Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday - Quotes to Ponder #8 - Too Busy

Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a Sweet Day!


Here is the quote for the day........

“If you are too busy to pray,
 you are busier than God wants
 you to be.” 

From Wanda E. Brunstetter's 
Amish Friends Cookbook: Desserts

I have to say I have found that to be seems like if I skip praying
because I just feel like I don't have the
time.......I don't get nearly as much
 accomplished, as I do when I take the
 time to pray and ask for the Lord's
help with my day. Also it seems like
 more things tend to go wrong.....
I think that is because the Lord is
probably trying to say hey, do you
serioulsly think you don't need me
and He would be so right, cause I
don't know about you, but I need
him all day......everyday! 
but sometimes I forget that, but he
is very quick to remind me too!!
those prayers they don't always
 have to be long and drawn out
 either, and sometimes they can
be done while you are driving
or washing dishes and going
about your day..........
HE likes to be in touch with us
just like we like to be in touch
with our family and friends.
After all, HE is our Heavenly
Father and the Best Friend we
could ever have, and prayer 
doesn't necessarily have to be
 done in a certain posture or 
place, it is really just talking 
to HIM.

Happy Pondering!!

Love and Blessings,

You might also be interested
in Quotes to Ponder #7, if so,
just click here

Sharing with:

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  1. Blessings to you, Nellie. So glad that God is our refuge and strength and that He is merciful and kind. I depend upon Him and His mercy and grace.
    Hugs, Beth

  2. Hi Beth,
    Can't tell you how excited I was to hear from you hon. It has been a long time.
    Yes, we are blessed girls indeed because of His great love and grace.
    So how are you??? Hope things are going well with you and your hubby.
    Miss seeing your blog I have to say.........any chance you might start up again??
    Hope 2017 will be a Wonderful year for you and yours hon,
    Hugs and Blessings Galore,

  3. Hi, Nellie!
    I just love your "Pondering" posts! I know what you mean! I have found the closer I draw to our Almighty GOD, the more He makes me aware of all the things He is doing in my life and others lives. Prayer is my main communication! I start my day out with it as well as spending time in my prayer journal! I have so much I'm in prayer about that I had to run off the different areas of my prayer time for my journal! My hand got so tired of writing, it hurt! So, now I just add the new prayers to it and run it off. I find myself all throughout the day thanking Him for all He has done for me. I find myself praying for those I see walking on the sidewalks as I travel from one place to another. I find myself sharing with others to have a blessed day when I leave the grocery store, dept. stores, etc. Some of the areas in my prayer journal are for: salvation for individually listed names, healing for individuals, prayer for our political leaders (listing each name), family, friends, my church, CHM members, my pets, my health/provisions/finances, His protection over us all...
    I could continue! So you see why I had to make a list and run it off, ha! By the way, I pray your neighbor is healing from his broken bones and road rash! I love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    Now you can see why the Lord has given you so much free time....cause not everyone can do
    what you are doing everyday or even some days if they are working full time or taking care
    of children. So that is a blessing to you but to all that you pray for as well.
    We are sure thankful for your prayers for our family.

    Our neighbor is still in the hospital, I just heard today that they were finally able to
    do surgery on his shoulder on this passed Monday. So guess he will be in the hospital a
    bit longer. He has sure been thru it......he has been in a lot of pain the whole time.
    Gob bless him....
    Think it is going to be a 2 month recovery time from the last I heard. Thanks for praying
    for him and his family.

    Have a great day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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