great day!

Until next time............

Summer Blessings Galore,


  1. Hi Nellie,

    I really like "Fresh Market" they opened one about 15 minutes from me. Glad you were able to find some gluten free items.

  2. I hope one is opened near us! How are their prices? Usually the more the "specialty" of the product the more you pay for it! I found that out at the health food store. What a great three days you had! Love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Nellie!

    The honey mustard dressing sounds yummy. I'll be doing some grocery shopping in the morning, so I'll make sure I have all the ingredients for salad with tomorrow night's dinner. Thanks so much for posting. And btw, we love Skinny Popcorn at our house. :)
    Looking Up!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie