Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Early 4th of July Table for 2018

Happy Independence Day
Hope you have a great time
Celebrating the 4th of July
with family and/or Friends!
God Bless the USA

Hello Sweet Friends,

I am thinking this probably is catching
you making some 4th of July plans
and goodies....am I right??

We thought we would be in Gaines-
ville visiting our friend who had
hip replacement surgery last week,
so we did 4th of July early with our
family on Sunday.  So now trying to
figure out what we are gonna do
tomorrow.  Found some friends
that were free, so that should
be fun..........

Anyway, thought I would share the pics
 of our early 4th of July table this year....
I think I might have gone a tad flag
 crazy.....but it is colorful, you have
to admit.  lol

Here is the whole centerpiece.

 Was looking for something to do for the
center of the table with the flowers
 and happened to see this lil wagon in 
my stash closet, so  thought it would 
look cute with the lil bear........

Found the flag plates and
napkins at Dollar Tree.
So it is another table set
with Paper Goods, but with
regular glasses and silver-

Already had all the flags.

With photocopy affect

Also already had the metallic
 looking stars as well.


Napkins just rolled and stuck in glasses.

God Bless the USA

Happy 4th of July......
We are all so blessed to live
in this great nation.

Thanks for stoppin' by,

Love, Hugs and 
Independence Day Blessings,


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  1. What a beautiful table it was indeed! Brooklyn really loved waving her flag! Great meal too! Thank you for inviting me! I haven't as yet made the pasta salda. I plan on getting the ingredients tomorrow! Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan,
    Yes, she gets quite a kick out of the flags for sure.......

    Hope you enjoy the pasta salad whenever you make it....

    Have a good day tomorrow

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie