Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thankful Thursday Dec. 12, 2017, 2 fun Winter Tables

The fear of the LORD is the beginning
 of wisdom; all who follow his precepts
 have good understanding. To him
 belongs eternal praise.
Psalm 111:10

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week,
and are getting into the New Year
and enjoying it.......

Can't believe I am actually posting
on Thursday for a
Have to say, I am enjoying the New
 Year, and will be enjoying it more......
cause as soon as I finish this post I will
 be on to getting my house done with a 
Winter look.........
always enjoy these fun challenges!

Added some pics of 2 fun Winter

tables. The Snowmen plates I did
for Christmas morning.....2016,
in the kitchen since it was just
the 3 of us for brunch.....
but thought it could sure be used
for Winter as well, and the other
 one was a Jan. table from 2016,
just for hubby and I........... 
Just in case you might be wonder-
ing their eyes and teeth were made
from chocolate chips and their
nose was a red cherry drop candy,
and the buttons were chocolate
chunks.  Now I will get on with
the rest of the post...............

I am thankful

for a good report for hubby on his
echocardiogram and that he is doing
well on a new medication they put
him on.  Love hearing that news!!

for all the positiveness we are see-
ing from his Dr. these days, and I
was very surprised by a sweet com-
pliment that he paid me, which is
 just so unlike him.....but really 
blessed my heart.

for dinner at Cracker Barrel on
Friday night and lunch at Texas
Roadhouse on Sunday, that was
fun and delicious.....

that one of our young couples
came back to class on Sunday,
as we had not seen them in
quite awhile, so was really
nice to see them again, as they
 are a very sweet couple.

that all my Christmas stuff is is still sitting on
my dining room table, but hope-
fully I will get it all packed away
Note: It is packed away in the 
garage now.   Yeah!!

that hubby and I are really enjoy-
ing reading my new chronological
bible together most evenings.

that my daughter Dee started her
other new job today (Mon) One is
2 days and the other one is just 
one day.  So she will work Mon.
thru Wed., then hopefully will 
have time for some opportunities
in real estate if she wants.

for a sweet email from a blog 
friend who hasn't been blogging
too much lately, and think hope-
fully she might be back at it soon.
Looking forward to that, as she
is a great lady.

for a sweet email from one of
our students and his wife who will
 be going to the new branch of our
 church with the other leaders we
 are losing.............


that my daughter and her hubby 
made it safely to Ft. Lauderdale this
 morning to visit with his family.
Yes, they flew into the airport 
where they had the incident last
weekend.  They originally were
gonna go last weekend, but God,
saw to it they didn't!!

Note:  Sorry that the print has gone so 
tiny on the last part of this.....I have 
tried 3 times to fix it.....but to no avail.


For all of You, sweet friends who
follow or read my blog, you bless
my so many ways, not
just by coming here, but by all
the wonderful inspiration you
share on your blogs....I know I
am and am sure many others, are 
always learning new things from 
your blogs. Lots of encouragement
and inspiration to glean from all 
of you, everyone has their voice
 and Bloggers are a sweet family,
 all their own.....
Thank You for all  the great 
ways that you share!


for hearing from another blog
friend who hasn't been blogg-
ing for a long time now, yet we
have kept in touch off and on.
 I was so blessed yesterday that
 she wrote and asked for prayer 
and advice, and  I felt  very
 honored that she knew she could
 contact me. These are precious 
gifts from blogging that I never
 expected, same as in #11....


Here is to another week 
at Cozy Place......

Always happy to hear from you

and know that you came by....

Have a really Wonderful and 
Warm rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and

Warm Cozy Blessings,

Sharing with:

Susan at Between Naps on the Porch

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Saavy Southern Style with Kim


  1. I see you're enjoying your winter just fine!
    Here, rain and chilly. No sun visible.
    Good day for reading, working on a jigsaw puzzle, etc.
    I made black bean chili and added a can of corn to it (per a facebook friend whose chef granddaughter told her she always adds a can of corn to chili). Sure was yummy!
    Have a good afternoon and weekend, Nellie ♥

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    Yes, I am....I function so much better in cooler weather.....mild to no hot

    It was really overcast here the past 2 days but it is quite sunny out this afternoon, and
    we are at 80 today....go figure!!

    Black Bean Chili, now that sounds good....I am looking for a new soup or stew that I haven't had yet this year. So might have to look up a recipe for that. Today I am making a small pork roast, homemade mac and cheese and turnip greens...........looking forward to din din I must

    Hope this find you doing well hon, have a great rest of the week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. #1. Whoohoo! Praise the LORD! I've been praying! It is so exciting when we see our prayers answered by our Almighty GOD!
    #2. Another answered prayer I was praying for! It is so great to see our GOD work through other people (even if they don't realize it, ha!)
    #3. I think I still have some credit on a gift card for Crackle Barrel. It may not be any good since it's a few years old!
    #4. Fantastic! I pray they keep coming!
    #5. Yea, all done for another year!
    #6. I know you are! Isn't it exciting to have another means of reading GOD's Word!
    #7. Oh, to be young! My mind wouldn't be able to keep up with it all now, ha!
    #8. Great, that means I'll be blogging with her again too! It was you who got me started!
    #9. I told my friend Sylvia and her husband about the new church and that our pastor was preaching there now as well as our church. They like his preaching and now they will be close. It is some distance from their house to our church, but now it will be closer.
    #10. WOW! Thank You, LORD Jesus!
    #11. Bless you, Nellie, for your inspirations and encouragement to me! I love you.
    #12. The Holy Spirit's guidance is so amazing!
    I love you all, Susan

  5. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Yea, the Lord sure answers prayers for sure. Such a blessing.......

    If you call the # on the back of your Cracker Barrel card they will tell you how much $$
    you have left on it.

    That is great that church will be much closer for Sylvia and her hubby....lots of our
    people live near there, so we will be losing quite a few people, but it will be much nicer
    for them, but they will sure be missed.

    Glad you have enjoyed blogging so much and glad you have ejoyed my blog so much.

    Have a good day tomorrow,
    Love you too, Nellie

  6. The snow men place settings are adorable and perfect for a winter table! Thank you for sharing your creation at the #HomeMattersParty last week. We hope you will link up with us again when the new party opens this Friday.

  7. Hi NIcole,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Always enjoy your linky party and thanks to all of you
    for hosting........will see you on Friday.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie