Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thankful Thursday Sept. 17, 2015, Playing with green #6

The day is yours, and yours also the night; 
you established the sun and moon. 

 It was you who set all the boundaries of
 earth; you made both summer and winter.
Psalm 74:16-17

Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to lately?
 Doing any Fall decorating yet?

  I can see that some of you have, with
 the neat Fall Home Tours, and linky
 parties that have been going on the last
 few weeks.  So much great inspiration
 out there.

I am about to drag my Fall 
things out...
 once I finish this post. So I am getting 
a bit excited about that!

Guess I will get on with my thankfuls so
I can get my Fall

I am thankful

for the time we had with Dee last weekend,
 and that she got back home safe and sound 
 to her hubby.

that I finally got some routine Drs. appts.
scheduled and off my to do list..............
I have a hard time making myself do that
to be honest,  guess cause I know once 
you go to one visit,  they add about 2 or
3 more onto it .............for bone density
test and mammo's and whatever else
they can think of ....  lol
ewwwwwww, gonna be a fun few
 months!!  lol  Have to say tho,  I am
always happy when I am done and
get good results...........and feel proud
of myself for doing what I would
rather not

that I found an orange scarf I needed to make
 a new outfit, and if you bought 2 you got them
 both for the same price as one.......
So can't beat that!
so I ordered a royal blue one as well.  
They will be very nice for Fall and Winter.

These pics were all taken when I set the
 table for din din after my playing.

that I finally located some navy blue pumps.
My goodness who knew they would be so
hard to find!!

Can you tell I am adding to my Fall 

for a seemingly, to me anyway, miraculous
surprise in our back yard.  When I was out 
there watering plants the other day I saw
 this beautiful salmon colored flower sticking
 out of a bush, so I went to investigate, and 
upon closer inspection it was an Ixora
 bloom.  Now for the miraculous part, we
planted some Ixora bushes there probably 
close to 20 years ago, and they all froze
that same Winter and died, and we have
not seen hide nor hair of them since.....
until a few days ago.......
So what a pleasant surprise...............
Ixora are native to South Florida and they
do wonderfully well there,  but not in
Central Florida, and such a big and pretty
bloom too.  Should have gotten out there
to get a picture this morning before it
rained,  hope the rain didn't ruin it.
Note: When out after the rain the bloom
looks pretty sad now...........Poo

that Dee had a lil time to go thru some stuff
 that was left in her closet that she wanted to 
keep, so it is now stored in a container and
 ready for us to take up to her next time we
 go. Another step done on my 
clean out

for some new hummus we found that Dee
 had told us about.  It is called "Everything 
Hummus",  and it has the same spices that
 Everything bagels have.

Very Tasty I might add!

With Photocopy Affect

for my nice clean, comfy, and cozy
 bed every night.  Hubby and I say
how good our bed feels almost 
nightly, and it makes me think of
people who live in 3rd world 
countries who have no beds and
sleep on the ground, floor. or in
a hammock.
I can't even imagine what that
would be like............the closest
experience I can think of is when
We went camping when I was 25
 yrs. old and we slept on the ground
 on a blanket in a tent just one night
and my hips hurt for days after, and
 I am sure that doesn't even come 
close to what it is really like...........

These last 4 pictures were taken of 
breakfast while the table still had
the Black and White look.

for our first Pumpkin Pie of the 
season, and it really isn't even Fall yet!
Thanks to Sam's club, we love their
pumpkin pies!  Lil darling and I had
our first piece this  Wed. morning with
 whip cream and pecans,  and think she
 liked it as much as
This will be my breakfast go to until
we eat it all..............

With Cut Out affect

for a new supermarket find.....
it is Simply Lemonade with blueberry.
Thought their Raspberry lemonade
was good, but hubby and I like this one
even better, it seems to be less tart.
We found ours at Target and Scott
bought some at Publix the same day.
Think it just came out.

With Equalized Affect

that Dee sold another house and had the
closing today, and everything went very
smoothly.  It has been her easiest one so
 far..........the people were so nice and so 
easy to work with.  Think the Lord
 blessed her for her good attitude and 
perseverance, as the first sale was really
 horrendous and the 2nd one very difficult 
as well.  The Lord just keeps sending her 
clients........I think it is because He knows
her she really wants to serve
her clients and help them find a home
they will love..........

So Congratulations DeeAnna
on a job well done!

That is blackberry jam from a store in
 Asheville and it is delicious, and has 
whole blackberries in it too.  Yummo!
We are sad... as it is almost
Guess what we will be looking for the
next time we go there...........

for exercise......cause when I do it I am
so glad I did,  as it really does make me
feel better and have more energy. Told
hubby we need to change our thought
patterns to I love exercising,  rather 
than dreading it like we most of the
time do................that would probably
help us a


Well, here's to another week at Cozy

Place.............Happy you could come
by and hope you enjoyed yourself.

If you missed # 5 of Playing with Green
and would like to see it,
 Just click here!

Up Next week, Lord Willing,  some
Fall Decorating............

Love, Hugs and
Blackberry Jam Blessings,

Sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula

Starfish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine Recipes With
 Lois and Friends

EmberGrey with Emily

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

A Stroll thru life with Marty


  1. I'm still having difficulty changing my blog background (?)
    #1. Yes, it was so good to see her again! Thank you, LORD, for Dee's safe return.
    #2. Yes, it is good to get it all over with. I don't have to have any of those until the Spring.
    #3. I'll be looking for them when you wear them to church!
    #4. I have to wear "flats."
    #5. I wish I could have seen a picture of it.
    #6. Isn't it amazing how much we can accumulate!
    #7. I'm not sure what Hunmus tastes like.
    #8. Amen, what a blessing of His provision for us!
    #9. I love pumpkin pie with coffee for breakfast!
    #10. I'll have to get some tomorrow (my grocery day after I get my hair done.)
    #11. Yes, congratulations, DeeAnna!
    #12. Yes, I have been feeling better, getting more walking done with my walker! It feels good!

    Steve and his wife came and mowed the front and all of the back this morning!! They also mowed Alice and Boddy's yard!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I love the colors of your tablescape. And I know exactly what you mean about those Dr. appointments. One usually leads to another. I've had a crazy busy week this past week and I'm more than thankful that things are beginning to turn a bit normal. There's just so much happening, all good, but overwhelming.

  3. Nellie,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Love the white, black and green combo!! So very pretty!!


  4. It is always so nice to read your "Thankful" list, Nellie! You are truly a kind and caring lady.

    I just have one not put off those mammograms and doing the self-exam. You know my story!

  5. Darling Nellie, as always your post has me smiling from beginning to end. Hey, we have Ixoras here in Queensland Australia too. I have crimson, golden and hot pink ones and they do die back and pop back up. We had years and years of drought not so long back, and nearly everything in the garden died. It was heartbreaking. But now it's all lush and green again. Including the Ixoras! How funny that yours 'hid' for twenty years! A little present is winging it's way to you. I hope you like it. It's just a bit of whimsy. Love, Mimi xxx


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: