Hello Sweet Friends,
So how are ya...these last few days
of August.................???
I have to say I am excited that this
morning it was 75 degrees on our
porch at 8:00, and I felt like it was
October........and I got to spend a
delightful hour out there!
It is all due to the rain and the
tropical depression out there in
the Gulf which means we will
probably get lots more rain over
the next few days which means
somewhat cooler weather for us,
at least this week.............
morning it was 75 degrees on our
porch at 8:00, and I felt like it was
October........and I got to spend a
delightful hour out there!
It is all due to the rain and the
tropical depression out there in
the Gulf which means we will
probably get lots more rain over
the next few days which means
somewhat cooler weather for us,
at least this week.............
I loved how it felt out there
this morning!!
I loved how it felt out there
this morning!!
I am also excited that I did my first
Fall vignette.......
All because I wanted to give a
"Shout Out" to my Sweet Friend
"Shout Out" to my Sweet Friend
Becky over at TimeWashed.........
All these pumpkins you will see
in this post were hand made by her.....
Becky and I go way back,,,,, and have
been true life friends not just virtual
or bloggy friends........
Becky is a very sweet and talented girl
as you will see...........or maybe already
know, if you are already familiar with
her and her blog TimeWashed.
Becky is a very sweet and talented girl
as you will see...........or maybe already
know, if you are already familiar with
her and her blog TimeWashed.
Oh, and please click on a picture to
enlarge them all, so you can see
just how beautiful all her pumpkins
Last year I won her pumpkin
give-a-way........ and she had given
a choice as to the pumpkins one
would recieve, So........
a choice as to the pumpkins one
would recieve, So........
Since I had redone my bedroom in a
Coastal look I decided to go with the
Coastal style Pumpkins and I have
been enjoying them all year.......
Unfortunately, the pics I took of them
in my bedroom did not come out well,
but here is a couple that came out
but I didn't think it really show them
off as well as they should, and my
bedroom wall is not that yellow. lol
So....... I brought them
in my bedroom did not come out well,
but here is a couple that came out
but I didn't think it really show them
off as well as they should, and my
bedroom wall is not that yellow. lol
So....... I brought them
out to the living room and made new
vignettes with them, just for this post.
I love the drift wood stems,
and the star fish and the bling.
Love the touches of blue
on this white satin pumpkin
and the pearl and glass
embellishments......and again
the drift wood stem......and
she also has normal pumpkin
stems as well.
the drift wood stem......and
she also has normal pumpkin
stems as well.
Just love the cute little
Fall Joy tags and the white touches
with the pearl and crystal dangles.
I got so enthused I decided to make
another vignette as well, that I think
I might just keep for Fall, and may
be I might just have a Coastal
living room for Fall this
Ya never know!!
I also won the lovely cloche as well
as the gorgeous pumpkins. The tiny
one in the center with the jute bow,
I already had......as she gifted it to
me a few years earlier. I just stuck
an earring on it to add some bling,
so it matched with the others.
Decided I should at least do a shot
with a pumpkin in the cloche.
Then thought it would look great
to add the lovely cake stand my
daughter gave me.

Did I mention that I love love love
the blue one, as that blue is one of my
favorite shade of blue, but honestly.....
I love them all and would be very
hard pressed to pick a favorite!
Here is a shot without the glass lid,
So you can see it well.
I don't know if you are like me,
but for some reason I just really
lovvvvvve Pumpkins so much, and
it would just not be Fall without
Thought some shells, a starfish
and a candle would be nice in
the mix..........
Know there are lots of pics,
but think her pumpkins
are just the cutest and pretties
I have see here in blogland,
the quality of her craftmanship
is just so excellent.......
So want to encourage you to check out
her ETSY Shop @ TimeWashed.com
If you are in the market for some cute
Fall decor..........Becky is your girl..........
and Just so you know, she makes a real
variety of pumpkins: fall colored, striped
velvet and linen. She also has some
vintage ware things too......
Well, it has been a fun day here!!!
Playing with all these darling
pumpkins.......and hopefully
I am off to my Fall decorating
as well..............
So glad you could stop by and
hope you had as much fun
as I did..........lol
I think I am definitely ready for
FAll Yall.......especially for the
all the JOY that Fall brings....
Love, Hugs, and
Sweet Pumpkin Blessings,