Friday, July 12, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 11, 2013

 Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Running a bit late this week....

 but have learned
not to sweat

Hope this finds you doing well this 

fine Friday afternoon. It is raining here.
  Bet you are like us and looking
forward to the weekend. So hope
it is a good one for you.

So.....with that said;
 on with Thankful Thursday.....

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry returned safely and
uneventfully from North Carolina on
Sunday evening.

I am thankful
for another 3 fun days last week as a 
summer getaway..... as we stayed at my
daughters house while they were away.

I am thankful
for wildlife,  as it is such a joy to us to see God's
 unexpected critters.  By the way I had not 1, not 2, 
 but 3 raccoons on my porch last night......nothing
 like a troop, but our cat doesn't seem to be the least
 bit disturbed by them. Think I am gonna be bringing 
Molly's food in a lot earlier from now on, as I see the
 raccoon tribe is increasing all the time. 

The following pictures are some of the wildlife we 
saw while at Dee & Jerry's house. We also
saw 3 racoons over there too, or one racoon 3

Crane in the pond next door to their house on the hunt for 

I am thankful
our sunday school class is finally growing some,  we
had a few more new people this week and hear  2 more
 couples may be coming next week.

I am thankful
that they have another classroom they can move us to, 
 since our class has outgrown the one we are in.

These deer ran right by the kitchen window

I am thankful
for a very fun time with Scott and megan
on Sunday afternoon at their home.

Now they are in their front yard

I am thankful
for the sweet time I had with Brooklyn
on is fun to watch her
as she learns so many new things.

I am thankful
that we got to go back to Fresh market
again to pick up a few things.

and just moseying down the street

I am thankful
for M & M's candies,  I love just about
any of them,  but the peanut ones are
my favorite because they are more
heart healthy since they have the peanuts.
Weight Watchers taught me years ago,
just to pop them one at a time and savor
them,  so they are a nice treat without
having to break the calorie bank.   lol

I am thankful

for a an inspirational movie that we watched
 last night called 25 Hill.  It was really good. 
 It was about a boy who's life was shattered when
 he lost his dad in the war, leaving a big hole in
his life and also an unfinished soap box derby
car they were building together.  He meets up
with a grizzled fire chief who is also devastated
 by the loss of his son during 9-ll.  Very good
family entertainment,  and the boy,  is an 
amazing actor by the way.

Seeing deer walk down the street was just so funny to us.
We had seen them down the other street the night before
and when I went for a walk the next day I saw where they
had eaten quite a number of lily plants to the ground 

I am thankful
that the Lord is available 24/7 to hear our
prayers and that He is concerned about any-
thing that I am concerned about, that is a huge
comfort to me, and brings me so much peace.

I am thankful
that we are finally going to be able to deliver
a surprise to our sweet next door neighbors
today.  It is plants for their yard that we know
they want.  My son was able to get them for
 us at a good nursery that he knows about.
So he is in route to pick them all up now.
So excited!

Well, that's my list for this week.

Glad you could come by, 

 and look forward to hearing
 from you as always,

Until Next Week,

Love,  Hugs

and Blessings Galore,



  1. Hi Nellie.

    I love the dear photos. We get them here in our yard too. So glad to hear you're having a lovely summer. And how sweet of you to buy your neighbor the plants. It's such a blessing to be a blessing to others. We can't out give our Father. Every time we do something for someone else He does it for us. God is so good.
    Looking UP!
    PS Love your new summer header!

  2. #1. Does that mean they are staying here?
    #2. Kind of like a Time Share, Ha!
    #3. Oh my dear!!! No wonder poor Molly had such competition for her food! I'm glad she can now eat inside! Probably a mama raccoon with some of her older babies! I love to watch wading birds.
    #4. Wonderful! We are missing some of ours since it is summer and some go away for a few months.
    #5. That's good, it may allow for even more to come!
    #6. That reminds me of how much we always looked forward when you and Jim came down to visit when we were in the Keys.
    #7. I hope she is feeling better. I can't believe all of the shots they give these young babies now days!
    #8. I just saw on a nutrition show on the Christian network about a fungus that is found in corn, peanuts, and other cereal grains that can cause some cancers. Even boiling it won't kill it! It disrupts the working of the intestines.
    #9. Mine are still the Hershey's toffee and peanuts.
    #10. I've started watching Shirley Temple's movies. I had never seen them before. I can't believe what an excellent little actress she was at such a very young age! She surely had to be a gifted child to remember all of the words at the age of 4 as well as dancing!!
    #11. Amen! I have had a certain person I have been praying for everyday (sometimes I wake up in the night praying.) I hope by tomorrow the circumstances will be settled for his sake!
    #12. I know they will be overjoyed!
    Love to you all! Susan

  3. Aww, Nellie, I LOVE your list! Makes one stop and think. We do have so much to be thankful for! Thank you for your sweet comment about my tussie-mussie and other goodies for our grandbabies' recital. :) ~Zuni

  4. It's always nice to see what you are up to. I love the deer. I'm glad everything is going great for you. I'll be back to see ya!

  5. Hey Cutie~
    Good to check in on ya!
    It's been a while for sure.
    You must be enjoying grandmothering so much. Because of my surgery in March, we haven't been up to see the kids. =(
    But GOD.

    Give my love to Jim and all the family. Praying y'all are well.

  6. Nellie

    You are so sweet and thoughtful. Your neighbors are lucky to have you.

    I love the deer pictures. You were really up close and personal. I hope they got out of their safe. The crane was a beautiful sight to me because I only see them if we go to the coast. God has given us so many beautiful creatures.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: