Sunday, July 23, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Love of Money

Happy Sunday  Morning
Sweet Friends

Here is the verse of the day!

 Keep your lives free from the love of money 
and be content with what you have, because
 God has said, “Never will I leave you; never 
will I forsake you.”  
Hebrews 13: 5

I think this is such an important verse,
because the bible tells us in
 1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds
 of evil. Some people, eager for money, have 
wandered from the faith and pierced them-
selves with many griefs.

The Key words here are "the love of money"

It's not the money,  it is the love of money
that is the problem.  
When we allow ourselves to have a love for
 money we put ourselves in a very vulnerable
 position. Because when people love money 
sometimes they will do anything to get it, 
which can lead to all sorts of bad things.
Like being a workoholic and neglecting
ones family, being up to our eyebrows in
 credit card debt and having to worrying 
all the time about how to pay for it, or 
maybe even having to file bankruptcy or 
loosing a home or vehicle due to being
 so overextended. We have all heard about
 the get rich quick schemes that totally
 backfire, leaving the person worse off than
 they were before. We once knew of a couple
who really loved the Lord and who were
very involved in their church and then they 
came into some money, and bought a new
 home and a boat they started going to church
less and less, until they weren't going at all, 
and the next thing we heard they were having 
bad marital problems and eventually they
wound up divorced, all the while their 
church family was trying to encourage
them back on track.  These are sad
stories and I could go on and on, but
I am sure you get the point.....

The second half of that verse is important 
to our well being, and it pretty much tells
 us how  NOT to have a love for money, 
and that is to be content with
 what you have..............
We are all blessed beyond measure just 
because we live in the United States, but
so many times we can forget how blessed
we are, and just have an ungrateful heart 
or we can start looking around at what 
others have and think somehow we have 
been short changed. When we start to get 
that mindset we really need to see it as a
 red flag, and ask the Lord to forgive us
 for that faulty thinking and to cleanse
 that right out of our hearts, cause we
are treading on dangerous territory if
left unchecked.  We also need to know
and remember that money does not
buy happiness or give us a good life,
God does!  How many wealthy people
have you see or heard about that are
miserable.......not that there is anything 
wrong or evil about being wealthy, be-
cause their isn't, there were some wealthy
and Godly men in the bible.....but if we
 fail to recognize where our blessings
truly come from and appreciate them,
then that is a problem, that the Lord
will not be too happy with.....
I believe that being thankful for all that 
God has blessed us with, is indeed,
the road map to being content.  

God is good.....He will never leave
 or forsake his children!  So our
God doesn't need to be the love
 of God expects us
to do the best we can with what
we have....and that means being
  thankful for what we have and 
being a good steward of what 
He has given us........

Something to think about!!

Have a lovely Sunday,



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  1. AMEN! You hit "the nail on the head!" My beginning prayer every day is thanking our Father GOD for His salvation, protection, provisions, leading, guiding, and directing me in what I say, do and think to be to His glory, honor, and praise! Growing closer to Him each day is more important than the things of this world that will pass away. Being rich is knowing our Almighty GOD more each day in everything we do for Him and not for ourselves!

    Thank you for leading me to start my new Sunday blogs! The LORD has really excited my heart to do so. Love you all, Susan

  2. Dearest Nellie, this is a post that speaks to my heart. I know of so many families, lost to one another due to the love of money. It's so sad. Credit card debt, and keeping up with The Joneses, has wreaked havoc in many lives. I love the idea of Contentment and write about it often. Contentment is more than and less than 'happiness', which we all crave in the modern era. It's gentler, and more fulfilling. It's mindful, and calms the spirit. I'm all for contentment. Love ya, Mimi xxx

  3. Nellie... I am so thankful that God's Word and the wisdom in it.. it fits life in each time... and has so much to offer us in our culture, though it is usually ignored. I see the frantic activity of people rushing to make more money, to have more things... and I feel sad that contentment is traded for things. May we not be lulled into that mindset of wanting things more than God.

    I came back to your blog after you commented so sweetly on my Gentle Joy Photography post.. Those Funny and Frustrating Squirrels. When I came to your blog, I realized it is one I want to follow, so I am your newest follower. :)


  4. Hello dear Nelly!
    You made me so happy to have you visit me and to know all is well with you.
    Here I am in your lovely blog again and one full of wisdom too. Yes, in every part of the world we need to get closer to God, I am so happy for America cause it seems it is going that way, God it apperas to be more thought about, as well as prayers.
    May God bless you and yours.

    I love your cozy house, it looks great, specially that wonderful couch.
    The Paris theme is always a 'good theme' to follow. I love that Little curio with Paris pretties.

  5. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for your comments, so true that being rich is really when we
    know and love God and have a rich relationship with Him, as he gives us everything we really and really way more than we need.

    Love, Nellie

  6. Hi Mimi,
    So good to hear from you and girl your middle name is Contentment, and I love all the posts
    you do about it as well. So down to is easy and good to be down to earth
    when we know we have an eternal resting place in Heaven, and it is all good there!!
    Love your description of true and being content makes us much happier
    and joyful folks for sure. I am all for contentment too. Makes for a much better life....
    Hope this finds you doing well hon.
    Take care,

  7. Amen Joy,
    Thanks for coming by and for leaving your encouraging comments. Thanks for choosing to
    follow as well, that is so nice.
    Hope you have a lovely evening,

  8. Hi Fabby,
    Nice to hear from you too hon, as our paths haven't crossed that much lately. Yes, I am very excited to see God being mentioned more and more in America, once again.....goes to show
    you we are not a post christian nation as we were being told.......I never believed that

    Thanks for your visit and your sweet comments about my coc room. Computer, office and craft Hope all is well with you and yours too.

    Blessings Galore,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...