Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Thankful Thursday Jan. 26, 2017, fun with Hyacinths

 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
 but the word of our God endures forever.”
Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have all had a lovely week.

I think that ours has been
I am trying to remember what all has
gone on this week,  had to scroll thru
 my thankful list a minute, and yes,
it has

One thing I got to enjoy this week
 was watching these hyacinths grow 
amazingly fast.  When I brought it
home Sunday before last I forgot 
to take a picture, but if you look 
at the picture after #2, you will see 
there are 2 pods. When I brought
it home the big one looked just
like the smaller pod, and 2 days
later it looked like the header
picture, could not believe it grew
 so fast. Then once the pods get 
bigger they start opening up and
 the fragrance is heavenly. If
you have never gotten any, they
are really fun and they were only
 $4 vase and all, at the grocery 
store.  Anyway, took some pics
 almost daily.
If you look at the next to the
last pic where the flowers look
 sort of yellow, it was because
it got so heavy it fell out of the
 vase onto the table top and I
 didn't know it was out 
of the water awhile, and even 
tho I put it back in guess the 
damage was already done and
 it just got looking worse,  so
finally had to cut it off and
now just have the small one,
but it was fun and fragrant
while it
So thought I would let you
 see the beauty too.

Well, on with my post.

I am thankful

that my daughter-in-love and
Granddaughter got to go and
visit my daughter for the week-
end and that they had a great
time, and that they made it
to Charleston and back safe
and sound, especially on 
Sunday with all the bad

that all our family faired well
in the bad storms on Sunday.
We were under Tornado watch
for about 40 mins. but thank-
fully we had none.  PTL

for our home. Was just walking
across the house and had this
overwhelming feeling for how
much I love our home.  That
happens every so often....and
in March on my hubbies birth-
day we will have lived here
for 36 years.

for a really longg phone call with
one of my dear friend's, Becky.
 We have not talked or seen each
other since sometime in late 
November or early December,
 so it was great to catch up

for my techy husband, cause
 without him I would never be 
able to continue blogging.
He figured out how to put
the new featured post gadget 
on for me this week.
Thanks Honey!!

for Salted Caramel Heath Bar cake
 from our local Publix bakery. 
 It is amazing!

for a new President who has
 consulted and thankfully.....listened to
 highly respected biblical leaders in our
 country, and realizes that if we want
 God to Bless America, then we have
 to do things according to his biblical
 standards. It doesn't mean we have to 
like him personally or agree with his 
every decision.....cause we don't agree 
totally with every decision that most 
people make......and that is life........

With paint daubs affect.

that my daughter and son-in-love
 got over their stomach flu bug
 very quickly, guess it was just
a 24 hr. bug., Thankfully!

for sleeping a whole 9 hrs. and 
 feeling great today! For some
 reason I have been waking up 
about 5 or 5:30 every morning
 and can't go back to sleep, 
so was having a lil sleep
 deprivation this week.

that we got to see our son, Scott
 yesterday when he came to get lil 
darling, as he has been quite busy
 and out of town a lot

for Scott's thougthfulness....
he brought his dad coffee and an
 iced coffee drink for me from that was sweet.

Paint daubs affect

for the delight of watching hundreds
of crows (we think it was) fly over
us as we were in the backyard today.
and for about 50, I would say Robins
(we think, as they had a red breast)
that were in our yard and our neigh-
bors yard yesterday afternoon when
we walked Scott and the lil darling
out into the front yard. I have seen
Robins in our yard before but not
all that often, so to see a whole
flock was quite interesting!
Love these divine surprises.....



  1. Nellie, this was a wonderful post! I hadn't thought of a weekly thankful post. I usually post my thrifty week posts on Friday. I didn't get it done this week. Mostly, I've just not spent much money. ~smile~ Still recovering from a big van repair bill last month. We had to absorb it into our grocery/gas budget. Thank God I had food in the house to start with!

    Well, I've got to get ready to go to an appointment. I enjoyed my visit. Let's be friends!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. Morning Laura,
    Thanks so much for coming by to visit.....I have been doing this Thankful Thursday Post every since I started blogging almost 8 yrs. ago. It has revolutionized my life I have to say.
    Your gratefulness comes through loud and clear on your blog as well. I think post on thriftness are great too, cause we all need to be good stewards of what the Lord has given us, and who doesn't love a deal................Will pray you recover from that Van bill quickly, and the Lord is always good to go ahead of us and prepare us for situations that are coming that we don't even know about, hence you already having food in the house.

    I wold love to be friends.....


  3. Your hyacinths are beautiful!!! I have to wait until spring for my Amarillo plants to bloom.
    #1. I'm so thankful they missed the bad weather! I'm so glad this weekend's cold front didn't have the same reaction as last weekend!
    #2. I can't believe how many tornadoes were on the radar, but none set down on the ground! Praise the LORD for answered prayers!
    #3. I know what you mean! I give thanks to my LORD for this provision He has so blessed me with! In May it will be 32 years for me!
    #4. As I sit here watching Gunsmoke, I can't believe how isolated people really were in the days of the old West! Now we can talk to friends and family all over the world!
    #5. What's that, ha!
    #6. I'm thankful for Publix's brand of honey roasted peanuts! Now I have to make myself not eat too many, lol!
    #7. I pray every day for President Trump, V.P. Pence, their cabinet, GOD's servants in Congress. GOD's servants on the Supreme Court, and His Church that the LORD will lead, guide, direct for His glory to lead millions of Americans to salvation. I've been claiming GOD's Bible verse from 1 Kings 2:3, "Keep the charge of the LORD your GOD, walk in His ways, keep His statutes, His commandments, His precepts, and His testimonies as it is written in the (Bible) that you may do wisely and prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn." I pray this verse for all the new administration now in office and those listed above.
    #8. Oh my dear! I'm so glad it was only the 24 hour bug too! Hopefully this will set their immunity system for not letting anymore of the flu to attack!
    #9. That's about the time I get up, but I am usually in bed and asleep by 9 or 9:30. I was used to only 6-7 hours sleep when I worked, so that still has carried over though I'm now retired! I'll be glad when the days get longer!
    #10. He is one busy fellow!
    #11. The sweet things in life are such a blessing!
    #12. Hey, maybe that's a sign of an early Spring! My orange tree has some blossoms on it too! That usually doesn't happen until March!
    I love you all, Susan

  4. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments. Yes, it is sure a blessing to be able to talk to loved ones in other states and sometimes to see them on skype or facetime. I am waiting for them to develop teleporting, I am thinking if they can build a building from a printer,
    then we should be able to teleport
    We didn't make any New Years resolutions....but our closest thing to that was a commitment
    to pray pray pray for this I have seen very clearly all the freedoms
    we were quickly losing because of the lack of prayer....not that we didn't pray, but we were
    not fervently do it daily but we are now, and never want to forget how important it is to the
    life of our country and it's citizens.

    Oh gosh, I hope it is not a sign of early Spring since we have hardly had any Winter! Think
    the poor plants are just confused cause it has been so warm this hoping this cold snap doesn't stunt all the buds, don't think it will kill them since we are not having
    freezing temps, but could keep them from blooming possibly. Guess we will see........

    Take care,
    Love, Nellie

  5. Teleporting, lol! It may be sooner than we expect when the LORD has His way!!! You're right about the blossoms. When there is no freeze they keep right on blooming! Smells great too when they are all opened! Love you all, Susan

  6. Hi Susan, Its nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by to share your beautiful post, and the flower is amazing, I am in awe of the amarylis I have started, I cant wait for its bloom!
    Wishing you wonderful week! Oh My Heartsie Girls “Wonderful Wednesday

  7. Hi Karren,
    It is nice to meet you too, and join in your linky party. I learned about you thru Mimi over
    at a Tray of Bliss.
    So you are a flower lover too, I see! I love Amarylis' too, and used to have some, but really
    enjoy the lovely fragrance of the hyacinths. You would think Amarylis would have a fragrance
    all their own, but unfortunately not......
    So what color are your Amarylis'?? Hope they bloom soon.
    Have a great rest of the week,
    Blessings, Nellie

    and thanks for hosting "Wonderful Wednesday"


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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