Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Some simple ways to add a bit of Glitz and Glamour to your decorating

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this find those of you who have
 been blasted by these Winter storms
 out from under the piles of snow and 
so hoping none of you had damage
 from these storms on Sunday.

We and our family faired well, and
 it wasn't as bad in our area as we 
originally thought it would be, altho
 we were under tornado watch for
 about 45 mins. but thankfully we
 didn't get anything!!

I am officially finished with our 
Winter look home, thank heavens.
Most of it was done, but needed to
get some leftover decorations put
away and then get the leaf out of 
the dining room table and find a
new place to stash it....then put a
 tablecloth on and do a centerpiece. 
Happy to say  All Done.....Finally!!

Think I told yall before, that I
 typically do dark reds, blues and 
greens, but this year I just wasn't in
 the mood for that, so I wanted a
 more neutral look, and a bit more
 glitz and glam for a refreshing
change.  So used a lot of gold with
 my green and white this year, and
 we have really been enjoying it.

So thought I would share a few
simple ideas for adding some
glitz and glam to your home.

Look around your home in the other
 rooms or in your stash,if you have one....
and see if you have anything that is brass,
 gold, or silver. 

 I wasn't even looking when I just walked
 by this cute serving cart in my bedroom
 that we use as a side table for our love seat
 and thought wonder how that would look 
by the sofa in the family room to add some
glitz and glam for a nice change.

 It was my late Mother-in-law's.
We gave it to her as a birthday present 
years ago and my sweet sister-in-law
 gave it to us back when we were doing
our daughter's Wedding reception at our
 home. I used it to put her wedding cake
 on.......and it looked lovely.............

Use any sparkly item on the
table top.....gold silver or whatever.

I added more glitz here by using a gold
glittered sequined Pear that is really a 
Christmas ornament, so it need not
be an expensive item.

This snowflake candle holder is
a perfect way to add some glitz
and glam....since it is gold on
 the inside  and mostly silver on
 the outside, and puts off the most
beautiful shadows when  he sun
shines thru it.......

See the dining room table behind
the sofa........

Add things that are glittered or shiny
and candles work well too,
of course.

Well here is a close up of the table
vignette.  Had to round up whatever
I had that was leftover from all
the other decorating.  lol

Kept the irridescent beads out from my
 christmas decorations, cause thought they 
would look elegant and add a bit of
 glitz and glamour somewhere, and
so added them here......

You can't tell real well, but that netting
 has some glitter on it to add a bit of 

It is hard to tell unless you click on
the pics to enlarge them, if you
click on just one pic it should
enlarge them all...............

I put a posterized affect on this picture 
cause even tho the candle (on the right)
was burning it really didn't show up
 in the original picture...so decided to 
just make a fun picture.

You can use glittered flowers!

My real fresh tulips finally 
bit the dust. (May they rest in
peace) lol

So replaced them with these pretty
 faux hydrangeas that are glittered
just perfectly...enough to look
beautiful but not tacky.   lol
and then the silver star next to
the flowers adds that lil bit more
glitz and glam.

 Also stuck
 in some pine greenery and pine cones to 
complete the winter look and add a lil
contrast to the white.

Decided to posterize this one too,
 just for the fun of it.

Here is a shot of the whole family room
 and dining room, with all the table tops 
you have already seen. Can't believe 
this chair seems like it is so far away
 from the sofa but it really isn't.....
optical illusion, I suppose..............

Adding a throw or pillow that
is made of velvet or has that
look of velvet...will add a
 glamourous looks as well.

 The throw is just sooo
soft, cozy and warm and
I love, love, love it..........
It also has a nice creamy
 neutral lamb wool look on
 the opposite side that adds
 texture when needed........


  1. I love the cart in the living - adds the sparkle!

  2. #1. The cart looks so good in your living room! Mom would be proud to see it there and how you decorate with it. I know I am proud for you!
    #2. Your candle surely shows the beauty in the decoration on the glass! The snowflakes show and I bet the flicker of the candle makes it look like it is "falling." By the way, I'm loving the Christmas Cookie Candle you gave to me for Christmas. I hope I don't gain weight from smelling it! HA! WOW! I think this is the first time (that I remember) seeing your dining room table without the leaf. It looks great!
    #3. The beads are a very cute accent to the wreath!
    #4. What is the green in the bowl? I clicked on the picture, but it would not come up. Thank goodness I have opened your blog in 2 windows, because I lost it when I closed it, but the window with my previous comments wasn't lost! Phew!
    I clicked on the next picture and it enlarged okay! It looks like sponges in the shape of limes. Am I right?
    #5. Hydrangeas are beautiful. I remember my Uncle Harry and Aunt Mary had bushes of them all around their house, white, blue, and pink! Is your star material or metal?
    Your family room/dining picture looks great. It's amazing how your eyes seeing 3-D, sees more than you see in pictures. My Grand Canyon pictures don't really show what my eyes saw!
    #5. I love the throw pillow I have that has a cat (that looks like Sarah) on it. Talk about it being a "throw" pillow, I occasionally find it on the floor. I guess Cody "throws" it when he jumps from his cat tower to the chair, it "bounces" it to the floor, lol!
    I surely did enjoy my time reading your blog and seeing your pictures! I love you all, Susan

  3. Thanks Carol,
    so do I............
    Thanks for dropping by hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Susan,
    Glad you like how the serving cart looked, we really like it too. Glad you are enjoying your
    Christmas cookie candle, and I think it is calorie free.....lol

    You have actually seen the table more this way, than with the leaf........I only put the leaf in back in November....you have just forgotten since it has been awhile. lol

    The green things in the bowl are faux moss covered stones, that are really not stones, they
    are plastic......but look like stones......lol

    Yea many times pictures just don't do scenery justice for sure.

    Yea, I always loved that throw pillow too, and it did look just like Sara....

    Thanks for coming by and glad you enjoyed it.

    Love, Nellie

  5. So pretty! I need to add some glitz to our home, these dark days of winter are so dreary!

  6. Thank You Dazee,
    glad you could stop by and nice to meet you hear in blogland.
    We have sure enjoyed our lil bits of glitz and imagine that
    you would too...

    Will be by for a visit with you soon.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Beautiful home Nellie! I love your curtains too. They bring a bit of a more modern element to the room and makes it look very fresh. I had my office so well decorated for Christmas that the room doesn't look as pulled together now. I'm missing something tall to replace the Christmas tree and something glitzy in my apothecary jar. I've looked in lots of stores but have yet to find something.
    I'm dong great. Wishing you the best!
    hugs and lots of love,

  8. Hi Caroline,
    Always so happy to hear from you, and Thanks for your sweet comments as always.

    Wonder if a small bookcase, shelving unit or ladder, or just a tall plant or maybe a tall
    plant stand with a nice plant or something else like a floral arrangement sitting on top
    would work to fill your space where you need something tall.

    It seems like after Christmas all the stores are pretty emptied out, so hard to find much
    of anything until the new Spring things come out. I am thinking about something glitzy you
    might could use, but nothing is coming right now, but Only thing I thought of is wonder if you could put some type of faux fruit or flowers in there and then spinkle them with glitter?? Just some thoughts...........lol

    Glad to hear you are doing great, I am too.
    Sounds like 2017 is shaping up to be a good year for both of us.
    Keep those sweet houses coming.........

    Love and Blessings,

  9. These are wonderful tips! I think your home is beautiful! So inviting, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Thank you so much Laura.
    Sweet of you to come by again.
    and have a Lovely Weekend,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie