Friday, October 29, 2021

Thankful Thursday October 28, 2021, and more Fall decor from the past....

In God we make our boast all day long,

 and we will praise your name forever.

Psalm 44:8 NIV 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good Friday afternoon.

Sorry I am so late, we got caught up in having coffee

 and goodies (we got last night) and yakking out on 

the porch, as it is so windy and cool .... and it feels

 wonderful, as it is our first days of what Fall really

 feels like.........So just totally enjoying it...

Pictures today are from another Fall past.

So on with my Thankfuls...........


Thankful for a good day with lil darling on Friday

and Thankful that we have the opportunity to help

with her schooling a few times a month.


Thankful for her pretty handwriting,  she just

started learning cursive at the end of 2nd grade

last year, and she loves it and is quite good at

it.  Think she takes after her Grammy on this one,

as I never really liked printing and found it hard

for some reason and as soon as I learned cursive

in 3rd grade, that was the only way I wrote until

I had a pinched nerve close to 20 yrs. ago and

it ruined my handwriting, so now I have to print

again cause my printing is more legible most of

the time than my handwriting.  


Thankful for a series we watch called "Chesapeake

Shores".  It is just one of the most uplifting shows,

so we are rewatching Season 5 which I think might

have just ended this week.   Guess we will see if

it did or not this coming Thursday.  Had a lot of

cliffhangers so seems like an end of the season one.

We will probably rewatch all the Seasons, cause

we love it that much.

#4 and 5

Thankful that our Pastors daughter was here 

visiting and stopped to greet and hug us as

she came to her seat and later we got to talk to 

her for a bit.  She is such a lovely young woman,

and it just made my day to see her.


Thankful for lunch out just the two of us, at Olive 

Garden on Sunday after church, food was delicious,

 company great and a very sweet and gregarious

 server, and comfortable seating, and leftover

Italian food.........ummm


Thankful that I am getting a lil Christmas

Shopping done every time we go out. 

We are trying to buy local from our

stores in town, as much as possible.


Thankful that we had the opportunity and

blessing of encouraging and praying for

some other long time friends this week,

 that are going thru a difficult time

 right now.


Thankful for a really fun time with some

friends that go to our church, but that we

just haven't had time to spend any time 

with until this week.  Had them over for

dessert and coffee and it was a great time. 

 Don't remember when we have laughed 

so much lately.  They are both very 

funny...............and genuine, wise and

great folks..........not a superficial bone in

 their that about them.


Thankful to hear a very odd sound coming 

from our neighborhood this morning.  It

was the sound of a rooster crowing. So

one of our neighbors obviously now owns



Thankful for the night out shopping for

my Son's birthday gifts as is birthday 

will be coming up next week,  and also

a lil more Christmas shopping.


Thankful for a fun time going to Fresh

Market as well.  We got some yummy

baked goods there, and we picked up

Taco Bell on the way home and watched

a new series we found called "The

Wedding Planner", it all made for a  fun

time out...........


Well, that's all for Cozy Place this week!

Glad you could drop by


Hope you have a super lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs and

End of October Blessings,


Sharing with:

 Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru life

Lou Lou Girls

Grammys Grid

April J Harris

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 1:20-21 NIV

Have a Lovely Sunday,

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Lou Lou Girls

Karins Kottage

A stroll thru Life

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thankful Thursday October 21, 2021, Fall family room 2021 #2

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be
 generous on every occasion, and through us your 
generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
1 Corinthians 9:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well in this crazy
world we are living in.............
We are rejoicing as our Son is over his covid 
and has tested  negative twice and is feeling
almost back to normal, still a bit tired, but
from what I understand that takes a little
while to go away.

Pictures today are from our Fall Family room again
this year!  

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for being able to have breakfast on the porch
with hubby and  lil darling, since it was cool last Friday
morning.  She loves doing that,  and so do I........

Thankful that our Son is feeling a lot better today, still tired,
but had a lil energy this morning (Saturday) but still have
 to take at easy,  so he doesn't relapse.  
Sunday he was feeling much better and not as tired as 
in the beginning,  so he is progressing along well.
Monday, he is doing even better,  which is great news.
Tuesday he Tested Negative for Covid and feeling lots
better,  and will test again on Thursday.
Negative again Today............PTL
So looking forward to seeing him tomorrow!!


Thankful the kids had a great time in Asheville

clebrating their 10th anniversary.


Thankful that are new phones came in.......our service provider

informed us we had to get new phones again!!!  They are doing

away with 3G phones (which we had not purchased too long

ago).  So hubby has been working on them the last few days

and has them both up and running.  Have to say I am not

thrilled about learning a new phone again!!   lol least we have phones...........

Note: Happy to report I am liking my new phone

way better than I expected.  Hooray!!



Thankful once again for our Governor DeSantis,  he is doing such an awesome job for Florida.  He is now offering our ports to try and help the problems they are having with the supply chain. Hopefully the powers that be will allow it.   


Thankful for Saturday nights  "share and prayer" times with some dear friends of almost 40 years that live in Gainesville, over the phone. That is the nice thing about speaker phones.  We have been doing this for about 6 weeks now, and it has been such a blessing for all of us.


Thankful we finally found a Skate Board we have been trying to find for the Christmas Toy Box ministry at Church. 


Thankful for a lil bit cooler weather on Sunday morning, and being able to sit outside by myself, (hubby was taking a nap) in the afternoon so I decided it was cool and breezy in the shade so decided to go sit out and  read a book,  cause I haven't done that in ages, and actually took a mini nap too, it was so peaceful.  Actually got to sit out on the porch again this morning with hubby and do our Bible reading.  This cooler weather and time of year is just such a delight to me.  God's handiwork everywhere as  some of our trees are just starting to shed some, and the leaves are turning yellow and brown. 

So Relaxing and Refreshing!


Thankful for dinner out at our fav Mexican restaurant

and then we had to run to the grocery store, so we went

to a different Publix in a town near by (same town as

the restaurant) just to do something different,  it is

a newer store, so that alone was fun,  but they also

had a special magazine rack, and since our Barnes

and Nobles went out of business,  that is the first

time we have seen that anywhere,  course,  it is no

where as big as the ones at B & N but it was fun to

be able to browse all the Fall and Christmas decor

and craft magazines.  That alone was worth the trip

for me.  LoL  Then we came home, and after putting

our groceries away took a short but fun moonlit

walk up our street.  (with a flashlight too.)  LoL

You know anything you can do these days that is 

wee bit different is helpful to our 

mental /emotional state.  


Thankful that we got to work out in our yard on

one of the cooler days.  We rescued another tree

that was trying to be invaded by grapevine.  lol


Thankful that we launched our Card Shop website

on Facebook yesterday and got a good response.

Have to say I was a bit timid about it....that is the

shy side of me coming out.  Didn't know my hubby

was gonna do that until just before he did it. 

 Yikes!  lol

But it needed to happen!   


Thankful for a chat with my daughter,  while we

were both cleaning, and now a clean house.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

Thanks for dropping by


Hope you have a lovely lovely Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and Mid-October



Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Lou Lou Girls

Karins Kottage

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Scripture Sunday



Sweet Friends,

Here is the verses for today!

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4

I don't know about you but I am eternally grateful that he
cares about all of us.

Hugs and Blessings,

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Friday, October 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday October 14, 2021, Our Family room all dressed up for Fall.....2021

For God is the King of all the earth;
 sing to him a psalm of praise. 
God reigns over the nations; 
God is seated on his holy throne.
Psalm 47:7-8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you week is going well, our's

has been productive and a little 

worrisome.  We found out on

Monday that our Son was sick

and feeling awful, and he thought

it might just be the flu since his

covid at home test said negative

but on Tuesday, he decided to do 

another one and it read positive

for Covid, so we've of course, 

been a bit worried about him.

He seems to be doing a lil bit

better daily, and is very tired,

which of course, goes along

with Covid. So if you feel so

led please pray for him,  as

 he is feeling pretty punk still,

and we would be ever so 

thankful for your prayers.

We are thankful he seems to

be moving in the right direction

at least, feeling a lil bit better

daily, but think it takes quite

awhile from what we hear to

get back to normal.

Pictures today are of our family

room, all gussied up for Fall in 2021.

Actually this room has been done

for awhile, just didn't have time

to do pictures.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling last Friday, we got to have her all day with no school work, just a fun day, as she was out on Fall break, so we did all sorts of things, had a Smallmart shop, had a fun nail salon time, made pumpkin bread, Painted a pot to put her markers in for her desk,  had a dance recital, played 'Sorry", matching game, Mother may I, and the ungame ( a really old but great game to get kids talking), read some, and even took a short nap and rested, also had breakfast and a late lunch. It was a great day!


Thankful for this sweet and precious lil girl......she just totally amazes us all the time. She is such a precious gift from God to all of us.  Course, I am sure you probably feel the same about your's too.

Am still loving my window.


Thankful for dinner out at Olive Garden and being able to find what we thought was  a nice jewelry craft set, for our Christmas  Toy Box ministry  @ church. Still need to find a skate board for a boy.

#4 and 5

Thankful that Sat. was just a much needed down day for us, we were tired today. Talked to our big girl, our daughter for awhile, and did some online Christmas shopping.  So thankful that I have pretty much finished lil darling up.


Thankful for a good morning at church, and seeing a young gal again, we met some months back. A lot has happened to her in the last months, and it was good to see her, and think we are gonna keep in touch. Also thankful for lunch at Cracker Barrel with our friends, and leftovers for lunch tomorrow.


Thankful that we decided to try Freshly prepared dinners.  We had sort of wanted to try them, but thought it would definitely make things easier for my SIL Susan, so ordered for both of us, as it made it a lil less expensive. They arrived, so can't wait to try them,  she has already had one and said it was delish.

Note: I had Pork carnitas and they were very good, hubby had peppered steak and liked it but wasn't thrilled with it. Susan has liked most all hers so far. For some reason the 2 I had, have not set well on my tummy, so don't know if I have a touch of a bug or something maybe. Hubby had no problems with his. So just decided to try 2 new ones this week,and see how that


Thankful our Daughter and hubby had a nice getaway for their 10th Anniversary, Enjoying their old stomping grounds in Asheville, N.C., where they used to live about 5 yrs. ago.I Have to say I have missed's a really neat place, and we have very fond memories from when they lived there.


Thankful to have made 3 new cards this week.  It's been awhile. Their Anniversary was the inspiration that made me get going again.

This was how it started out,  then decided to tweak it,  which you will see below and also in the header picture.


Thankful that we get to have lil darling for a sleepover tonight. (Thursday) We had a fun time as always, we took her out to Texas Roadhouse, she loves that place, and we don't get to take her out too often.


Thankful that Susan continues to do well.  She is getting stronger all the time. 


Thankful that I have finally finished

my Fall decorating, not a minute

too soon I might add.  Now just

have to pack it away and enjoy.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

 this week!

Glad you could stop in


Have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and

Mid October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammy's Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

Modern on Monticello

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

Lou Lou Girls

Karins Kottage

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Party Chops Recipe ( An easy peasy recipe)

Hello Sweet Friends

Hope this finds you doing well.....

Told you last week about a recipe I sort of made up, that was really very easy to make and was truly delicious.  Sorry but I didn't think to take a picture of the Party chops dish until we finished eating!!  lol

So this will have to do for now!

I have dubbed it Party Chops because I sort of got the idea from a "Party Chicken" recipe that I have used for years,  that I got from a friend. In case you are interested in the

 "Party Chicken recipe", 

Just click on it.

We are having that for Thanksgiving, but I make stuffing with it as well. It's a great make ahead dish.  Just so you know..... we heard yesterday from our server at Cracker Barrel that they would not be doing Thanksgiving dinners this year because there was a Turkey Shortage. 

That might just be in Florida but I don't might want to get your Turkeys early.

So...  Anywho, here is the recipe for

 Party Chops


6 boneless pork loin chops

Lawrys Seasoned Salt

1- can of cream of Celery Soup

1- 16 Oz. Sour Cream


Place Pork chops in a glass baking dish, and sprinkle with Seasoned Salt.  Mix Soup and Sour cream together, and pour over the top of the pork chops evenly.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 1 hr. and 15 minutes. (You Just take a pork chop out and cut into it to make sure they are done all the way if you'd like, cause oven temps. do vary at times. Also cause I forgot to the time I put it in the oven, but I think it cooked about 1 hr. and 15 mins., but not for sure!  lol

I served mine with Jasmine rice and a salad.

Hint: It makes a nice gravy for the rice.  Next time I think I will add 2 cans of soup and 2 containers of sour cream, especially if you and your family like a lot of gravy. 

Hubby and I really enjoyed it.

Well, Thanks for stopping by,


hope you try and enjoy the recipe.

Love, Hugs and 

Mid October Blessings,


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

Karins Kottage

Grammy's Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

Modern on Monticello

A Stroll thru Life

Lou Lou Girls

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie