Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Winter look coffee and sofa tables

Hi Sweet Friends,

Hope you are all doing well, and
staying warm, cause I know there
were more Winter storms this 
passed weekend.

We had a really nice and quiet 3
 day weekend, just the 2 of us......
which was unexpected, as hubby
actually forgot he was off for
Martin Luther King day so that
was a fun surprise, and we got
some things done that needed
doing............so that is always
nice as well...

Have the house pretty much back to
normal, still need to clear a few things
off the dining room table and tweak
a little,  you know how that is.....lol

Spent the day on the phone making
appts. for different things. Will be 
signing up for medicare soon......guess 
that will make me an official Senior
 Citizen.....strange but I just don't see 
myself that way....lol
Anybody else have that problem?
course, think it might be more of a
blessing than a problem......lol
Had to laugh the other day cause my
hubby was talking about some lady
and that she was elderly about 65
or so.........and I laughed to myself
and thought he could be describing
me..........ewwwwwww Not sure I
 like the sound of that...lol
oh well, cause it is what it is!!  lol

Thought you guys might like to
see what I was up to most of last
week.....since I was redecorating
our family room for Winter.

Bought some real potted white
Tulips at the grocery store so got
inspired to do a white, green and
gold theme.  My typical colors 
for this time of year are dark reds,
blues and greens. but for some
reason I am just tired of red all
of a sudden..........course, I will
probably like it again when it
 gets closer to Valentines day. lol

So....on with the pics.

I plopped the pot of Tulips in this lovely
 textured white planter that someone gave
 me flowers in a few years ago,  then used
 a new cute lil cake plate hubby got me for 
Christmas, and a plant sprtizer I rec'd from 
a dear friend a few years back.

Added some pine greenery and my
 favorite star ornament

and some pine cones too.

and a lovely colored pencil affect picture,
just for fun.

Love my new cake plate,  it's so cute,  
I have gotten a thing for cake plates 
since I have been blogging...........
and I know some of you have too!  lol

and I have gotten a thing for Chip
and Joanna Gaines as well,  and
I know some of you have too.....
Cause how could you not love
"Fixer Upper"??
Hubby and I are just about done
 reading their new book (another
Christmas gift, this time from my
daughter)  It is a Very easy and 
enjoyable read....
I call Joanna my new best friend
 cause I think we might get along 
just spendidly if I knew her in
 real life.......lol

Here is the before look of my Tulips,
the day after I brought them home.
They were straight up when I brought
them home. Tulips are just fun flowers,
and are quite rebellious, they do just
as they please...............

As you can see here....

 Here they are at 9 days old, so think
I will be replacing them with some
faux hydrangeas soon..........lol
but sure have enjoyed them.....
Rebellious or not............

Now on to the sofa table......

I always mix in a bit of brass
with my decor in the winter
as well.

I have really enjoyed using these
 burlap runners on my table tops for 
awhile now as they do cut back a 
lil of the oak look.....

Always really enjoy this Joy sign 
my friend Becky gave me and 
these large spheres and potpourri 
that my daughter gave me some
 years back, they have both been
 all over the house, as well as that 
topiary picture, my fun dollar
 store find a few years back.

I will let you in on a lil secret.....

Those books are there because
there is a gouge in the wall,
and I don't have paint to match,
so this was a quick way to
hide the bad and the ugly....lol

As the saying goes necessity is
 the mother of invention.......lol

This striped looking pitcher
was a HomeGoods find on
one of our trips to Asheville.
Love white pitchers and
creamer and now plate

With Paint daubs affect.

Glad you could come over for
a visit..........thanks for coming
and hope you enjoyed yourself.

Have a really lovely week!

See ya Thursday......

Love, Hugs and
Serene Winter Blessings,


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    I know what you me. As of Feb. 1st, I'll be "officially" a senior citizen, ha! I got my Medicare card for A & B. I may have to use it to consult with my hip surgeon to assist
    me in permanently being dismissed from jury duty sense I can't sit still for long periods of time. I don't think the judge would appreciate me "dancing" around in my seat after sitting for too long! Besides, my hip bones start aching if I can't get up and move around. If they had a recliner for me, I could sit a little longer, ha! However, I have no problems with being a senior (and retired, praise the LORD, after working ever since I was 16 in high school!)

    The lilies are beautiful! I like how they hang over! Do you keep the bulbs and replant them the next year? Until your "Thankful Thursday," Love you all, Susan

  2. The ivy topiary is perfect. Great tip when needed to cover up a spot on the wall. The centerpiece is darling.

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by....the flowers are actually tulips they are just opened up all the way.
    No, I have tried drying the bulbs and reusing them in the past, but to no avail.........so
    never tried again. With all our woods it is hard to grow anything as the woods seem to suck
    up all the water or something eats them........lol The only things I can grow I have to
    pretty much put in pots and I am just not as in to gardening as I used to be.

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Katie,

    Nice to have you come for a visit, and thanks so much for your sweet comments.
    Have a lovely day,

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I love the tulips and burlap runner with lace. It's always nice to add texture. Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for dropping by and for your kind comments.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend too.


  7. Beautiful! I can't wait to read Chip and Jo's book

  8. Thanks Emily.....
    You will love their book, we have 2 chapters left and will be sorry to finish it....in
    fact, I might just read it again..........lol

    Thanks for stopping by,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie