Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Thoughts to Ponder #6


Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today??  Doing well, I hope.

I saw something on facebook that just made

 my heart say yes, I so agree...............but I just

 made a few minor changes.............

It says:

Be that girl who roots for the other girl, tells a stranger her hair looks amazing, and encourages other women, to believe in God and in their God given gifts, talents and dreams.

I personally believe we need more of that

in our world. . . .Life is just too short for

comparing ourselves, competition, jealousy,

 pettiness, and keeping our kind or good

 thoughts towards others to ourselves.

So know this girl appreciates you,

wishes you and yours well....

and so enjoys the God given talents,

gifts and dreams you as a blogger

share with not just me, but with

all of us. I have to say I am constantly  amazed by all the talent, gifts and

 dreams I have seen over these past

 15 years since I have been a part

of blogland

So You go girl!!  

Spurring you on.....

Hugs, Nellie

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A Stroll thru LIfe

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Scripture Sunday


Nothing on this earth, as pretty as it can be...

Will ever be able to compare with what there
             will be in Heaven!!! 
                    Hugs, Nellie    

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A Stroll thru LIfe

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thankful Thursday June 20, 2024, and Our Father's Day Table

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Welcome to Summer


Thankful Thursday

Sweet Friends,

Can you believe it is officially Summer, Course, here in Florida it has felt like Summer for awhile now, and I under-stand some of you are having a heat wave where you live. Hope it passes you by quickly cause I know some states don't have a lot of air conditioning.

So praying for you......

Photos today are from our Father's Day table last Sunday. These napkins were my inspiration, 

I thought they were so cute, but turned out not to be as easy to work with as I had anticipated when I got them. lol The only thing pictured in the napkins that would fit on the table was a lil bike, so finally decided it was depicting the beach too, so have beachy things, so just went with that.  lol  Was happy with the results at least.

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to hear my friend who broke her hip was sprung from rehab on Friday. Know she is a happy camper!!


Thankful that I have the table all set for Father's day. took me a lil bit to figure it out, but was happy with the outcome.


Thankful we had lil darling long enough for her to make her Dad a nice Father's Day card, without very much help from me either.  Did a great job!


Thankful for a fun game I saw on Epoch times, called "Word wipe".  It's really fun! Takes a lil bit to catch on, but one of those where you get better and better as you play it.....

#5 and 6

Thankful we got some caulking done outside on our house today. It needed sealing between the brick and the cedar again. Hopefully we can do touch up painting next Monday or Tuesday.

Thankful that our caulking didn't get messed up as we had a real deluge of rain about 8 hrs. afterwards, but fortunately it was dry enough it didn't mess it up. Shew!!  


Thankful that we can still do a lot of these necessary maintenance things on our house and yard. Most of the time I like to do projects and enjoy accomplishing things, as long as I am feeling good !!


Thankful for a really nice Father's Day for my Hubby and Son.  It was just the 4 of us, but quite enjoyable. Dinner was simple but yummy, accept I figured out a few hours later I burned the bread to crispy critters.  Lol

We never even missed it at dinner. lol


Thankful that hubby was tickled with all his cards and gifts from everyone. It is hard for me to surprise him since he is retired and always with me, but our Daughter and Son help me out too, if needed, and He is very easy to please.


Thankful we were able to get our caulk painted and to do some other touch up painting as well, on Monday. Looks great and is properly sealed again.

Still have the other half of the front of the house to do, but we have a few things that have priority over that right now.  So will get back to it soon.

Thankful for Caramel Frappe's from
MacDonalds, such a delicious coffee 
treat and way less expensive than
starbucks from what I understand.


Thankful for all the natural beauty the Lord puts all around us everyday, and all the trees, plants and grass look especially lush this time of year with all the rain we have been getting.

Well, that's it for us here

at Cozy Place this week.

Have a fun rest of the week,

and glad you could stop by.

Love, Hugs and

Mid June Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru LIfe

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thankful Thursday June 13, 2024, and lovely Spring Desserts

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all

 the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

Psalm 8:1 NIV

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been?  Good, I hope.

Ours has been good and restful as we were

sort of worn out from all the activity of the

last few weeks, but feeling so much more

energetic today, thank Heavens!!  lol

Pictures today are of yummy 

Spring/Summer Desserts compliments of Pixabay.

Aren't they all so pretty.

On with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for the fun time we had with our Daughter when she came.  Always hard to see her go, but we are grateful she could come, and we will be seeing her again soon.


Thankful we did get to do a lil shopping for her birthday which is coming up in August, and we all  went out to dinner together.  So that was nice. Also  got to have lil darling with us some of the time too.


Thankful see got back home safe and sound on Saturday, and hubby and doggie were happy to see her.


Thankful for no cooking but breakfast one

 morning, and hubby did most of that,  so we could

 just enjoy every moments we had..............


Thankful that our church does live streaming, as

 we were really tired, and I wasn't feeling great so we

 decided to watch from home today, plus don't want

to make anyone else sick either.


Thankful for my cozy comfy bed I get to sleep

in every night.  


Thankful for my eyes that open every morning to greet

 the day, and thankful I am able to greet the day!!


Thankful that I did not get attacked by wasps this

 morning.  Was working by our shed for about 45

 mins. trimming and digging and happen to look up and

 not even 3 ft. away from me, under the eaves of shed

 was a wasp nest full of wasps. Yikes!


Thankful for more yard work that was done, 

even tho cut a lil short due to my wasp friends.  lol

Hubby got a lot done as he was working in another

area.  So more steady plodding!!  lol

Couldn't stay out too much longer anyway, the

humidity and heat are showing themselves very

strong today.

Note: Did some more work out their this morning.


Thankful for all the rain we have been getting.  

Our grass and I are doing the happy dance

It looks so nice and green.


Thankful that I have all gifts wrapped and have 

decided on Father's Day dinner, and have now

 been to the grocery store.  Just got set a nice 

table and make most of the food on Saturday.


Thankful for some pretty orange carnations

 I picked up at the Grocery Store.  Can't 

wait to arrange them in a vase.


Thankful to hear my dear friend who broke

her hip may go home tomorrow.  She has

been in rehab, so I am sure she is beyond

excited.  Just hope it happen for her!!

Well...........That's it, for Cozy Place this week.

Have a great rest of the week


Thanks for your visit.

Love, Hugs and Mid June



P.S. Don't forget to check out our card

shop for Father's Day - All cards are free...

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Shabby Art Boutique

Between naps on the porch

A Stroll thru life

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thoughts to Ponder #5

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week, so far.  

Are you ever bothered by pesky weeds in your

 flower beds, and really don't enjoy pulling them?? 

 Well, I might have a solution for you.  

I have been seeing in many places, (facebook, instagram, in magazines), many times over the years about a simple weed killer, that has NO bad chemicals or anything, but thought it probably doesn't work. 

 Well, someone at church put the recipe on facebook recently, and it is only 3 ingredients, and I said that sounds great, but does it work?? 

 So another lady younger than me, someone my daughters age said yes, it does work,  just make sure you do it on a Sunny Day.

Well, it was a beautiful, hot, sunny day So I got a spray bottle and tried it, and within a few hours the weeds were shriveling, and a few hours later most were already all brown and dead looking.  So wow, I was so surprised and delighted, as was hubby.

 So hubby has a spray bottle that's sort of like professional pest control people use, so we plan to be making more soon.  So bye bye pesky weeds.

The recipe for Safe Weed Killer 

! Gallon of white vinegar

1 cup of table salt

1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent

(I used Dawn)

Just put in container, screw on the lid, and gently mix it a number of times, by moving it bottom to top or top to bottom.  l0l

then spray...............

and Happy Weed Killing!!

Oh, and don't forget the Sunny Day!!

Spurring you on............


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 Karins Kottage 

 Ridge Haven Homestead

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Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru life

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thankful Thursday June 6, 2024, and just for fun, some humorous frog pictures

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Welcome to Thankful Thursday

Hope you are having a joyful day!

Have to say we are.....we have our Daughter with us

for a few days, so we savor every minute with our 

grown up girl since it  is only for a few days, but a

 few days is definitely better than NO days!  lol

Pictures today are purely for a good laugh.

 I think they are so cute and so humorous, and

I don't even like frogs really.............

Pictures courtesy of Pixabay.

On with my Thankfuls...............


Thankful that I finally decided to try a chemical free weed

 killer, and best of all it works!!  I have seen the recipe online in

 a number of places, but a friend from church put it on facebook, 

 and I said yea, it sounds great, but does it really work,  and

 another friend said it does,  just make sure to do it on a sunny

 day.  So I did make it and try it and within a few hours those

 weeds were looking wilted and a few hours later they were all

 brown and dead looking.  Amazing!


1 Gal Vinegar

1 Cup of Salt (I used table salt, someone else said they used epsom salt)

1 tablespoon of dish soap (I used Dawn)

and don't forget the Sunny Day!!

Add ingredients to a spray bottle.  Gently shake it,  then spray away.

Bye Bye Weeds............


Thankful for kind people sightings.  We had 2 in one day....

we and lil darling had gone for frozen yogurt, and a person in a

 car went out of her way to say something nice, and then later

 that evening we went to dinner and a lady in the restroom said

 something nice to lil darling, as well.  You could tell with both

 of them,  they were being purposeful in trying to just connect

 with others.........I love that!  It is just so needed. We also,

 go out of our way to do that!


Thankful that lil darling is going to visit her Aunt Dina 

 (our Daughter)for about 4 1/2 days, and then Dee will

 bring her back and spend a few days with us. Lil darling is

 beyond excited,  she has been waiting for this to happen for well

 over a month now.  Aunt Dina is just as excited. So know they

 are gonna have a fun time!!


Thankful I have all my Father's Day cards done,

and printed,  just have to print hubbies yet when he

is not around,  Which is hard to do...lol


Thankful we put 3 new cards in our shop this week

as well.


Thankful that we laid a few peel and stick carpet tiles

 in our garage where we come into the kitchen, so since they

are stuck down should prevent what happened a few months

 back, and also can catch any dirt coming in on our shoes 

again, since hubby removed the rug after my fall.


Thankful for cute lil Ibis birds that visit us at 

times.  They are pretty birds and love to dig in

our yard for breakfast or dinner.  Had 4 tonight.


Thankful that we got to watch the K-Love awards,

on TBN on Sunday Evening. It is really such

 an uplifting and joyful event. I love the way every

one is encouraging and cheering each other on in 

their walk of faith.  It's how it should be.....all

the time everywhere that we as believers should be

cheering each other on in our faith walk.


Thankful that we did our carpet cleaning in

our bedroom. We do it ourselves with our 

carpet cleaner. Bedroom carpeting looks great.


Thankful for steady plodding which means more

 work done in the yard this week.  We are making

progress, tho it seems slow at times. lol


Thankful guest bed and bath room are both

 all fresh and ready for our Daughters visit.  

Can't  Wait to see her!


Thankful our Daughter and lil darling made 

the trip here safe and sound. 

Well, that's it for Cozy place

this week.

Nice to have you drop by, and hope you are reminded

Of  your own blessings, as well.

Hope the rest of your week is Beautiful.

Love, Hugs and 

First of June Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life and Linda

 Karins Kottage 

 Ridge Haven Homestead

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesdays Thoughts to Ponder #4


Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good day....

but if not, and you just need some encouragement

 I might have a lil remedy for you, that is one of 

many things that work for me.

We all have down or discouraging days at times, 

because life happens to all of us, and no one

is immune, but we do have a choice as to if we

want to stay down or discouraged.  Sometimes,

we might need a few days to rest, and sometimes

 we just might need some good ole encouragement

 from someone, and if you don't happen to have

 anyone handy,  this might help.

These moments in time many times, are just

 feelings, but they can indeed be powerful 

and we truly feel them whether they are

 true or not........and they need to be 

acknowledged for sure, 

A long time ago I asked a Pastor friend

what he did when he had those sort of days,

and he said, he kept an encouragement file

of notes and letters that people had sent him

over the years, of how he had helped or blessed

some one, and on those days he would get

it out and read some of the notes and letters

and by the time, he finished he felt so much

better, I think he probably felt better because 

it pretty much dispelled the lies in his head 

those feelings so generously generate.

So I learned to keep an encouragement

file too,  So If you keep special cards, and

 letters from loved ones and friends that say really

 loving and encouraging things. as well as special 

thank you notes, then you are already have

one.  So just get them out and spend some

time reading them,

Now thanks to my Daughter and all those who

 participated, I have a memory box that she

 generated by asking lots of people who know

me to write something special  for my 70th

 birthday a few years ago, which I was totally

 blown away by and can not even begin to tell

 you how loved it made me feel.

 So now, it is a great reminder to me as well. 

 Sometimes we need help to see the 

reflection or impression we have made on others,

 so we can realize the truth. I know I can 

certainly be my own worst enemy at times, 

and I think that happens to all of us at one

 time or another.

So if you don't have an encouragement

file or box, maybe it is time to start one.

As it can really be helpful on those sort

of days..................

Spurring you on...........


P. S. If you are looking for something

very meaningful, loving and helpful to

give to someone on a

 Special Birthday or Occasion

give them a memory box. It can be

very humbling and life changing.....

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A stroll thru Life

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Life and Linda

Thoughts to Ponder #6

  Hello Sweet Friends, How are you today??  Doing well, I hope. I saw something on facebook that just made  my heart  say yes, I so agree......