Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday December 31, 2015, Christmas around the house #2

The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
 Exalted be God my Savior!
Psalm 18:46

Happy New Years Eve, Sweet Friends,

Had most of this post done early and here
 it is almost 8 pm. and stll haven't gotten
 it posted.  So gonna make this short.

Here's the rest of the Christmas Decor
around our house, along with my
thankful post.

Hope you all have a lovely 
New Years Eve, 
whatever that means to you!

I am thankful

for a really lovely Christmas with our
family, it was as perfect as it gets this
side of heaven.

that our daughter  DeeAnna, got to come the
 day after Christmas and spend 3 1/2 days
with the family.  It was a great time.....

that Dee got here, and home today safe
 and sound and that her flight was on 
time!  A real blessing after her last
trip here.....that took her 24 hrs. to
get home........We were blessed she
even wanted to try coming near
Christmas, after that ordeal.

with posterized affect

that my sweet son-in-love has kept his 
promise to allow her to come home
often, when they moved to Asheville.
Cause he knows what a hard move it
was for her..........but it was a great
career move for him and a blessing
for both of them.

Posterized affect

for all the leftover food after Christmas
that afforded me no cooking for a few
days.............and thankful my hubby
is so good about getting take out.

for a sweet surprise gift that came in the 
mail from one of my blogging buddies.
Very Sweet and Special.....and even
more special  when I found out it
came with a pin that belonged to
her Mom...........
Thanks so much, Mimi

that hubby has been on vacation since
 Christmas eve and will be off until he 
returns to work on Jan. 5th, and the rest
of the time will be nice, restful and

for the movie, "A Christmas Card,"
it is such a heart warming movie in
a Christmas time setting.  We have
watched it every year since it has
come out........and we just love it.
Watched it last night!

that lil darling seemed to be delighted
 with everything we got her for Christmas
including her new clothes. At her young
age of 2 3/4 years she already loves
clothes, and is such a girly girl, and
we just love it............

for the joy of watching lil darling and
 her Aunt Dee play this morning, they 
don't get much of an opportunity to 
do that, so it was precious, as we could
see how much both of them were 
enjoying it..........

for the joy of watching lil darling run
across the room to her Daddy, excitedly
 yelling "Daddy" when my son came to
 get her.  Have never seen her do that 
before and it was a delight to see 
and hear!  She is always happy to see
 her parents, but have never seen her
be quite so vociferous with it.

that we are perfectly fine with having
no plans for New Years Eve.   lol
We thought about having someone
over, but we just didn't want the 
work of planning it all, as we are
still pretty tired from all the 
wonderful Christmas festivities.
In no way complaining, 
 just saying!!  lol

Well, that's a wrap as they 
would say.............

Thanks for stopping by.......
Always nice to know you dropped 
by for a visit.

If you missed Part one and would
like to see it,  just click here

Love, Hugs and
Happy New Year Blessings,

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas around the house

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you feeling rested and relaxed
and looking forward to New Years......

We are feeling a bit more rested after taking
the day off yesterday, which was nice........
Have leftovers for din din tonight too, unless
 we decide to do something else.  That is one
thing nice about doing all that cooking, at
least you have lots of leftovers, which
 means no cooking for a few days!! 
Gotta love that!!  lol

Not sure what we are doing today if any-
thing but have our sweet girl here for a
few more days so excited about that.

I want start taking my Christmas decorations
down for awhile yet.  Will probably take the
tree down on New Years day maybe.........

Thought I would show you some scenes from
around the house.  These are all from my living
room area.

The header picture and this pic are from 
our foyer.  See my new cute lil 
Rosemary tree? This is how she came...
 with the brown  rapper and red bow.
The lil elf was made by my late
 Father-in-law......gosh, probably
 30+ years ago.

This table is just on your left, as you enter
 the living room.

and here is the Fisher Price Nativity set we bought
for little darling........hubby thought I should set
 it up somewhere, so this was the only place I could
 find since I had already finished our decorating.

We think it is just the cutest thing!

Next is our coffee table, which is
my cedar hope chest that was painted
white, since you probably can't tell
in the picture.  This room is in the
front of the house and as you can
tell gets flooded with light, as you
can see here....................

Just threw this lil vignette together with
items that were leftover after all the other
decorating, and was pleased with the
way it came out.  Lil darling loves the
boxes and likes to put things in them
like her nativity people.  lol

Here is one of her favorite Hallmark 
Snowmen that my Sweet Sister-in-law
 gave me.  He plays rocking around
the Christmas Tree and have a holly
jolly Christmas as he rocks back
and forth on his piano bench.
Very cute! 
 Did you notice the small sign that
says "have a holly jolly Christmas"? 
This was actually a free printable from 
Ann of  "On Sutton Place" last year.

Notice I changed this up a bit....from the
silver/gold snowflake candleholder to the
 cloche with Christmas balls.........
I was looking for a table centerpiece, and 
thought this  might  fit the bill...........
you will see an enhanced version of it on
our Christmas dinner table soon.

This is one of the main shelves on our Etagere.
This lil Christmas tree, with "Tis the Season" 
on it is another free printable from over at 
"On Sutton Place".  If you have never visited 
Ann you are missing out,  she really has a 
lovely blog full of all sorts of great decorating
ideas and wonderful recipes, free printables,
 just good ol' advice, and
she also has an etsy shop if you happen
to be an etsy shop shopper............or want
to become

Won this adorable cloche in a giveaway from 
my Sweet real time friend (meaning she lives in
 the same area I do, and I knew her from church
before we ever started blogging.  lol)
 Becky is her name and pumpkins are her game,
along with some Shabby chic and vintage items
as well.  She too, has an Etsy Shop.  She has
a lovely blog too,  called "TimeWashed", 
but lately she hasn't been posting too much due
 to a much needed break after the Fall Season.
I understand she will be back after the first
of the year............

I love using my lil letters from an old
 boggle game I think it is...........and then
hubby and I found these adorable lil
peppermint striped looking Christmas
oraments a few years ago, so just cut
the ribbon hanger off and they are 
stand alone lil trees.............


Happy to have you visiting with me today
There is more to come ........
So be sure to come back later this week, as
I am trying to get all the rest of my Christ-
mas decorating  pics done before the first
of the year....................if possible.

Hope you are continuing to enjoy this 
lovely season of the year.............

Have a great week ahead,

Love, Hugs, and
Seasons Best Blessings,


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Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Brunch Table

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy and that
 you had a really lovely Christmas Day
 and  Season.!

Have to say our Christmas was lovely 
and still sort of going on.........We had 
Christmas Day with Scott, Megan and lil 
darling and my sister-in-law,  then Sat.
 night late DeeAnna came in from Asheville,
and we had a dinner just the 3 of us, she was 
suppose to be in at 8:15 but didn't arrive until 
10 p.m. so we just had a very late dinner.
Then Sunday afternoon the whole family
came over for that Lasagna I made and
froze earlier in the Season,  so we are
 continuing to celebrate as she will be
 here until Wed. afternoon.  Also, Hubby
 is on vacation until after New Year's,
 which is great!  All the kids  (We call 
them kids, they in their early to late 30's 
and of  course lil darling is only 2 3/4 
yrs. old) went to Disney World today.....
so their Mom and Dad are resting up, 
 as we are whipped!
A good whipped,  but whipped........

Thought I would show you are Christmas
brunch table...........and  will try to get all 
the rest of my Christmas pics in this
week before New years if that is

Remember you can click on any pic to 
expand all of them for better viewing

I was comtemplating 2 tables for Christmas day, 
so happened to remember I still had some of 
these paper goods left.  I actually bought these
 at Target about 12 yrs. or so ago, and wound 
up finding something I liked better for a party 
we were having, and meant to take these back,
 but didn't get to it soon enough, so they have
 been sitting in my closet up until a few years
ago, when I used some finally.

You can see it here if you like

Tried them on a gold tablecloth but the
 white one just looked so much more elegant, 
 so went with it.

with poster edges affect

The plates look a bit washed out that is 
why I did the big one a few pics back.

These luminary bags were made to go with
 the plates and napkins so I had purchased 
those as well and never used them until now.

Poster edges affect

Just tucked one in the glass, and thought
it looked cute...........


I had purchased a rosemary tree
 for the first time ever,  have always 
wanted one,  but if you buy them at
 a florist or even garden dept, they
were so expensive,  so our local
Publix grocery store had them
 this year for $12. so..........
I finally bought one.

Wanted to  do something that would 
take up the whole table since it was
 just the 3 of us.
So decided to use all my trees. 
 I used my double topiary and the
 rosemary one,  and then my ceramic
 white tree and the 3 tree luminary

Soft omni lighting affect

Figured out a new affect and
Love it!

cutout affect

Glass distortion affect


Photocopy affect

So there you have it our
 Christmas Brunch Table.

I was happy with the way it turned out 
and think it looked way prettier in person,
but  of can only capture
so much in pics.  Funny how things can
sometimes look worse in pics but then
other times they can look way better.....

Glad you could stop by,  and hope you
have a really good week.

lens flair affect

Love, Hugs, and
May the Spirit of Christmas
continue in the New Year,


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Shared this in July 2016

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Merry Christmas 
Sweet Friends,

At this Holy Season of the year may
we remember not just only the little
baby Jesus in the manger,  but the
grown up Jesus as well. who is the
light and salvation to the world.

It is so Wonderful to be able to
celebrate the day He was born, but
it is also wonderful to not only know
 who He is, but to know Him personally.

John 3:16-18 says,

"For God so loved the world that he gave 

his one and only Son, that whoever believes

 in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

 For God did not send his Son into the world

 to condemn the world, but to save the world

 through him. 

 Whoever believes in him is not condemned,
but whoever does not believe stands
 condemned already because he has not
 believed in the name of 
God's one and only Son. 

God loves us all, and loves us so much
He wants to spend eternity with us.......
that is why He sent Jesus!

Jesus said in John 4:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth 
and the life. No one comes to the Father
 except through me. 

In this crazy, confusing, sometimes scary
world we are living in I can tell you that
I am so thankful and grateful to know Him, 
because He has changed my life, saved my
marriage and given us a great family and
 he gives me Peace and Joy in the midst of
 all these tumultuous times. If you don't
 know Him you are missing out on the 
Greatest Gift
there ever was, is, or will be..............
and if you want to know more please
feel free to contact me, my email is
in the right side bar.

Merry Christmas Sweet Friends,
I appreciate each and every one of you,
as you are a blessing to my life, and I
 pray you have a really lovely, peaceful,
 joyful time with your loved ones.
 and a Hopeful, Happy New Year!

Love, Hugs, and 
Special Christmas Blessings,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...