Sunday, July 9, 2017

Scripture Sunday - "I Am"

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

Again the high priest was questioning
Him, and saying to Him, "Are you the
Christ, the Son fo the Blessed one?"
and Jesus said, "I am; and you will see
the son of man sitting at the right hand
of the Mighty one, and coming on the
clouds of Heaven.

Mark 14:61-62 NIV

Jesus will be coming in the clouds
one day to get his own, and no one
knows the time or the hour, but we do 
know that Jesus keeps his promises,
and that it could be anytime......
If you don't have a relationship with
Him, but would like to have one, 
all you need to do is take him at his
word, that He is who He says He is.
He is Gods one and only son, who
was born of a Virgin, lived 33 yrs.
on this earth performing many
miracles and healings. died on a
cross at the age of 33 years old,
for my sin and yours and the sins
of mankind...then after 3 days in
a tomb, God resurrected Him from
the that we could all call
out to Him because we believe who
He is and that He knows the way
 to heaven and ask to be a part
of His forever family............

It says in the Bible:  Everyone who
calls upon the Name of the Lord shall
be saved!
Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13

Have a Blessed Sunday,


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  1. So good to remember these words and ponder God's Word in a deliberate way. :)

  2. Always reassuring to hear those words....Christine

  3. Morning Gentle Joy,
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your words of encouragement.
    Have a Blessed week,

  4. Hi Christine,
    I think so too.........hope this finds you doing well hon.
    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

  5. HALLELUJAH! Yes! I'm so excited to be one of His many born again children! What joy
    to know we will spend eternity with Him in our new bodies in the New Heavens, New Earth,
    and New Jerusalem! I so love our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Yes, Susan,

    It is a definitely one of the best things that could every happen to us, for sure!

    Love, Nellie

  7. Thank you for sharing your blog post with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.

  8. Your welcome Nicole,
    and thanks for coming by to comment.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie